Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

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Nội dung chi tiết: Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes ion genomesDissertation zur Erlangungdes Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultat I- Biowissenschafte

n -der Martin-Luther-Universitât Halle-Wittenberg,vorgelegtvon Frau Le Phuong Dunggeboren am 16. Juli 1985 in Thai Nguyen, Vietnamverteidigt am 25.04. Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

2017, Halle (Saale)Gutachter:1Prof. Dr. Thomas Altmann (IPK, Gatersleben, Martin-Luther-Universităt, Germany)2Prof. Dr. Gunther Reuter (Martin-Luther-

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

Universitát, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)3Prof. Dr. Daniel Schubert (Institut fur Biologie, Freie Universitàt Berlin, Germany)AcknowledgementsIexpress m

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes l my dream of studying abroad. I am also very grateful for all the chances that the scholarship granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

provided for me.I thank Prof. Dr. Thomas Altmann for the opportunity to conduct my work and studies at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Cr Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

op Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben and the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg.I express my gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Renate Schmidt fo

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

r her support, encouragement, valuable suggestions, creative and constructive guidance. I could not have imagined having a better and supportive super

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes ful discussions, suggestions, scientific advice as well as all the fun and memorable moment we had. In particular I want to acknowledge Dr. Hieu Xuan

Cao and Loan Thanh Le and the helpful assistants Kristin Langanke, Helga Berthold and Christa Walter.I would like to offer my special thanks to Dr. Mi Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

chael Florian Mette for many valuable discussions and suggestions. I am grateful to Dr. Yusheng Zhao for his advice on the statistical analysis of dat

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

a. My thanks also goes to Dr. Britt Leps for her kind and valuable support regarding administrative issues.I wish to express my thanks to Assoc. Prof.

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes ould like to express my gratitude to all my friends, who directly or indirectly, have given their hand whenever I needed it. My special thanks go to m

y Vietnamese friends living in Gatersleben, especially Dr. Hoang Trong Phan, Dr. Ha Minh Pham, Dr. Trung Due Tran and my beloved little friends Minh H Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

a Phan (NỊ) and Anna Phan for the warm care, sympathies and the important and memorable moments they shared with me.Last but not least; I would like t

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

o thank my parents. Lé Ngọc công and Bùi Thị Dậu, and my parents-in law for their love and support. Their faith in my abilities and encouragement thro

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes owledgement cannot be complete without thanking my husband Dr. Thanh Nguyen Tien for his love, being very patient with me through the good and bad tim

es, for his understanding, support and encouragement during all these years.TABLE OF CONTENTSList of figures ......................................... Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

................................iList of tables ..........................................................................illAbbreviations............

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes


Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes g in plants..............31.3Silencing spread.................................................................121.4Impact of environmental conditions

on gene silencing.............................131.5Analysis of natural variationin Arơbidopsis thaliana............................141.6Aims of the st Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

udy................................................................182MATERIALS AND METHODS...........................................................

Analysis of sense transgene induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes

......192.1Materials.........................................................................192.1.1Laboratory equipment..............................

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accessi

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