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Nội dung chi tiết: Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy


NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyis an advanced form of photodynamic therapy (PDT); a treatment which uses light to destroy cancer tissue. In both Next Generation PDT and PDT patients

are given a photosensitizing agent. Traditionally, PDT has been confined to treatment of superficial lesions or localized problems that can be either Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

directly visualized or reached with devices called endoscopes that are inserted into body openings. This Next Generation PDT on the other hand is aim


ed at treating whole regions and tumors deep in the body.Question: How does it work?Answer: Next Generation Photodynamic therapy is a minimally invasi

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyotosensitizing drug and laser or LED light, PDT can selectively destroy targeted tissues.The Three essential components of PDT are:•A photosensitizing

agent•A non-thermal light source•OxygenTreatment of disease with Photodynamic Therapy is a two-stage process. The first stage is the intravenous or o Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

ral injection of the photosensitizer and after a number of days, or hours, the tumor to be treated is exposed to non-thermal light of thespecific wave


length needed to activate the drug. The delay between injection of the sensitizer and its activation is designed to allow the drug to accumulate selec

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyight from the light source device to the point where the light is to be applied. The photosensitizing drug retained in the tumor cells is activated by

the light and the energy absorbed by the drug is then transferred by a natural conversion to oxygen within the tissues. This produces a highly reacti Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

ve form of the oxygen, termed singlet oxygen, which causes lethal destruction within the cancer cell.This type of treatment offers some significant ad


vantages, including:•Minimal side effects relative to conventional treatment•Minimally invasive therapy•An increased potential for disease site access

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyrapy, PDT is a relatively benign procedure, which produces good results from a functional standpoint. It is generally well tolerated and can be repeat

ed, so does it not limit future treatment options.Question: What is the mechanism that 'kills’ the cancer?Answer: The damage to cancer cells results f Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

rom a multi-step process. First the photosensitizer is administered which leads to the selective accumulation on the target cancer cells. Following a


period of time specific for each agent to allow the photosensitizer to clear from normal tissue, light is applied. Because the agentmolecules are ligh

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyoxygen species called 'singlet' oxygen. These molecules too are unstable and also off-load energy to the adjacent cellular structures of the cancer ce

lls which damages and in many cases 'kills' the cancer.Question: How quickly does it work?Answer: This process of damage to cancer cell begins immedia Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

tely and in many cases the effects of the therapy are apparent at the end of the therapy session.. Some of the cells may be killed and fragmented imme


diately. Likewise, other cancer cells can be injured but not sufficiently to cause immediate death. They may be affected enough to simply not be able

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyany cases this is a milder and gentler method of elimination of the cancer cells since this process results in less inflammation and reaction. Another

rather prompt result of the treatment is coagulation and stasis of blood flow in the vessels that supply the tumor.Question: How Is It possible that Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

light can penetrate deeply Into the body?It is sometimes asserted that light cannot penetrate the human body more than a few millimeters or at most a


few centimeters. Therefore, skeptics say, it is impossible to perform photodynamic therapy (PDT) for deep-seated tumors. Yet this statement contradict

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyh the bone and out the other side. Even with a light source as weak as a flashlight, if you shine it on your palm in a darkened room, some red light w

ill emerge through the other side. The ability of light to penetrate tissues todepths much greater than a few millimeters has been confirmed scientifi Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

cally. Dr. Harry T. Whelan of the Medical College of Wisconsin and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville. Alabama, is an expert on the use


of light-emitting diodes in medicine. He writes:" spectra taken from the wrist flexor muscles in the human forearm and muscles in the calf of the leg

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapynd muscle between input and exit at the photon detector." Twenty-three centimeters is 9+ inches. Logically, therefore, if you illuminate the whole bod

y, front and back, with light in the range of 700nm to 1300nm almost any part of the human body can be treated. This is roughly the range of wavelengt Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

hs the most advanced agent are being developed for optimum treatment.1----’---I---’-----------1---»-------’---I---1---4005006007008009001000Wavelength


(nm)The ‘Optical Window’Because light in the near-infrared (NIR) region (700-1300 nm) has decreased absorption by either blood or water compared with

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapyh NG PDT laser technology utilizing a pulsed mode function tissue penetration of Near Infra Red photons (wave length 1200+nm) up to 10 to 20cm so deep

tumor may be treated successfully.Light is visible to the human eye as the colors of the rainbow, which have wavelengths ranging from 400 to 700 nm. Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

Red light has the longest wavelength, ranging from 622 to 700 nm. Light at wavelengths greater than 700 nm is characterized as infrared and is invisib


le to the human eye. Most experimental and commercial photosensitizers absorb light in the range of 630 to 820 nm.For instance. Photofrin (which is ap

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy630 nm. The experimental chlorin derivative Foscan absorbs at 652 nm. Visudyne, which is FDA approved for the treatment of macular degeneration, absor

bs at 690 nm. Another chlorin derivative, SQN-400, absorbs in the infrared range at 740 nm. And certain bacteriopurpurins absorb light as high as 800 Next-Generation-of-Photosensitizers-and-PDT-Photodynamic-Therapy

to 820 nm.Question: What is singlet oxygen?

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

NG PDT Questions and AnswersQuestion: What are the features of the Next Generation of Photosensitizers and (PDT) Photodynamic Therapy?Answer: NG PDT i

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