Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

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Nội dung chi tiết: Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsborative National Program for the Development and Performance Testing of Distributed TechnologiesbyGas Technology Institute (GTI) and 1700 South Mount

Prospect Road Des Plaines, IL 60018Underwriters Laboratories (UL)222 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062FOREWORDDistributed generation (DG) technolog Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

ies are emet^ing as a viable supplement to centralized power production. Independent evaluations of DG technologies are required to assess performance

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

of systems, and, ultimately, the applicability and efficacy of a specific technology at any given site. A current barrier to the acceptance of DG tec

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions to the marketplace, uniform and repeatable methods of evaluating the performance of a DG system are needed. This protocol was developed to meet that

need.This interim protocol addresses the performance of microturbine generators (MTG), reciprocating generators, and small turbines in a laborator}'. Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

The protocol is applicable to systems with and without combined heat and power (CHP). The laboratory protocol is intended to provide data on the elect

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

rical, thermal (if applicable), emissions, and operational performance of commercial DG systems. Application of this protocol will provide uniform dat

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsrmance of different systems, facilitating purchase and applicability decisions. In addition to this laborator}' protocol, there are parallel interim p

rotocols being developed for:■Field applications of DG systems (Southern Research Institute).■Long-term monitoring of field applications of DG systems Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

(Connected Energy Corporation).■Case studies of DG systems in commercial applications (University of Illinois-Energy Research Center).The performance

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

results of DG systems tested and/or monitored with the protocols will be housed in a free searchable database managed by the National Renewable Energ

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsratory protocol is intended for use by those evaluating new technologies (research organizations, technology demonstration programs, testing organizat

ions), those purchasing DG equipment (facility operators, end users), and manufacturers. It is intended solely to provide consistent, credible perform Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

ance data. It is not intended to be used for certification, regulator}' compliance, or equipment acceptance testing.The Gas Technology Institute (GTI)

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

and Underwriters Laboratory (UL) have initiated an effort through UL’s Standards Process to offer a certification service that allows testing at any

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsed as part of the Collaborative National Program for the Development and Performance Testing of Distributed Power Technologies with Emphasis on Combin

ed Heal and Power Applications, co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and members of the Association of State Energy Research and Technology T Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

ransfer Institutions (ASERTTI). TheiiASERTTI sponsoring members are the California Energy Commission, the Energy Center of Wisconsin, the New York Sta

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

te Energy Research and Development Authority, and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Other sponsors are the Illinois Department of Commerce and Econo

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionspment program was directed by several guiding principles specified by the ASER1T1 Steering Committee:■Development of protocols using a stakeholder dri

ven process.■Use ol existing standards and protocols wherever possible.■Development of cost-effective, user-friendly protocols that provide credible, Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

quality' data without excessive implementation costs.■Validation of protocols ptior to final publishing by using them and revising them, based on the

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

validation test results. The interim protocols will become final protocols after use and validation of these interim protocols.rhe laboratory' protoco

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsr Technical Panel, managed by UL. The SAC consisted of 26 stakeholders representing manufacturers, end-users, research agencies, regulators, and demon

strators. The ƯL Stakeholder Technical Panel consists of 38 members, listed in this document.The ASERTTI Steering Committee directed the project and p Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

rovided review and final approval of this protocol. GTI developed the protocol with assistance from the ƯL Stakeholder Technical Panel.The protocol de

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

velopment process consisted of several steps following ASERTTI’s guiding principles. First, a list of performance parameters for which laboratory and

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsency, thermal efficiency, atmospheric emissions, acoustic emissions, and operational performance.The laboratory, field, long-term monitoring and case

study protocols’ development was based on existing standards, protocols, and the experience of the committees. Existing standards and protocols potent Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

ially applicable to DG systems were reviewed and evaluated. Ihe existing standards and protocols form the basis for instrument specifications, accepta

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

ble test methods. QA/QC proc edures, calculations, and other requirements of this protocol. The laboratory protocol allows lor the controlled evaluati

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions testers to determine performanc e under conditions that c annot be prac lically controlled in a Held setting, suc h as ambient conditions, response t

o upsets, and grid-isolated (stand-alone) operation for determining transient response characteristics.Reasonable compromises were sought to provide a Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

balance between the requirement for credible, high-quality data, and requirements that these protocols be user-friendly and enable low-cost testing,

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

so that they can be widely and consistently implemented and reported on the Search Database at NR EL.iiiThis protocol is an interim protocol. A final

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutionsprocess will be reviewed by the SAC, and forwarded to the Steering Committee for approval of a final protocol.The ASERTTI Steering Committee provided

final approval of this interim protocol on August 15.2004. For additional information regarding this protocol and the associated DG performance evalua Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions

tion program, please contact:

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

“Distributed Generation Laboratory Performance TestProtocol”Submitted toAssociation of State Energy Research andTechnology Transfer InstitutionsCollab

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