English explorer 2 WB national geographic

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Nội dung chi tiết: English explorer 2 WB national geographic

English explorer 2 WB national geographic

ctociumic IIA#MS»Cz CENGAGE •* learning-M’S LEnglish \2\ExplorerJane Baileywith Helen Stephenson□ \A1IONU GtOGRftPHKCÊXGA6I •• ICvi H -iLJ LEARNING ••

English explorer 2 WB national geographic • learningEnglish Explorer Workbook 2 Jane Bailey with Helen StephensonPublisher: Jason MannAdaptations Manager: Alistair Baxter Assistant Editor: Man

uela BarrosProduct and Marketing Manager: Ruth McAleavey Senior Content Project Editor: Natalie Griffith Senior Production Controller: Paul Herbert Na English explorer 2 WB national geographic

tional Geographic Liaison: Leila Hishmeh Cover Designer: Natasa Arsenidou Text Designer: eMC Design Ltd.. UK andPreMedia GlobalCompositor: PreMedia Gl

English explorer 2 WB national geographic

obal Audio: EES Television Production Ltd.AcknowledgmentsThe Publisher would tike to thank the following for their Invaluable contribution: Nick Shear

ctociumic IIA#MS»Cz CENGAGE •* learning-M’S LEnglish \2\ExplorerJane Baileywith Helen Stephenson□ \A1IONU GtOGRftPHKCÊXGA6I •• ICvi H -iLJ LEARNING ••

English explorer 2 WB national geographic the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not

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ission to use material from this text or product.submit al equests online at permissions questions can be emailed t

ctociumic IIA#MS»Cz CENGAGE •* learning-M’S LEnglish \2\ExplorerJane Baileywith Helen Stephenson□ \A1IONU GtOGRftPHKCÊXGA6I •• ICvi H -iLJ LEARNING ••

English explorer 2 WB national geographic mCengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with office locations around the globe. Including Singapore, the Untied Kingd

om. Australia. Mexico. Brazil and Japan. Locate your local office at: Learning products are represented in Can English explorer 2 WB national geographic

ada by Nelson Education. Ltd.Visit National Geographic Learning online at ngl.cengage.comVisit our corporate website at www.cengage.comPhoto creditsTh

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e publishers would like to thank the following sources for permission to reproduce thex copyright protected photographs:Cover photo: Alaska Stock Imag

ctociumic IIA#MS»Cz CENGAGE •* learning-M’S LEnglish \2\ExplorerJane Baileywith Helen Stephenson□ \A1IONU GtOGRftPHKCÊXGA6I •• ICvi H -iLJ LEARNING ••

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ctociumic IIA#MS»Cz CENGAGE •* learning-M’S LEnglish \2\ExplorerJane Baileywith Helen Stephenson□ \A1IONU GtOGRftPHKCÊXGA6I •• ICvi H -iLJ LEARNING ••

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ctociumic IIA#MS»Cz CENGAGE •* learning-M’S LEnglish \2\ExplorerJane Baileywith Helen Stephenson□ \A1IONU GtOGRftPHKCÊXGA6I •• ICvi H -iLJ LEARNING ••

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