Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

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Nội dung chi tiết: Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)iversity of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742Tel: 301-405-5380 FAX: 314-9482 e-mail: pinker(g)atmos.urnd.eduKeywords: insolation: surface radiativ

e fluxes; shortwave radiation; satellite estimatesof surface radiation2ABSTRACTEnvironmental satellites are now considered as promising tools to monit Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

or climate and climate change by providing information on the terrestrial water and energy storage. Radiative fluxes are the key forcing functions tha

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

t determine the exchange of fluxes between the land and the atmosphere at the various temporal and spatial scales. For several years now observations

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS) semi-operational basis. Reviewed will be the context for the need of such information, methodologies used to obtain it, evaluation of the resulting f

luxes, current status of data availability, examples of applications in hydrological studies and climate research, links to international activities, Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

and future prospects.1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Need for informationInformation on the spatial and temporal distribution of surface radiative fluxes is requir

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

ed for modeling the hydrologic cycle, for representing interactions and feedbacks between the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere (Dickinson, 198

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS) at. 1999; Plait, 1986). Il is also needed for validating climate models (Garrat el al., 1993; h'i/d er al., 1995; Wielicki er al., 2002); improving t

he understanding of transport of heat, moisture, and momentum across the surface-atmosphere interface (Berbery et al., 1999; Baumgartner and Anderson, Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

1999; Sui el al., 2002); and for improving parameterizations (Chen el al., 1996). Surface3shortwave radiative fluxes are ot interest due to (heir dom

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

inant role as forcing functions of surface energy budgets (Wood er <7/., 1997; Wielicki er al.. 1995; Mitchell er al., 2003;Rodell el al., 2003). Stud

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)h confidence, there is a need to evaluate them al scales at which they are implemented. Satellite observations arc considered to be the only source of

global scale information that could be used lor model evaluation. With the progress made in the use of satellites to probe the atmosphere, the stage Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

was set for foe used efforts to advance satellite methods in climate research, rhe Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of the WCRP endorsed the Global En

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

ergy and Water Cycle Experiment (GF.WF.X) as a core activity (Chahine, 1992). The key GEWEX objectives are: determination of the hydrological cycle an

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)abilities to predict variations of global and hydrological processes and water resources, and their response to environmental change; and foster the d

evelopment of observational techniques, data assimilation suitable for operational application to long-range weather forecasts, hydrology, and climate Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

predictions. Similar objectives play a key role in various national programs. For instance, the Interagency Committee on Earth and Environmental Scie

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

nces as well as the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have identified clouds and the hydrological cycle to be of highest scientific priority i

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)properties and amount, objectives of4the NOAA Climate and Global Change Program include “improvement of our ability to observe, understand, predict, a

n respond to changes in the global environment”.Specific national research interests are linked to the GEWEX program in the framework of the continent Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

al scale GEWEX experiments such as the GEWEX Continental-scale International Project GCIP/GAPP over the United States, LBA in the Amazon, BALTEX and G

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

AME. Methods to derive surface radiative fluxes have been made in the framework of most of these basin scale studies, specifically, over BALTEX by Stu

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)Project (GCIP) and the GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP) (a continuation of GCIP) (WCRP-67, 1992; NRC, 1998) are: determination of the time/spa

ce variability of the hydrologic cycle and the energy budgets over the Mississippi River Basin: development and validation of macro-scale hydrologic m Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

odels; and.utilization of existing and future satellite observations for achieving these objectives. A summary of what was achieved can be found in Ro

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

ads el al. (2003).The interest in surface radiative fluxes for the LBA is to have information needed for evaluating land surface parameterization, and

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)equate documentation of regional and continental energy and water cycles within the LBA; provide otherwise missing surface data that are critical to e

nhance the understanding of mesoscale convective and/or land surface processes, provide information to modelers that is critical to demonstrate the us Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

e of remotely sensed hydrometeorological variables in connection with models of land surface fluxes.https://khothuvien.cori!5One of (he major objectiv

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

es of the LBA program is to improve the understanding of the hydrological cycle in this region, which serves as a major modulator of the hemispheric c

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)in (he region of Roraima occurred. The blaze that has scorched an area of savanna of the size of Man land and Delaware, spread to the forested area. I

t started about two months ago by settlers who were clearing savanna regions for cropland, and the situation went out of control due ton the dry condi Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

tions, caused by the recent El Nino. It is anticipated that spacebome remote sensing capabilities will help to define the basin scale forcing function

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

s, in order to determine how the basin functions as a regional entity. Drastic changes have to be accounted for in the models that attempt to estimate

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS) project future change, and validation against remotely sensed data is important. In particular, due to the lack of pertinent global change data from

conventional sources. The data to be produced will also enable to improve estimates of Net Primary Productivity in this region, namely, (he growth of Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

vegetation and CŨ2 exchange.1.2 FeasibilityIn the last two decades, it has been demonstrated that radiative fluxes could be derived from satellite obs

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

ervations with reasonable accuracy (Pinker el al., 1995; Frouin and Pinker, 1995; Rossow and Zhang, 1995; Whitlock Ct al., 1995; Ohmura Ct al., 1998;6

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)ative fluxes (Schiffer and Rossow, 1995; Rossow and Schiffer, 1999).Methods to derive sw fluxes from satellite observations have been implemented by s

everal groups on different spatial and temporal scales. Both METEOSAT, GOES, GMS and polar orbiting satelliteshave been used (Stuhlman et al., 1990; P Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

inker and Laszlo, 1992; Darnell el al., 1992; Gupta et al., 1992 Chou, 1994; Lee, 1993, Brison et al., 1994; Li et al., 1995; Rossow and Zhang, 1995).

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

Global scale implementation was possible because of the availability of satellite data, which included nformation on the state of the atmosphere (Sch

1Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric States and Fluxes-lnsolation(VIS)Unique id: hsaO53-R. T. PinkerDepartment of Meteorology Uni

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS); snow cover) into coherent formats. Two sw algorithms, developed at the NASA Langley Research Center (Darnell et al., 1992) and at the University of

Maryland (Pinker and Laszlo, 1992) are currently used at NASA Langley Research Center in support of the WCRP/GEWEX activities.Attempts to implement re Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

trieval methodologies operationally have been also successful. For example, NOAA/NESDIS is supporting GCIP/GAPP activities bydeveloping new operationa

Hydrological applications of remote sensing Atmospheric States and Fluxes-Insolation (VIS)

l products from satellite observations [Leese. 1994,- 1997], A new product on insolation is a collaborative effort between N0AA/NESD1S, NOAA'National

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