Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

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Nội dung chi tiết: Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rr Advanced StudiesSchool of City and Regional PlanningCardiff UniversityCardiff, CF10 3WA,■ Cardiff School of ManagementCar

diff Metropolitan UniversityCardiff. CF5 2YB. presented at Triple Helix XI, London, July 8-10 2013.1AbstractFinns uti Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

lise inter-organizational networks to manage flows and access knowledge to enhance expected economic returns. In particular, inter-organizational netw

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

orks are an important aspect of the innovation process. The aim of this paper is to analyse the formation and role of inter-organizational networks in

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rhe concept of network capital, which seeks to recognise that investments in inter-organizational network facilitating access to knowledge are a capita

l asset in their own right for firms. Drawing on a series of in-depth case studies of entrepreneurial Anns, the paper attempts to theorise the relatio Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

nship between network capital and inter-organizational network formation and innovation-led growth, particularly in the entrepreneurial context and en

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

vironment. Overall, the findings suggest the importance of' network capital for generating innovation-led growth among entrepreneurial firms. It is fo

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rhrough a range of complementary networks that firms are able to appropriately access and apply knowledge, and subsequently develop innovative goods an

d services. The findings also suggest that the formation processes of network capital for these firms possess certain particularities which are likely Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

to be less common to be less common or pronounced among larger more established firms. From a public policy perspective, it is argued there may be a

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

role for government intervention in educating firms in the art of network management, as well as providing entrepreneurial firms with appropriate supp

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rnal networks to manage flows and access knowledge to enhance expected economic returns. In particular, inter-organizational networks are an important

aspect of the innovation process, with network scholars stressing that innovation is a complex process often requiring knowledge flow between organiza Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

tions. (Meagher and Rogers. 2004. Lichtenthaler, 2005; Sammarra and Biggiero 2008; Tomlinson, 2010; Bergenholtz and Waldstrom, 2011). Increasingly, th

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

is process is viewed as a systemic undertaking, i.e. firms no longer innovate in isolation but through a complex set of interactions with other organi

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Renhardt and Schoonhoven. 1996; Lavie 2006) recognize that knowledge accessing, acquisition, exchange and creation are a key reason why2firms build or

enter networks with other organizations. These networks concern the interactions, relationships and ties existing between linns, and may arise through Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

the need to access new assets and skills, and keep pace with competitors (Aliuja 2000). hl general, although significant attention has been given to

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

understanding the nature and role of linn resources in providing competitive advantage, less attention has been given to network resources resulting f

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rrk’ focus is pertinent given the evidence suggesting that with the exception of knowledge protected by property rights, such as patents and copyrights

, knowledge is not generally accessible or appropriable by means of market transactions (Grant. 1996: Malecki, 2010). Inter-organizational networks in Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

this context are defined as consisting of the interactions and relationships organizations utilise to access knowledge.The aim of this paper is to an

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

alyse the formation and role of inter-organizational networks in facilitating the flow of. and access to. knowledge from the perspective of innovation

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rts in inter-organizational network facilitating access to knowledge are a capital asset in their own right for firms, and differs significantly from t

he type of social capital held by firms.The paper is structured, therefore, around understanding the processes of network capital formation. Drawing o Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

n a scries of in-depth case studies of entrepreneurial linns, the paper attempts to theorise the relationship between network capital and inter-organi

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

zational network formation and innovation-led growth, particularly in the entrepreneurial context and environment. The key questions the paper seeks t

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Row do firms search for and select organizations with which to form networked relationships? (3) what are the characteristics and underpinning interact

ion mechanisms of these networks'? and (4) what is the nature of the knowledge accessed and applied hl order to facilitate innovation? Overall, the fi Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

ndings suggest the importance of network capital for generating innovation-led growth among entrepreneurial firms. However, the findings also suggest

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

that the3formation processes of network capital for these firms possess certain particularities which are likely to be less common or pronounced among

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rich is followed by a presentation of the methodology employed for the empirical study. The results of the study are followed by a discussion of their

meaning and implications, and the overall conclusions we reach.Inter-Organizational NetworksIt is through the networks underpinning systemic innovatio Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

n processes that organizations access knowledge that they do not. or cannot, generate internally based on their own capabilities. In this sense, it is

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

possible to distinguish two forms of inter-organizational network: (I) contact networks, through which organizations source knowledge; and (2) allian

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rration and joint ventures. and other 'contracted’ relationships resulting in frequent and repeated interaction. Organizations gain advantages from net

works byaccessing the knowledge of the organizations in their network. This means that the advantage organizations are potentially able to gain is dep Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

endent upon the knowledge profile of their network (Stuart 2000: Ireland et al. 2002; Grant and Baden-Fuller 2004).Knowledge alliances will generally

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

require greater management resources compared with the type of contact networks associated with more general knowledge sourcing, potentially-restricti

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Rngage in formal knowledge-based collaborations heightens as linns grow (Stuart. 2000; Ireland et al.. 2002; Grant and Baden-Fuller, 2004; Goerzen. 200

5; Goerzen and Beamish, 2005). Furthermore, accumulated network resources arising from firm participation in prior alliances, firm prestige, as well a Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

s any existing interdependence between the potential alliance partners, are likely to be influential in the decision to enter new alliances (Eisenhard

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

t and Schoonhoven, 1996; Stuart. 1998; Gulati and Gargiulo. 1999; Gulati. 1999).4A key feature of most of the extant network literature concerning all

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow: The Formation of Network CapitalRobert Huggins1 and Nick Clifton*1 Centre for

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins Re to alliances, contact networks consist of non-fonnalised interaction and relationships between organizations. The structure of these networks is oft

en more dynamic, as organizations continually update and change their contacts (Burt 1992: Huggins 2000. 2001: McEvily and Marcus 2005: Grabber and Ib Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

ert 2006: Trippl et al.. 2009). For both alliances and contact networks, the focus of the network is on accessing, rather than acquiring, knowledge. T

Innovation-Led Entrepreneurship and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Flow-Huggins R

his is consistent with the knowledge-based view of the firm, which considers inter-organizational networks as principally a means of utilising the kno

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