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Nội dung chi tiết: Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload


ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-uploadon ProjectAuthors: Helen Lynch, Emer Ring, Bryan Boyle, Alice Moore, Ciara O’Toole, Lisha O'Sullivan, Therese Brophy, Pauline Frizelle, Deirdre Horgan

, Dan O'SullivanRESEARCH REPORT NO. 28ncsẹ?*N4tk>iMl CơutKĨI fyi 5p«i »1 EAlUtwnEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

ProjectAuthors: Helen Lynch, Emer Ring, Bryan Boyle, Alice Moore, Ciara O'Toole, Lisha O'Sullivan, Therese Brophy, Pauline Frizelle, Deirdre Horgan, D


an O'SullivanRESEARCH REPORT NO. 28A report commissioned by the NCSE.All NCSE research reports undergo peer review.2020The National Council for Specia

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-uploadions contained in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Councilto NCSE 2020National Council

for special Education 1-2 Mill StreetTrim Co MeathT:046 948 6400www.ncse.ieForewordThe NCSE is pleased to publish the evaluation of the first year of Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

the In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration Project. This innovative project involved the development and implementation of a speech


and language and occupational therapeutic support model for mainstream schools, special schools and early years’ settings. It saw a unique collaborati

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-uploadpacity in 75 schools and 75 early years’ settings under a new model of provision.It was delivered by a team of 31 speech and language and occupational

therapists, supported by clinical leads and therapy managers. In undertaking the evaluation, the researchers engaged with project staff and therapist Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

s, surveyed school principals, centre managers, teachers and early years' practitioners on the impact on the project. They also analysed goal data rel


ating to the activities and targets set within each setting, and the extent to which they were achieved. They undertook further in-depth work in 20 sc

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload number of positive impacts arising from the first year. Educators reported that they had an increased ability to differentiate instruction as a resul

t of therapists being in the setting. They also reported that the strategies and information they acquired during their work with therapists enabled t Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

hem to identify needs, created more positive interactions with students/children, and notably resulted in more positive academic engagement by student


s/children. Participating students spoke positively about their experiences of the project, while parents noted the potential of the project to overco

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-uploadnic-based setting.The evaluation noted a number of challenges as well. There were significant delays in getting therapists in post and greater time th

an had been anticipated to ensure therapists were familiar with the requirements of an education environment. Therapists reported ongoing challenges a Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

rising from the management structure, including confusion over reporting lines and role clarity. Challenges were faced in the management and sharing o


f the large volume of data gathered across settings and different levels of the model.The NCSE welcomes the Government commitment to continue to provi

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload This evaluation identified important lessons for US to consider in this expansion so that the delivery model can be improved. Fundamentally, the eval

uation demonstrates the potential that delivering in-school therapy supports has for improving outcomes for students.Teresa GriffinChief Executive Off Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

icer44105Evaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration ProjectiAcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the NCSE for c


ommissioning this work. We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks for the welcome and collegiality extended by the Demonstration Project Manag

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-uploadal setting visited, and to the children and families we had the pleasure of meeting.iiEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstr

ation Project Demo-project-evaluation-fInal-for-web-upload

ncseeAn Ow+ufek w«víl Council fof Spec i»l EductionEvaluation of In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstratio

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