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Nội dung chi tiết: Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding


Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingrecent version of t he paper]Abstract: School overcrowding is a pressing issue faced by many large urban school districts. This study evaluates the ro

le of an existing school choice program in alleviating overcrowding in Wake County, Nort h Carolina. The Wake County magnet school prognun uses a cent Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

ralized assignment to re-assign students to magnet schools in areas with large proportions of economically disadvantaged students. In addition to impr


oving diversity and providing innovative education, Wake County leverages this system to address school overcrowding at tradit ional schools through p

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingndit ioning on assignment propensity scores and causally identifies the effect of magnet attendance by overcrowding status of origin schools following

Abdulkadiroglu et al. (2017). Results suggest no evidence of differential gains in math and literacy skills from magnet attendance by students from o Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

vercrowded base schools. However, students with an overcrowded base school experience stronger magnet gains on reduced absenteeism than students with


a non-overcrowded base school.Keywords: school choice, achievement gapJ EL classification: 121. 124, 128'Campus Box 8110, Department of Economics, Nor

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingorrill for their continued support and guidance. 1 also thank Robert Clark, Umut Dur and Robert Hammond for their valuable comments and suggestions. A

ccess to confidential data was given by the depart ment of Data. Research, and Accountability (DRA) at the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS). A Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

ll mistakes arc my own.1 Introductionlỉapid population growth and budget, shortfalls have led to overcrowding in many urban school districts (?NCES, 2


(XX). 2007). As existing facilities fail to keep up with student enrollment, growth, school districts may choose to leverage existing school choice pr

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding to less-crowded schools. This paper studies how students from overcrowded schools benefit in cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes from the magnet sch

ool programs in Wake County, North Carolina, ami proposes a novel approach to estimating overcrowding effects.Wake County is one of the fastest-growin Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

g urban areas in the nation and faces the challenge of keeping pace with student population growth while delivering quality learning environments. NCI


’S (2010) identifies Wake County as having t he greatest need in North Carolina for new school const ruction between 2015 ami 2020.1 In Wake County, g

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingive magnet scats in an annual centralized magnet reassignment. Apart, from promot ing diversity ami boosting st udent performance, another essential p

urpost! of the magnet program Is to alleviate school overcrowding with school choice by ‘’maximizing use of school facilities” (WCl’SS. 2019b). Given Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

t his policy objective, this paper focuses on school overcrowding in t raditional schools and not in magnet schools. The design of the magnet, schools


’ priority structure over students reflects this intention with priorities given to students applying from an overcrowded base school, t hus increasin

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingachievement Is that, students sort into overcrowded schools. High- or low-performing students may enroll at overcrowded schools, depending on the reas

on for overcrowding. Parents may choose to move 1.0 areas where neighborhood schools have desirable characteristics, raising t he demand for school sc Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

ats and resulting in overcrowding. It is also possible that schools in areas with a higher proportion of low socioeconomic status students have more d


ifficulty obtaining resources to build and maintain school facilities to accommodate student growth.2lIn 2015, 59 of the 107 elementary schools in Wak

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingmented large-scale reassignment policies with the purpose of reducing school overcrowding in Meas experiencing high population growth and maintaining

socioeconomic diversity. Students from1In the context of Wake County’s magnet program, this paper evaluates whether students experience achievement ga Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

ins from “escaping” overcrowded traditional schools and attending magnet schools. 1 separate magnet applicants from traditional schools into two group


s by their base school overcrowding status. The group of applicants with an overcrowded traditional base school likely “fall back” to their overcrowde

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingw studies on school overcrowding effects (?Rivera Batiz and Marti, 1995; Shirley. 2017). Two common solutions to school overcrowding have been examine

d by the literature mobile classrooms and multi-track year-round school calendars. I present an alternative solut ion I hat utilizes an exist ing scho Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

ol-choice program to at tract students away from overcrowded schools. 1 also propose a now approach to estimate the effect of school overcrowding. Alt


hough school overcrowding status is likely non-random for students, centralized assignment allows for random variation in magnet school offers. Taking

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingbase school overcrowding status following the econometric method proposed by Abdulkaduoglu et al. (2017). I then examine t he different ial gain from

attending a magnet school by base school overcrowding status as a proxy of overcrowding effects among applicants to the magnet program. While 1 do not Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

find evidence of overcrowding effects on math and literacy skills, the results show a large and statistically significant overcrowding effect on alis


eiitecisin. Compared to students with a high-performance, noil-overcrowded base school, students with a high-performance, overcrowded base school expe

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingntifies magnet school effects using till- methodology* by Abdnlkadirogln cl. al. (2017), which fully exploits the conditional random variation in assi

gmnent outcomes (Abcbc Cl al.. 2019: Abdulkadiroglu Ct al.. 2020: Dur Ct al. 2020; Winters, 2020). Abdulkadiroght Ct al.'s (2017) approach extracts an Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

assignment probability or “propensity score” of each applicant based on their submitted preferences ami priorities and the assignment mechanism appli


ed for the centralized assignment. They show that conditioning on both high- and low-income neighborhoods worn reported to Is* reassigned and bused to

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingor, 2015).2the propensity score alone is sufficient to ensure the independence of school offers with respect to student characteristics, making t hem

valid instruments for school enrollment (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983). This approach fully utilizes the random variation in the assignment and allows fo Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

r ident ifying school choice effects from a larger quasi-cxperimental sample. Dur Ct al. (2020) adopts Abdulkadiroglu Ct al.’s (2017) propensity score


conditioning method to evaluate the impact of magnet schools in the Wake County Public School System. This pa|H*r adopts t he approach in Dur et al.

Does School Choice Help Students in OvercrowdedSchools? Evidence from a Centralized SchoolAssignmentSiyan Liu *January. 2021[Click here for the most r

Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowdingized as follows. Section 2 provides background information regarding the literature on school overcrowding and Wake County schools. Section 3 provides

details on the Wake County centralized magnet school assignment, the assignment algorithm used in Wake County, and the assignment propensity scores. Liu_Siyan_SchoolChoiceOvercrowding

Section 4 explains the empirical methodology used in this pa|H*r, with dat a descriptions discussed in Section 5. Section 6 describes school overcrowd


ing effects on student outcomes, and Section 7 concludes.2 Background on Overcrowding and Wake County Assignment2.1Literature Review2.1.1School Overcr

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