1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

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Nội dung chi tiết: 1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan KHM >13blKXajnibi ÕÚ1ÌM õepeTÌn MeKTeHTÌu 3-cbiHbiõbiiia apna.iran oKyjibiKKíiỉaKCTan 1’cciiyõanKaci.ini.iH liũiÌM >K0ne 11.IJ1I.IM MHHHCTpairi õcKÍ r

KCHDkcnpecc riaỗ.iHiuHH õacnacbi 2017Jenny DooleySeries Consultant: Bob Obee Translations by N. MukhamedjanovaExpress PublishingSmiles 3 KAZAKH Conten 1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

ts Ss.qxp_Siriites 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &,-l3<-1 7 1^9 Page 2CONTENTSVocabularyGrammar1 Animals (pp. 4-17) •Animal Types •Body Ports •Animal Song

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

and Dance •Craft Project•animas •parts of rhe body•interrogative pronouns •the verb have go:- •demonstrative pronouns •articles (a an. the) •some/any

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan rals •mutìt/mustnt •can (permission) •past simple •oomparsons1 Storytime 1: Twinklinka (Value: Bạ kind) (pp. 32-33)3 Time (pp. 34-47) •Times of my Day

•Days of the Week •At the Right Time•daty routine •time •days of the week •numbers (1-1 CO)•ordinals •present simp'e •prepositions cf time and plooe1 1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

4 Buildings (pp 48-41) •Four Walls •Our Town •Around the House•parts of a house •things in a house •shops and buildings •.obs•there is/are •plurals •

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

past simple •precositonscf pace and time •present simple •comparisons •possessive case1 •articlesJ •scrr«/any •demonstrative pronouns1 Storytime II: T

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan worm colours •activities •time •sports•like + -ling •adverbs of freguency •past simple •adverbs o' manner •hove to1 6 Explorers and Inventors (pp. 78-

91) •Inventions in Kazakhstan •Bright Ideas •Marco Polo •Exploring Space•materials •story-related wards •months•present simple •possessive adjectives 1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

•oomparsons •demonstrative pronouns •past simple (regv'ar & irregular) •ob.ect pronouns1 storytime III: Too-too-mco and the Giant (Value: Do the nght

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

thing) (pp 92-93)1 7 Water, Water, Everywhere! (pp 94107) •By the Sea •A Beach story •Rain. Ram ...• (seaside) activities♦present continuous ♦can (abf

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan e •past simple •present continuous •mperative •there is/are •possessive adjectives •oomparsonsstorytime IV: Pernes from the s*y (Volue: Help people m

neec) 1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

oss-Curricular Links/CultureSounds Spot!Reading: Meeting Carty rhe cow Speaking: Talking about animals: describing people/cnmals and monsters: saying

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

where onmals ore listening: Multiple matching about people ord the ■ appearance Writing; A postcard from a farm•Apptyng world knowledge •Recalling inf

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan entful footbal game Speaking: Talking about sources ci Iglr. clothes and rules: asking for and giving permission Listening: Listening for specifc info

rmation about childrens favourite clothes Writing: School hies•Lateral thinking •Understanding the main idea of a story •Applying world knowledge•Be B 1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

rgh-. Be Seen! (SocioJ Sctenca) •Traditional costumes in Scotland. Japan and Kazokhsran• ch-Sil cherry chase cish fishReading: Liam waking up early by

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan

mistake Speaking: Describing one's daily routine: saying where things are: teling the time Listening: Multiple matching about a girl’s daily routine

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

1smiles 3 pupil s book for kazakhstan K and Kazakhsran• s gets up drinks plays

Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss qxp .Smiles 3 KAZAKH Contents Ss.qxp &na/17 1^49 Pape 1Pupil's Bookfor Kazakhstan Grade 3ENGLISHAFbUIUIblH TIJIIAHP JIHHCK

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