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Nội dung chi tiết: History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000


TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000w Technologies12The Decade of die 1950sChapter 111: The Fifty-Year Milestone23The Decade of the 1960sChapter IV: The Remarkable New Water Source32The

1970s and 1980schapter V: Closing die Millennium. Bigger and Stronger43The Decade of the 1990sBRENNAN s. THOMASBreiuian Thomas took over die administr History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

ative leadership of die Long Beach Water Department 111 1944 and managed die Department for the next 22 years dirough its most dramatic growth period.


hl all. his careerwith the Long Beach Water Department spanned nearly 44 years from 1924 until his retirement in 1967. The Administration building IS

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000He served with the United States Marine Corps from 1918 to 1919 and with the United States Field Artillery from 1919 to 1920.Brennan Thomas fust began

his career with the Water Department in 1924 as a draftsman. He came up duougli die ranks to die position of Division Enguieer imtil he was called to History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

active duh’ as a Captain in the Officer Reserve Corps U1 1941. early in the United States engagement in World Wai II.Stationed in the Southwest Pacif


ic theater. he served with distinction in Australia whete he received liis commission as Major and later in New Guinea where lie advanced to die rank

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000ation for service in die Papuan Campaign and received two commendations foi outstanding service.In 1944. Drennan Thomas returned to die Water Departme

nt and was reinstated as Division Engineer. He was officially appointed to the position of General Manager ui 1944 after die death of General Manager History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

George R. Wade.Brennan Thomas served as General Manager of die Long Beach Water Department from 1944 to 1967.In 1967. the Board of Water Commissioners


officially clianged the name of die Water Depaitmenfs Administration Biulduig to die Brennan s. Thomas Administration Building in recognition of lus

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000 Water Department begins midway into the decade of the 1940s and covers the next five and a half decades up to the beginning of die new millennium. Di

ning diose 55 years, die Water Department lias nunored the vast social, economic, and technical changes tliat were occurring not only in die city of L History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

ong Beack but in die Southern California region and in die whole state of California.Decade by decade, this history documents not only the Water Depar


tment's growth but our conununity’s gr owth and die changes drat evolved. particularly as drey influenced watei consumption. We will also focus on die

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000onable price.Water not only sustains human life, it is equally essential to the development and expansion of industry and to die agriculture diat has

been a mainstay of Soutliem California and die state. A history of die Water Department, therefore. is as well a history of die communities and the pe History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

ople it lias served As those conununities change, the demands they place on the Water Department of course also change - demands not only for the quan


tity of water they need but for its quality and for die locations to winch It must be delivered.Long Beach, betw een 1945 and 2000. doubled its popula

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000conomic influence in Long Beach lias no presence at all in 2000. Tire Long Beach Navy Base and Naval Shipyard are gone, as are file many housing units

they r equir ed both on and off the Base Douglas Aircraft Company, a mainstay of the World War II military air force, no longer exists but. after sev History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

eral corporate transformations. Iras become Tile Boeurg Company— still ail aircraft manufacturer and still a major Long Beach employer. New industry.


new retail, new hotels, and hundreds of mid- and upper-income dwelling luuts ready to be bruit along the downtown shorelure all are putting increasing

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000, tile Long Beach Water Company and the Alamitos Water Company, with hinds from an S85O.OOO bond issue die voters had approved 111 the election of Jun

e 27. 1911. From the beginning. die Dqiaitment has been entirely self-supporting and. ill fact, also pays die city an annual reimbursement in lieu of History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

taxes, often donates Water Dejxirtnient-owned land for city purposes, and pays for sen ices the city provides to the Department.In 1931. die Water Dep


artment experienced two major events diat historically have possibly been die greatest influences in die Department's ability to provide for die ongoi

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000pointed for five-year terms by the city manager (now appointed by the Mayor) widi city council approval Since dien, 49 Long Beach citizens have served

on the Commission in addition to die five currently serving in 2000 The second pivotal event of 1931 was the city’s opportunity to join the Metropoli History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

tan Water District of Soudietn California becoming one of its original 13 cities.Among die changes die reader will note duougli die course of diese 55


years IS die effect of evolving tecluiology on the operation of die Department. From die initial transition to punched cards for data management in d

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000es to the 1997-built 10.000 square foot. liigli tech laboratory where graduate chemists perform 40.000 to 50.000 analyses a year, the tecluiological c

hanges are monumental. In 1944. staff did everytliing manually. Tliey drove to die wells. physically turned diem on and when the reservoir reached a d History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

esired level they would drive back and turn diem off hl the year2000of course, electronics does it allbl 1948, die Department hired about 500 employee


s, on die eve of die new millennium about 210. Teclinological efficiencies liave made enormous differences in what tasks those 200 people perform. Mor

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000nt does it. Manual labor gave way to mechanical labor then to automation and finally to electronics, computerized data management, and satellites comm

unication. History-of-the-Long-Beach-Water-Department-1945-2000

TABLE OF CONTENTSBRENNAN s. THOMASinIntroductionIChapter I: War Ends; Growth Begins4Concluding the Decade of (he 1910 sChapter TĨ: The Emergence ofNew

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