13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

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Nội dung chi tiết: 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conferenceanada (CIC),Ontario Administration of Settlement and ImmigrationServices (OASIS)IA1 Crt“ensh'P and Citoyennete et■ ■ Immigration Canada Immigration Ca

nadaPrepared byHCA .I lARRY Ci MMINGS& Assoc TVli'.S% Kathleen Sr.Gtrra.FH, Ontario N1H4Y3TELEPHONE: (5IỲ) 823-1(47 FAX: (519) 82141302 EMAIL: búặtttb 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

.GiWEBSITE hnpc//irwwwđw»ci/rheaThe opinions and views expressed in this study are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

CIC,oasisExecutive SummaryWhile the majority of recently arrived immigrants locate in large metropolitan areas in Southern Ontario, newcomers also set

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference the varying frequency of the service demand and the large geographical distances between small towns. As well, communities in rural areas are unlikel

y to have the established ethnocultural communities that are sometimes found in metropolitan areas and which are sufficiently organized to assist newc 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

omers in the settlement process.This report was produced in response to the interest of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ontario Administration of

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

Settlement and Integration Services (CIC, OASIS) in gaining a better understanding of the types of settlement services and information being accessed

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conferenceessed by newcomers. The research was also concerned with identifying alternative methods/models of service delivery as they relate to meeting the need

s of newcomers.The study was completed using a variety of information sources and methodologies, including:•A review of literature that examines immig 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

ration policy and settlement programs and funding in Canada and Ontario.•An analysis of the Research Area using data from Statistics Canada.•Interview

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

s and focus groups with 27 service providers representing 22 different organizations in Timmins, Dryden, Kenora, Sault ste. Marie and Cornwall.•Interv

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference set to take on an increasingly important role in Canada's future. In its immigration plan for 1995-2000. the federal government policy moved to asser

t a greater emphasis on economic over family immigrants and refugees. The recent increase in business immigration and the efforts of the federal gover 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

nment to actively recruit this type of immigrant has implications for economic and social policies as well as cultural and linguistic programmes in li

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

ght of the multicultural composition of family dependents, business and entrepreneurial immigrants and refugee movements.Settlement services in Ontari

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conferencehrough established ethnic community organizations or multicultural centres. In smaller communities, the range of settlement services and the availabil

ity of training for service providers may be more limited. Settlement service organizations typically have a range of partnerships that cut across the 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

public, private, and voluntary HARRY CUMMINGS AND ASSOCIATES INC.ior social service sectors. Some of the more common types of settlement services inc

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

lude:•interpretation and translation•English or French language classes•assistance with finding a job or employment training•short-term para-professio

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conferencesome organizations work to develop programs arid policies that respond to the needs of immigrants, represent community interests, engage the governmen

t and media, speak on behalf of immigrants and help nurture formal and informal leadership in emerging communities.Different levels of government and 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

government departments have taken responsibility for funding various settlement programs. The federal government through the Department of Citizenship

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

and Immigration offers a nationwide program known as the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP). The aim of ISAP is to assist newcomers i

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conferencent Canada. ISAP also funds projects that are designed to compliment or improve the delivery of settlement services. Although the Program is mainly for

newcomers, other eligible immigrants may qualify, regardless of how long they have been in Canada, as long as they have not yet acquired Canadian cit 13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

izenship.Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) also funds the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program. This is a free service t

13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference

hat provides basic language instruction in English or French to adult immigrants. As well. CIC provides funding for the HOST program, which places imm

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

study on Settlement Services for Newcomers in Isolated Rural Areas and Small Towns in OntarioFinal Report37041Funded by:Citizenship and Immigration Ca

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