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Nội dung chi tiết: journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development


uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmentational Development under open access license cc BY-NC-ND 3.0.Building More Robust NGOUniversih' Partnerships in Development: Lessons Learned from Cat

holic ReliefSenices*David M. LEEGE & Della E. MCMILLAN**Abstract: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and US-based universities are under inereasing journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

pressure to collaborate on international development efforts in order to achieve greater impact and influence. To date, however, most of these projec


t-based collaborations have made only limited strategic investment into achieving longer-term, transformational goals. This article explores an attemp

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development the ways in which these collaborations are contributing to achievement of the agency’s strategic priorities. The article describes some of the import

ant internal and external pressures that led CRS to adopt a new approach to university engagement: the processes that evolved to manage its five-year journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

strategy; and some of the key activities that the partnerships supported. Based on this analysis, the paper extrapolates a series of six cross-cutting


lessons learned that can help guide other NGOs and universities which are seeking to develop similar types of engagement, including a self-assessment

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmentws, matures, and diversifies.Keywords: NGO-university partnerships for development; NGO-university operational research; NGO-university engagement; Ma

nagement tunctionality of NGO-university partnerships for development; Non-governmental organizations and development; Universities and developmentjpa journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International DevelopmentSince the Second World War. the major United States (US)-based universit


ies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have largely worked in their separate spheres on alleviating poverty and improving development outcomes

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development has its niche and its role, with* This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons license Attribution-Noncommercia

l-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. Distribution and reproduction are permitted, provided that the original authors and JPAID as the source are credited. The co- journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

authors wish to acknowledge the assistance they received from University of Florida Senior Research Librarian Colleen Seale and Tampa. FL-based Indepe


ndent Editor Lynn Hurtak. They appreciate the useful commentary and reviews they received from Catholic Relief Sendees President and CEO Carolyn Woo.

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development specialist Alice Willard, and Interaction Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sam Worthington.** David M. Leege is the director of University Engagement an

d Research at CRS and is an adjunct faculty member at Catholic University of America and the University of Notre Dame. He joined CRS in 1991 in Angola journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

before serving as CRS country representative in Benin, Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, and Burundi. From 2004-2013. he served as deputy director of the P


rogram Quality and Support Department at CRS which is responsible for program quality worldwide. Email: E. McMillan is a res

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmenttional agencies including the World Bank. UNDP, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the United States Agency for International Development (USA

ID) in 30 African countries. She has edited three books that focus on the issue of building capacity for multi-disciplinary partnerships in developmen journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

t: Tapping Philanthropy for Development, Anthropology and Food Policy in Africa and Latin America, and Food in Sub-Saharan Africa. Email: DellaM@UFL.e


du.Building More Robust NGO-Umversity Partnerships 111 Development 69NGOs focusing on field implementation, capacity strengthening and responding to u

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmentdonors and their own leadership to collaborate. This is due in part to an increasing number of case studies that show that the two partners can comple

ment one another's expertise, and that this type of complementary expertise can increase the efficacy, impact, transparency, and sustainability of don journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

or investments in development (Office of Technology Assessment 1991; Gibbs, Fumo & Kuby 1999).While some partnerships forged as a result of this shift


in donor priorities and guidance result in positive outcomes, many do not (Bukenya & Hickey 2014; Banks, Huhne. & Edwards 2014: 713). Even a majority

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmentiekwe, Hayman. & Mdee 2012; Roper 2002: 338-345). This is because the motivation and culture of an NGO is very different from that of a university. Mo

st universities have never collaborated with a large NGO. much less developed financial or programmatic relationships with one. As a result, many of t journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

hese partnerships are focused on specific projects with little forethought about how the relationship will be managed or the partners' longer-term goa


ls (Olivier, Hunt. & Ridde 2016:444-455; Roussons & Fawcett 2000: 369-402; Aniekwe, Hayman, & Mdee 2012). Thus, there is little incentive to continue

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmentess this issue, many stakeholders from both sides are stressing the need for NGOs and universities to shift from a1 The seminal review of constraints

to US universities working in international assistance that was published in 1994 did not include, for example, any discussion of NGO-university linka journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

ges (Office of Technology Assessment 1991).70 Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Developmentproject-focused model to a more broad-based


model for collaboration in which both partners are involved in the identification of the partnership priorities and activities (Aniekwe, Hayman, & Mde

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development-term partnership model.This paper argues that there are real benefits from taking the time to invest in the development of more long-term partnership

s that incorporates six overlapping lessons learned:•Lesson 1: Identify and monitor priorities;•Lesson 2: Build mutual cultural understanding;•Lesson journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

3: Create a value proposition;•Lesson 4: Involve senior management;•Lesson 5: Empower a focal point; and•Lesson 6: Build a knowledge management system


and keep it up to date.The same article argues that while these lessons learned are important, their importance is likely to be different at differen

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmental partnership is being scaled up.These recommendations for new and existing NGO-university partnerships are based on an analysis of one of the first

attempts by a major US-based NGO—Catholic Relief Sen ices (CRS)—to develop this type of mutually beneficial model of university engagement that goes b journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

eyond project-driven relationships. In a typical year, CRS implements over 800 different projects in 100 countries with over 1,200 local partners. As


part of its 2014-2018 strategy, CRS decided to invest in a more structured model for engagement with a select number of US-based universities with tec

uaiJournal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 7(2)£2016 The Authors. Published by the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Interna

journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_developmentluation, and training deliverables forBuilding More Robust NGO-University Partnerships ill Development 71CRS's field programs.Section Two of this arti

cle describes the internal and external pressures on NGOs and universities to increase their collaboration and to develop a new relationship that goes journal-article-building_more_robust_ngo-university_partnerships_in_development

beyond the conventional model. This is followed in Section Three by a description of how CRS responded to these pressures by pilot testing a new mode


l of collaboration, including some of its early results. Based on this analysis. Section Four contains six cross-cutting lessons and recommendations f

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