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Nội dung chi tiết: cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff


Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff22, 2013.WILLIAM CUTLER: okay. Don, we’re here to build on what you’ve already written about your experience as an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of

Pennsylvania. But I’d like to begin by asking you to tell me a little bit about your personal history—when you were born, where you grew up, where you cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

were educated?DONALD GRAFF: [Laughs] Yeah, well, I was born in Pasadena, California. I like to tell people I was born and raised in California, but I


grew up in Philadelphia. [Laughs] That’s where I came as a priest. I was educated at public schools in San Gabriel, California, and did my last three

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff’t exist anymore. [Laughs] And then from there I went on to CDSP; got my bachelor’s—WC: CDSP?DG: Church Divinity School of the Pacific, in Berkeley, C

alifornia. And so I think one of the amazing things of my life is that I survived three years of seminary in the sixties, in Berkeley, just quite an e cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

vent! And my personal history: I decided that I wanted to be a priest when I was about a freshman in high school.WC: When would that have been?DG: Oh,


’57? ’58?WC: ’57, so you were born in—?DG: ’44.WC: ’44?GRAFF2DG: Yeah. So I thought we weren’t going to be picky about dates! [Laughs]WC: Well, I’m n

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffs at San Gabriel High School, where I was attending, where we had to do a report on a vocation, or a profession, that we might be interested in. And I

had sort of, in my imagination, been toying with the idea, rd known a number of Episcopal priests in the Diocese of Los Angeles who’d had an influenc cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

e on my life—the camping program, and the Church of our Savior, San Gabriel, where I grew up.And I like to tell people that I grew up under the old Pr


ayer Book, in which you had to kneel during the whole prayer for the whole state of Christ’s Church, the consecration all the way up to the Lord’s Pra

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffoing to be attending church for the rest of our lives, that if I could do it standing up rather than kneeling, I would prefer that. [Laughs]But I thou

ght, well, rd do some research on what it was to be an Episcopal priest, and to report on that. And so I went to the associate rector of our parish, a cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

nd he was dumfounded [laughs] when I asked him about this. During high school and college, and what not, I said that was what I wanted to do, but I al


so thought of other things that I might want to do. And I thought rd maybe be teaching. But then I thought, I don’t want to be in a class with kids al

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffe in school, that 1 should become a comedian, and they would pay me a million dollars a year. And 1 thought, well, maybe 1 could do stand-up comedy, o

r write comedy, or write for—and Ĩ thought, no, but Ĩ could at least do that during the announcements, or before my sermons, Ĩ could be, you know, sta cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

nd-up.At one point when I was majoring in sociology, Ỉ thought, well, maybe social work. But then Ĩ thought, Ĩ don’t want to spend all my time with pe


ople who need social work. But maybe as a priest, you’re doing that at least with some of the people, some of the time. And psychology was—so, there w

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffthat call, and was ordained deacon on September 21”, 1969, in the Diocese of Los Angeles. And if 1 had been ordained in June instead of September, I w

ould have been twenty-four, and I think that was illegal. [Laughsl So, I don’t know. I don’t know what the minimum age was, but 1 was twenty-live when cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

1 was ordained. And then 1 was ordained priest in March of 1970, in the Diocese of Los Angeles. The first palish Ĩ was in was Saint John’s, San Berna


rdino, and it was a congregation that 1 had done a Held work assignment the summer before, and came back, their curate, the next year. Tt was interest

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffmy senior year of seminary’, the Reverend Jesse Anderson, who was the rector ofGRAFF4Saint Thomas African Episcopal Church—they didn’t call it that at

the time, but that’s what it was—he had come out in February to do a conference with the Diocese of Los Angeles from the—I forget the name of the gro cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

up, but it was a black clergy group, whatever.Anyway, and so he had met the rector of the church that I went back to, the next fall, at that conferenc


e. And they just were chit-chatting, and talking about possibly exchanging rectories while—for vacation purposes.And so while I was there that summer,

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffem there, and he saw what we were doing with vacation Bible school, and so forth. And at the end of the month, he said, “You know, would you ever be i

nterested in coming out to Philadelphia?” It never occurred to me to ever do anything like that, but you know, when you’re going into your senior year cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

of seminary, and you’re thinking about, where do I go from there? Anyone who offers anything like what might be a job is, you know, you say, “Yeah, t


hat might not be a bad idea.” So I went to Saint John's in June of ’69, and was there over the summer as a lay person, ordained in September.And in Ma

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffy Church, Wall Street. That got my attention! I thought, woo! okay. [Laughs] The other thing I had sort of noticed was that many of the plum parishes

in California went to clergy who came from the east. And I was thinking—you know, you think about those things when you’re starting out, what that fit cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

s into.GRAFF5But anyway, and of course, this was at the time when the new Prayer Book was in the process of revision, and there was a lot of—WC: Just


beginning.DG: Just beginning, yeah. They had the Zebra book [?], and a few other, you know, trial liturgies. And trial was really, I guess, an appropr

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffite a bit of conflict over the Prayer Book, and the changes. And it really, as I figured out later, wasn’t so much about the Prayer Book, but it was a

bout issues with the rector, because he just had a way of putting fire—gasoline on fires, and inflaming things, just saying things that made the situa cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

tion worse. While I was there, the pledgings dropped, but the giving didn’t. I mean, the people: I’m not going to pledge, but I’ll still give. And so


in December, for the next year, when I had been there since September— well, since June, their pledging dropped the cost of a curate, but they still h

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graffight now. [Laughs] Anyway, he mentioned a couple of parishes that just did not seem promising to me, that I wasn't really interested in.And then I got

this letter from Jesse, and I thought, okay! So, made the deal to go to Saint Thomas. We actually went out that summer and had a chance to—I took ser cklh3861815c41oqsa6336di8-interview-with-donald-graff

vices there while he was on vacation down at the shore. I met him at the shore, and we had a chance to look at the parish, and the parish to look at U


S. And we

Interview with Reverend Donald Graff by William Cutler, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Oral History Project, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 2

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