IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

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Nội dung chi tiết: IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12iversity, AustraliaElizabeth PryorThe University of Melbourne, AustraliaGrant awarded Round 14. 2008The revised Pronunciation scale of the IELTS Speak

ing Test became operational in August 2008 and expanded the four bands to nine bands, in line with the three other analytic scales. This study explore IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

s examiners’ perceptions, experiences and behaviour as they use the new scales with speakers from two different language backgrounds at the crucial Pr

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

onunciation band levels of 5, 6 and 7.Click here to read the Introduction to this volume which includes an appraisal of this research, its context and

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12sed the scale to award Prommciation scores to candidates at lELTS-assigned scores of Bands 5.6 and 7. In general, the examiners preferred the revised

Pronunciation scale to the previous one. and they were largely positive about how easy the descriptors and increased number of band levels were to use IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

. They also reported feeling confident about assessing the different features of pronunciation covered in the Pronunciation scale descriptors, and mos

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

t confident about making global judgements of intelligibility and listener effort, which were the features they considered to be the most important wh

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12rded and the features identified as contributing to the assessment of the candidates' pronunciation The distinction between Bands 6 and 7 seemed to be

particularly problematic, and there was a tendency to award a 6 to Band 7 speakers. The examiners expressed concerns in relation to the Specificity o IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

f the descriptors at Bands 3.5 and 7 and the overlap between the Pronunciation scale and the Fluency and Coherence scale.These findings suggest that f

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

urther revision of the descriptors and documentation related to the scale may be useful and that increased attention to pronunciation in the selection

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12THOR BIODATALYNDA YATESLynda Yales is Associate Piolessor in Linguistics in (lie Department of Linguistics. Macquarie University. She has taught adult

s in a wide range of industrial and educational settings and has a keen interest m teacher professional development. Her research interests centre on IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

language learning by adults and include mlcrcullural pragmatics, workplace communication, issues for immigrants and the teaching and learning of spoke

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

n English and pronunciation. Lynda and Beth Zielinski have recently published an introductoiy volume on teaching pronunciation to adults.BETH ZIELINSK

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12ronunciation and intelligibility, and her doctoral thesis investigated the features of pronunciation that have an impact on intelligibility in speaker

s of English as a second language. She has conducted pronunciation classes for international university students, private consultations for corporate IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

clients, and professional development sessions for teachers, as well as publishing and lectruing in the area. She lias recently published an introduct

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

ory volume on teaching pronunciation to adults with Lynda Yates.ELIZABETH PRYORLiz Pryor has previously taught ESL in Australia and EFL at the British

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12rently working in the field of healthcare communication, and is completing an MA in this area at the University of Melbourne.IELTS RESEARCH REPORTS, V

OLUME 12, 2011Published by:Editor:Editorial consultant:Editorial assistance:Acknowledgements:IDP: IELTS Australia and British CouncilJenny Osborne. ID IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

P IELTS AustraliaPetronella McGovern. IDP: IELTS AustraliaJudith Fairbairn. British CouncilDr Lynda Taylor. University of Cambridge ESOL ExaminationsI

IELTS Research Reports Volume 12

DP: IELTS Australia Pty LimitedABN 84 008 664 766Level 3. 535 Bourke stMelbourne VIC 3000. AustraliaTel+51 3 9612 4400

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

lELTSThe assessment of pronunciation and the new IELTS Pronunciation scaleAuthorsLynda YatesMacquarie University, AustraliaBeth ZielinskiMacquarie Uni

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