(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

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Nội dung chi tiết: (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications batier (UT3 Paul Sabatier)Presentee et soutenue par: Trung DANG BAO le mercredi 6 juin 2018Titre :(Bi)metallic Nanoparticles in Glycerol:Synthesis, Ch

aracterization and Catalytic ApplicationsNanoparticules (Bi)métalliques dans le Glycerol: Synthèse, Caractérisation et Applications en CatalyseẼcole d (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

octorale et discipline OU spécialité:FD SDM : Chimie organométallique de coordination - co 04.3Unite de recherche:Laboratoire Hétérochimte Fondamental

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

e et Appliquée (LHFA, UMR CNRS 5069)Directeur/trice($) de These: Pr. Montserrat G0MEZ Dr. Isabelle FAVIERJury:Pr. Alain ROUCOUX, Ecole Nationale Supér

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications - ExaminateurPr. Hanh NGUYEN, Institut Polytechnique de Ho Chi Minh Ville - Examinateur Pr. Montserrat G0MEZ, Université Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier -

Directrice de These Dr. Isabelle FAVIER, University Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier - Co-directrice de TheseAcknowledgementFirst of all. 1 would like to a (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

cknowledge the jury members Prof. Alain Roucoux and Dr. Marc Taillefer for accepting as reviewers of my PhD dissertation. Prof. Philippe Serp and Prof

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

, llanh Nguyen for accepting as examiners of my PhD defense, it was my honor to discuss with them and to receive their valuable evaluations for my wor

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications ale et Appliquẽe. T also appreciate Prof. Hanh Nguyen and Prof. Blanca Martin-Vaca as bridges to connect me and my supervisor, for the days Ĩ was stil

l in Vietnam. The experiences in T.HFA were really fantastic and Ĩ will keep everything in my mind, forever...From the bottom of my heart, the biggest (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

acknowledgement dedicates to Prof. Montserrat Gomez for accepting as supervisor of my PhD study. Her endless support, guidance and patience have poin

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

ted out to me where I should keep moving on. With strictly mother-like attitude, she is an energetic and responsible supervisor, inspiring and motivat

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications enthusiastic and understanding person like her. She trained me in the lab as my co-supervisor and treated me out-of-the work as my big-sister. She al

ways gives me a reason why 1 should love my chemistry, over different optimistic sightseeing, particularly in desperate times. Especially, she is also (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

my translator in French.I am gratefill to Dr. Daniel Pla. who usually shares with me about variety’ of topics, including chemistry', food, culture, p

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

lans of life after defense and postdoc... Thanks a lot for these sharing moments and for his valuable friendship.My special thanks dedicate to Mr. Chr

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications a-Saquct (from LCC) and Mr. Alain Moreau (from LCC) for electrochemistry' experiments and for their valuable scientific discussions; Ms.Sonia Mallet-L

adeira (from ICT) for X-ray diffraction analyses: Ms. Caroline Toppan (from ICT) for nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. They arc so kind!I would (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

like to express my gratitude to all I .HF A members, especially Ms. Maryse Bcziat and Ms. Scrah Noel for their help in administrative works; Mr. Olivi

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

er Volpalo. Mr. Olivier Thillaye du Boullay. Mr. Julien Babinot and Mr. Romaric I.enk for their supports in the lab. Without their helps, my works wou

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications nd memorable moments. 1 cannot describe how amazing you arc! Keep in touch!Garima Garg, my Lazy Gaga from India... She doesn't know how sweet she is!

1 “love” you. Garima!Lorena Soria Marina, my same-age friend from Spain... We are still young and we will take a beer soon!Many thanks to Marta Rodrig (Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

uez-Rodriguez (a little girl from Spain), Yingying Gu (an elegant lady from China). Stephanie Foltran (a gorgeous lady from France). Julian A. w. Sklo

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications

rz (a gentleman from Germany). Marie-Lou Toro (a cute girl from France). Jesica Ortiz (a beautiful girl from Mexico). Alejandro Serrano (a young man f

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

(Bi) metallic nanoparticles in glycerol synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications France to Vietnam and to anywhere I will come!Making a PhD in Toulouse is not my choice. It is my destiny!

Université FederateỆ THESEToulouse Midi-PyrénéesEn vue de I'obtention duDOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSEDélivré par:University Toulouse 3 Paul Sab

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