Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.A. Fiore14, M. Schultz4, D.s. Stevenson3, M. Gauss1, M. Amann; c.s. Atherton3, N. Bell9, D.J. Bergmann; I. Bey10, T. Butler11, J. Cofala; W.J. Collins

12, R.G. Derwent13, R.M. Doherty1, J. Drevet10, H. Eskes5, D. Hauglustaine15, 1. Isaksen1, L. Horowitz14, M. Krol2, J.F. Lamarque15, M. Lawrence11, V. Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

Montanaro1', J.F. Muller13, T. van Noije5, G. Pitari1', M.J. Prather19, J. Pyle6, s. Rast; J. Rodríguez20, M. Sanderson12, N. Savage5. D. Shindell9,

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

s. Strahan20, K. Sudo21, S. Szopa15, o. Wild21, G. Zeng6NB Addresses currently don’t match up with numbers next to names.1University of Edinburgh, Sch

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation. for Meteorology. Hamburg, Germany.4University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Oslo, Norway.5Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), At

mospheric Composition Research, De Bilt, the Netherlands.6Frontier Research Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC. Yokohama, Japan.7University of Cambridg Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

e, Centre of Atmospheric Science, United Kingdom.8.1IASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Laxenburg, Austria.9Lawrence Livermore

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

National Laboratory, Atmospheric Science Division, Livermore, USA.10NASA-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, USA.11Ecole Polytechnique Fed

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation., UK.15NOAAGFDL, Princeton, NJ, USA.16Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de I’Environnement. Gif-sur-Yvette. France.17National Center of Atmospheri

c Research, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, Boulder, co, USA.118Università L’Aquila, Dipartimento dUniversity of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Oslo Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

, Norway.19Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Brussels, Belgium.20Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, USA21Goddar

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

d Earth Science & Technology Center (GEST), Maryland, Washington, DC, USA.22Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York, Heslington, England.A

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation. crops and natural ecosystems. WHO [2003] reported that exposure to high ozone levels is linked to respirator}'- problems, such as asthma and inflamma

tion of lung cells. Ozone may also aggravate chronic illnesses such as emphysema and bronchitis and bronchitis-and weaken the immune system. Eventuall Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

y, ozone may cause permanent lung damage. These effects can be aggravated in children and exercising adults [USEPA, 1999ỊUSEPA. XXXH. Elevated ground

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

level ozone reduces agricultural and commercial forest yields, and increases plant vulnerability to disease, pests, insects, other pollutants and hars

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.i tíHổ Wtg. 2001]. Model studies indicate that much of the world’s population and food production areas are currently exposed to dangerously high leve

ls of ozone /Wsr and Fiore, 2005], and that this situation is likely to significantly worsen over the coming century [fe.g., Prather et al., 2003]). D Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

espite these major concerns, there has been little research focused on quantifying the risks of future ozone exposure of the global biosphere.Ozone is

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

formed when carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons are photo-oxidised in the presence of nitrogen oxides and sunlight. Elevated surface ozone levels a

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and been considered to be an urban or regional problem connected to local pollution and short-term episodes OÍ peak ozone concentrations. However, ther

e are increasing concerns alx)ul transboundary and intercontinental transport of air pollution [fc.g.. Berntsen Ct al., 1999; Bey Ct al., 2001: Li Ct Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

al.. 2002]). lhe atmospheric lifetime of tropospheric CL is long enough (1-2 weeks in summer to 1-2 months in winter) to be transported from a pollute

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

d region in one continent to another. Long-range uansport can elevate the background level of ozone and add to locally or regionally produced ozone, s

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.tfh-ic) reduc e emissions of ozone precursors could lx* counteracted by nonregulated processes on a global scale |e.g., Derwent el al., 20041. Further

more, recent epidemiological studies have revealed damage to human health not only during high-concentration ozone episodes, but also at much lower co Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

ncentrations, even at typical present-day Northern Hemisphere background levels (i.e. 30-40 ppbv)£|WHO, 2003]The number of peak-level ozone episodes i

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

s currently stable or decreasing in Europe and the U.S. [(fei-USEPA, 2004. 2005; EMEP, 2004. 2005; Jonson et al., 2005EEA-.-EMEPÌ). However, in 2002 (

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation. [LMEB 2004 (reports on 2002; or 2005 reports on 2003)](EMEP which report). France, Spain and Italy regularly reported hourly peak concentrations in e

xcess of 120 ppb, levels which can cause serious health problems and damage to plants (EMEP). rhe critical level lor agricultural crops (is this 40 pn Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

bv? based on AOT4Ơ or is it a I lux (was exceeded in 2001) is regularly exceeded al most EMF.P-slalions in central Europe. The critical level lor fore

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

st was exceeded in larger parts ol central and Eastern Europe (F.MF.P). Simultaneously, there are strong indications that Northern Hemispheric backgro

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.cursors, mainly centered on rapid development in Asia (Martin: maybe a RETRO emissions reference?).3Future surface ozone levels will be mainly control

led by the development of emissions of ozone precursors. The implications of the IPCC SRES scenarios [(Nakicenovic et al., 2000]) on future surface oz Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

one levels were discussed by Prather et aL 1(2003]) indicating that surface ozone in the Northern Hemisphere was likely to increase by about 5 ppbv by

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

2030 (the range across all the SRES scenarios was 2-7 ppbv) and, under the most pessimistic scenarios, by over 20 ppbv in 2100. Climate change will a

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.l., 2003]). Changes in temperature and water vapor will affect-ihe chemical conversion ratesA and changes inakef global circulation dynamics may affec

t transport, mixing and deposition rates,and-therebv altering important processes that govern the tropospheric distribution of ozone [(e.g., Sudo et a Ozone air quality in 2030 a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.

l., 2003; Zeng and Pyle, 2003; Stevenson et al., 2005]). The effect of climace-

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

Ozone air quality in 2030: a multi model assessment of risks for health and vegetation.K. Ellingsen1, R. Van Dingenen2, FJ. Dentener, L. Emberson22, A

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