Big science level 1 TB

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Nội dung chi tiết: Big science level 1 TB

Big science level 1 TB

Pearton Education limitedEdrrburgb GotúHcrfowEỉmxCM20 2JEEnglandand Associated Companies throughout the world.wwwpearsooeh.com6' Pe Education limi

Big science level 1 TB ited 2016All ri(/rs reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ar transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronic, meclionicd. photocopying, recording, or odwrwoe wrthcut Hie prior written permission of Hie ftjblisliers.first published 2016ISBN 978-1-2 Big science level 1 TB

921-4436-8Set in Future! LT Pto, Fcllpcn Com, Bauhaus Sid, 1TC Bcnguiat Gothic Sid, ITC Zopf Dinars SidPrinted in ChinaAuthorized ArinpYilim horn Hte

Big science level 1 TB

U.S. Encash language edition, entitled Lnleroơhe Science, Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. a its affiliates Used by permission. All Rights

Pearton Education limitedEdrrburgb GotúHcrfowEỉmxCM20 2JEEnglandand Associated Companies throughout the world.wwwpearsooeh.com6' Pe Education limi

Big science level 1 TB cted by copyright, and prior Io any prohibited reproduction, storage in a teftievd system, cr kansrnssion in any form or by any moans, okxtrocũc, maeh

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s book is authorized for sdc worldwide.AcknowledgmentsPicture Creditslite pubfidrer would lire to thank Hie following for heir kind permission to repr

Big science level 1 TB

oduce Hieir photographs:(Key b-hottom; c-ccrmcr; l-lefi, r-righi; Hep)Student's Bode 6d, lubl, 1 Itr, 13d. l/t. I zb. I8H, 2/tc. 28d, 2sd.

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Big science level 1 TB 59br, ÓƠ. 60b. ólcr, 63c. 64H, 64c Hehl. 64d. 65tc Hefti, 65». (right), 65d. 67i, 68l, /IH. zsd, Z/H, ZZtc. ZZtr. //bl, /8H. /Bbl, /9H, TVbr, BOH (ri

gf*), &-JU (right), 80bc Heft), ftfibc (right), 81H. Rile, Bill, 81bc, R2tc. B2H, 831, 831». 84ll, 84c, 8zbl. 85h, Sftic, Bflbl, 89t, 9ft, 92t, 92d, 9 Big science level 1 TB

6a (bottem), 99hl. 99hr. '07», lOflbr, 109r (bottom), alddoks97a, Scrtl Bc*s55Í, 63l, Scrgry Bykhanrdto53c, Irkncg 100c (right). Mire Hippo 100c, flfo

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udgirl 104rr, Flic Itsdnc 66bc, iiikrxịr 58«, Vladimir Kramin 100c (left), Vera Kuirdvasmava Sltrbftkwi 102t, Pawl I rttevsky 53d, lurim Mirren 64ct,

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Big science level 1 TB anirair Stoev 7c (bottom), 13Í, Maksyrn topchii 53c; Alamy Images: fang^o Image Stock lOỂbr,-Fctdia.ccm: crake 6/b. Steve Byland. Jacek chabraszewski

103b, dearzkwrg /ót, dennisịixobsen 29br, dormxrstoden 29ÉI, famseldiKm 29r, gilmert 94d. Gray VAdl Studio Ó/K. 7lie (rij/rt), iofato6tc, fokpes 39i, Big science level 1 TB

katjapidral 105k. Ivan Kirit 35bl, 37d, Konstiantyn 101 bl, Brim Kun; 28)», Konstanlincr. Aforaili 31 h, noitfy, Sorryy Novfaw mb, Pcpcvo Olgo 96c. Pa

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ul Prc.sccn 105tr, 107hl, prossma-Jcr 25c, PRIll Modioncksign lOOtc, 109tx, ra3rn93*, SasoioflOtc (rtf|hl), scchrn 42t, snrplikrdn 6III, Senpai

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Big science level 1 TB ctiona Tbtodio 35d, 36tr, Vara 7crryjdifip 28a, 33d, Imogemore Co., ltd: 4fc, ‘2tc (leh|, 23bl, 33lr, 89r; Imogestote Media: Jchn Fax* Colecton 5bc. 6

91. 81d. 107o', MIXA Co., ltd: 72Í, Pearson Educarion ud: Studio 8 76b, Ffearsca Education, Inc. 91 bl. Stan Bradfield PeoTo-1 Edxtfiori Ziusedia Ry l Big science level 1 TB

td 27H. ludcc Photography 85c. 89br. Jules Seknes 59tr, Rafa' Trubisz 105b, Jesus Ismael Vtapez Sanchez 24r, 5f Glenview Photo Studio: 14. 26, 50, 74.

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Big science level 1 TB ryly-pix 105/3, Venut Angd 8Cbr (Idi). 82lr, ordr mcilnng 56cr, 77br, arka38 28bc, 35h, 40c, Noam Azmonn 99bc, 107c (Wt), otijazz 58b», ozo ra 94k, 87

47 71br,Barter! 54bc, Joe Belanger 56d, Henk Bentfag- 61 bl. Stephane B'xlcuze 7cr, bikeriderfanrfon 92c, Ruh Black 80»- (fail), Bloom Osign 87H, Blue Big science level 1 TB

Oange Studio 73b, BaterinaV. Boisơra 65c. BcrtNốó 106cl, Sieve Byfand 31H. 38cr, Rob Byrcn 52bl, 57a, Cameramaru 41 bl. Rich Carey 5bl. oarroteater 16

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d, Marek Cech 95tr, DkrgoCervo 105c, Sam Chadwick 10ÓƠ, Fing Chung chih 30b, cfoarimages 58c, Cococinemo 85H. FAottbewCcle 62. 78d. 1 ocw, I Ok I cebl

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Big science level 1 TB fa 64c (rij/ri), Ftcmkosco De Manzo 85br, Mithd de Wit 44cr, 45d, DeniiDV 56br, Dloga 88d, Le Do 6cr Itcpl. dctshock 76l, Denis DrymHcin 109c (tcpl, J

aimie [Xpfass 42b, lane V. Erickson 42cr, Rkhard Evans 481. 51lr, David Evison 80br (rir/rH, 82br, Melrfaa Fcrwrts 44», 55bc, 87bc (left), Germany Fen Big science level 1 TB

g 87l, George Flyagin 97b, 110c, Bil Florence 36bc, Svedana Foote97H, fokd-M»er 47b, Fotokostk iced, lOOtr, loebr, lOlcr, G. K 70t, Gelpr JM 36br, Dey

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an Georgiev 92b, Gfaddcikh "falfana 78a, godridc 67», VArrwi Goldswain 104d. gorilfaimagw 92ơ, Andrii Gorulko 82lx. Joe Goo$/1 58bl. Cruboev 27bc. Cuz

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Big science level 1 TB , Arma HoydtÀ 88ix (luh), Hunt fttoto 18br, 2d, Rob Hyrum 23tr, fttfer kjel /2U. Alekxi'fara krxmutinova 23to. toloto I (JiH, Icriu 96cr (top), tSchnd

t 104», Eric bseluu 7d (bottom), 8b1, 321. 32r. 40d. 40d. 4£tr. 4lbr, 44i, 45r, 55bl. 65bl, 80W (left), )a:k.Q89c, Bourtn Japci 16br. jchnfatolB 96bl, Big science level 1 TB

jeppo 83bl, Szasz-Fabian Jozscf 64br. ip-, lobr, 41tr. Kachdfana Vfaonlca 105/4, Alex Kaloshákov B3bc, Stepan Kapl 57d, kavran 68c. kavrirc] 84tr, Br

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ian Kimey lOCkr, 107a, (Cjuuurs 6br. Alex Emanuel Koch 37tr, Ru-Jan Kokarcv 69r, Kcn-.’antlin 72tr, kcosen 39 (wala), 94h, Ecfoad Kyslynskyy, Kzcncn 6

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Big science level 1 TB 28», Rob Munniori 11 bl. Jiri Martin Will 38U, v.rusrj Maties IC8bc. 109b, Manzo Moyer 57k |leh|, Mozzzu- 40bc, 48r. Veyo Pixel 4d. 9H, Aekscr .Jar M

ijatovic 4tr, Stuart Mile, 8/bc (riglrtl, mimo 63b, MNStodio /1 bl. Steve MoTm 95bl, 99», tAankey Business Images 2/bl, 106bl, Morgan Laue Fhctogropfi Big science level 1 TB

y 61 be, motorolko 96br, Andrii Muzyku 65Í, Nctdiaól 94a. Natm-pab 1ft, 1 lie, NIK load, nisfax 7ĩbc. Nardire] 78», Merlin Mwak 40hr, dga Phoenix 58bc

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. Tyfar Olson 5h, 1071c,cheprzrram Oxana 1 fibc, paffy 4br, 84br, Damien Fahrs 41 ll, 66bl, panhczl 103t, 1 lit, Idi Ftapp 8a, 9k (righl), Anita Pana

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Big science level 1 TB alin Petofau 6lie, Dasha Petre!ko 54t, /5br, plxrkxna-Ar 43bc, 43br. phatoqmc I8U, fieshwr 38d (top), 43H, 50d, I lot, pxturepartiiers ll)2b. 106bc. 1

0/br, 64». 66tr, /5», CXyu ftdyokora 6llr. leiị/i Pruirer 65br, ftessmaster zbr. 151, lóH, Z9».. frucy 69c, hreru frusukova 9Or, 99H. Derrys Big science level 1 TB

FVyklxxfov 4c |rig)r). 52 (IkxkJI, Zelfoz Raufajko 39b, 4Zt. rupriles4àl 6cr (bcctrxn), 33br, Fetus Robert 39tr. Rostorio 93b, Federico Rostugito Z'2»

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, 1 tt 88bc Irigfc), Artem Samcklnnlữv 11 be, rd SamtirJ ftflbr, schankz 4c, 4a, 52 (nose), 52 (uvsgtxộ, Ken Schulze lOlbr, Denicl Schweintst 81a, fin

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Big science level 1 TB Slaasdlxv91», shtdinVin 22H, 38ll (baton), 108a, lisa A Swma 3(lcl, Bayancrm Svetkina 35a, Tiiryi 6k, s.'.nr>n2001 44br, Iur>ur>a5336bl. 3Zbl. teriar

5ZIC Irij/r), lhamewBlbr, Ar'iatoly Iplyuslmi 36cr, 38ÌX, loarrickora falyxma 104bl, tcpsèler ‘26d, tutor Kj 89W, Irrff 57c. 71tc (left). Suzanne Jxke Big science level 1 TB

r 7k, Uta luray 52br, ftxnela Uytt-rrJade 23bc. Valfa 7lir, lakcbchdc Vrudresfav 20, Dmyrv Vretrov I Btc. VrkoRayu 88cr. viax 35t. visiarraryfe 5'Axz,

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VR Fftotos zbl. 1 Id. 33bl. vnxuyư65», wavebrecinwdfa 5br, xpixel 4bc.4bc (left), 7c (top), 8d. 8br, 32c. 33c (right), 44c. 45l. Pan Xunb'n 44l. 45cr

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Big science level 1 TB csourcc. com: 25t, 29c, 59blFlash Cords: rJekleks, Sergry B/khunerko. Pavel Irzie-vsky. Ratal OlecliowJu, Makiym kpclũi; forcefan, Paul Pr

escott, winston; Imogeslole Media: John Fox* Colfactiori; Pearson Education ltd: Lccd and LrvereT; Shutterstock, com: 34451284/1, Africa Studio. Noam Big science level 1 TB

Armenti, auremar, Sascha Burkard, Cendyfiox Imorjes. Fldad Car in, Jacek Cbchraszcwski, Cococinrmn, Matthew Cola, Pelm Dankov, digit, cka-nkhoow, Svdl

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arto Foote, fotohrxitm, Folokcrttic. Ftonlpiogc, G K., Gfadskirh Taliarto, Guzal Studio, I lABRDA, Mat Hayward, Jiang Hongyan, Rcb llyrons, Alaksondro

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