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Nội dung chi tiết: MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16


ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-162016 academic year)REGULATIONS(In force from the admitted batch of 2015-2016 academic year)1The duration of the course is for two academic years with

total four semesters. The nature of the course is full-time.2Candidates for the degree of Master of Science in Applied chemistry shall be required to MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16

have passed the B.Sc with Chemistry / Applied chemistry / Industrial Chemistry as one the subject of this university or any other university recognize


d by the academic council as equivalent thereto.3The course and scope of instruction shall be as defined in the syllabus prescribed. (Annexure-IIl)4Ca

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16 be followed ( Annexure-H).5Candidates have to undergo practical training for four weeks during the second year in any industry/ chemical R&D / organi

zation at their own expense and have to submit project report.6A candidate shall be declared to have passed in any paper if he /she secures not less t MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16

hen E’ grade in theory and not less than D’ grade in the practicals /projects .'Industrial Training, provided the result otherwise is withheld .There


is no minimum pass marks for internal assessment marks both in theory and practicalsA candidate shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum requirem

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16f he/she secures 5.0 CGPA by the end of the fourth semester.Further, a candidate will be permitted to choose any paper(s) to appear for improvement in

case the candidate fails to secure the minimum prescribed SGPA'CGPA to enable the candidate to pass at the end of any semester examinations.1There sh MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16

all not be any provision for the improvement of internal asSv^...v... ...U..V-, ... U..J theoty or practical subjects in any year /semester of study7T


he successful candidates in the M.Sc degree examination shall be arranged in the order in which they are registered for the examination in two classes

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16e Question paper will be sent by external paper setters of other Universities and thevaluation of the answer scripts will be done by Internal and Exte

rnal examiners at the end of each semester.10The practical examinations will be conducted and valued by both internal and external examiners at the en MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16

d of each semester. The viva- voce examination will be conducted on project work by both internal and external examiners at the end of the IV semester


11Each practical paper carries 70 marks for external evaluation process in which both the internal and external examiners conducts the examination . O

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16by a candidate will be 75% of the total number of working days. Provided that in special cases and for sufficient cause shown, the Vice-chancellor may

, on the recommendation of the Principal and the Head of the department concerned, condone the deficiency in the average attendance to an extent of 9% MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16

for reasons such as ill health, if the application for condonation is submitted at the time of actual illness and is supported a certificate of an au


thorized medical officer approved by the Principal.13The University may, from time to time, revise, amend or change the regulations, scheme of examina

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16ar after the change are introduced and shall cover the part of the course that remains to be completed.- 000 - -Annexure-IScheme of Instruction and Ex

aminationSemester IPaper CodePaper TitlePaper TypeInstruction Periods per week Ĩ/T7PExterna 1 MarksInternal MarksTotal MarksDuration OÍ External Exami MSc-Applied-Chemistry-Syllabus-2015-16

nationCreditsACIHI.IInoiganic Chemistry-!Haiti Core Theory4/0/070301003 Hours4ACHT1.2Organic Chemistry-!Hard Core Theory4/0/070301003 Hours4

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

ANDHRA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYM.Sc Applied Chemistry (Choice Based Credit System )(With effect from the admitted batch of 2015-2

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