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Nội dung chi tiết: DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65


A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65rketing and Logistics. The Ohio State University"Department of Psychology. San Francisco State University’Negotiation. Organizations and Markets Unit.

Harvard Business SchoolCorrespondence should be addressed to Grant E. Donnelly. Ohio State University. FisherCollege of Business. 2100 Neil Avenue. 5 DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

14 Fisher Hall. Columbus OH. 43210. (415) 235-1392E-mail: donnelly. 1Tỉ(ậ osu.eduForthcoming, Psy chological ScienceAbstractMany governments have intr


oduced sugary* drink excise taxes to reduce purchasing and consumption of such drinks; however, they do not typically stipulate how such taxes should

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65$0.01 ■ounce SSB tax—without making it salient on price tags—had no effect on purchasing (-1.26%: p=.28). However, when “Includes Sugary Drink Tax" wa

s added to tax-inclusive price tags. SSB purchasing was lower than: pretax (-9.78%; p<. 001); a post-tax period when drinks did not bear price tags (- DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

5.04%; /><.001); and a post-tax period when drinks bore tax-inclusive price tags that did not mention the tax (-3.83%,/>=.002). Making the tax's benef


iciary (student programs) salient on price tags had no added effect. Two follow-up experiments suggest that tax-salience was effective partly because

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65n of SSBs. such as soda, is a leading contributor to serious health problems, including obesity, diabetes. and heart disease. Therefore, to reduce pur

chasing and consumption of such drinks, many governments have introduced SSB excise taxes. We show via a combination of historical, field, and experim DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

ental data entailing over 225.000 purchase decisions, that merely introducing a SSB tax without making it salient on price tags had no effect on purch


asing (1.26% reduction: p- .28). However, when "Includes Sugar}' Drink Tax” was on price tags. SS13 purchasing was lower than: pre-tax (-9.78%; p< .00

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65hat did not mention the tax (-3.83%. p= .002). These results suggest that SSB taxes may be ineffective if they are not made salient directly on price

tags.A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingConsumption of SSBs has been linked to serious health problems including obesity (Malik. Pan. Wi DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

llett. & Hu, 2013). diabetes (Imamura et al.. 2015), and heart disease (Xi et al.. 2015). To reduce purchasing and consumption of such drinks, governm


ents have implemented SSB excise taxes—taxes levied on distributors and typically passed onto consumers, increasing the shelf price of SSBs relative t

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65er ounce (GFRP. 2020).Evidence pointing to the effectiveness of these taxes (e.g.. Lee et al.. 2019: Roberto et al.. 2019; Silver et al.. 2017) has fo

cused on comparing the presence versus absence of such a tax. Roberto et al. (2019) found SSB purchasing to be lower within versus outside of a taxed DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

region; similarly, others have found SSB purchasing (Silver et al., 2017) and self-reported SSB consumption (Lee et al.. 2019: Silver et al.. 2017) to


be lower post-tax introduction compared with pre-tax periods. Here, we focus on how such a tax is conveyed on shelf price tags, which currently varie

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65phia's tax for example (Roberto et al.. 2019). some price tags conveyed that the price included a SSB tax (e.g., “SI. 12, includes sugary drink tax"),

while others made no mention of the tax. We surmise that the way such a tax is communicated at point of purchase can impact its capacity to decrease DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

SSB purchasing.We suggest that making an excise tax salient on price tags—noting that the price of thedrink includes a SSB tax. without necessarily co


nveying the amount of that tax—can affectbuying. Research indicates that explicitly denoting that a price included an "unhealthy food surcharge" reduc

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65word "tax:" the price increase was conveyed using an equivalent, though arguably less charged, term “surcharge." Yet. given that at least in the Unite

d States, the word "tax" has negative connotations (Sussman & Olivola, 2011). price tags explicitly denoting that prices include a SSB tax might reduc DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

e buying—beyond the effect of the tax (i.e.. price increase) itself. Consistent with this idea, and akin to how a "surcharge" may be less evocative th


an "tax." a “tax-free” promotion was more effective at spurring sales relative to when the equivalent savings were described as "discounts" (Sussman &

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65g.. alcohol, tobacco). In several states, taxes levied on hedonic products have been met with public opposition (Kotler, 2017) and industry contention

, sparking political controversy (Jacobs. 2019). Emblematic of this opposition. Cook County, Illinois’ commissioners voted 15 to 1 to repeal the count DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

y SSB tax just two months after it had been implemented (Dewey. 2017).1 Perhaps as a result of the negative sentiment toward taxes, policy-makers have


tried to make SSB taxes more palatable by highlighting their beneficiaries. Some have attributed Philadelphia's successful passing of its SSB excise

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65tax proceeds to social programs (City of Boulder. 2016:1 Granted, tills tax was unlike other U.S. SSB taxes because It was levied directly on consumer

s rather than distnbutors (i.e.. it was a general consumption tax as opposed to an excise tax). As such it was applied at the register rather than ref DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

lected in the shelf price—a factor that could have contributed to its unpopularity.City of Seattle. 2017). Therefore, in addition to testing whether t


ax-salient price tags decrease SSB put chasing, we also test the effect of adding the tax's beneficiary to such tags.Overview of StudiesStudy 1 was a

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65n which began with a control condition in which drinks simply bore tax-inclusive price tags. Next came a period in which we made the tax salient by ad

ding the phrase "Includes SF Sugary Drink Tax" to the price tags, hl the final period, we added mention of the tax's beneficiary (in this case student DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

programs) to the price tags. To contextualize the effects of our intervention. we also obtained historical sales data from two periods that preceded


the intervention—one pre-tax and one posttax. Next, we conducted two online experiments. Study 2 tested whether a tax-salient price tag might reduce S

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65rlying process.Study 1: Field StudyMethodsSetting. The study took place in two convenience stores on a university campus in San Francisco where a S0.0

1 per ounce SSB excise tax had been implemented on January 1. 2018. At that time, the university had 29.586 students (47.03% female. 17.36% white). In DonnellyEtAlForthcoming2021_86fbc33d-7701-403c-b667-9502ba8b9d65

accordance with the SSB excise tax policy, vendors paid this tax on all SSB sales and could pass it onto customers in commensurate price increases. B


oth of our field sites elected to do so, as is

A Salient Sugar Tax Decreases Sugary Drink BuyingGrant E. Donnelly. PhD1Paige N'L Guge. MA2Ryan T. Howell. PhD2Leslie K. John. PhD5: Department of Mar

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