Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

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Nội dung chi tiết: Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandul M. Connell is Assistant Professor of Marketing, State University of New York at Stony Brook and Senior Lecturer at Cass Business School. City Unive

rsity London. Merrie Brucks is Eckert Professor of Marketing and Psychology at the University of Arizona, and Jesper H.Nielsen is Joseph w. Newman Ass Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

ociate Professor of Mar keting at the University of Arizona.Correspondence should be directed to the first author at College of Business, State Univer

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

sity ofNew York at Stony Brook. Stony Brook, New York. 11794, This research IS based on the first author’s dissertation u

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern IrelandTina Lowrey. Maura Scott. Tandy Thomas. Beth Vallen. the editor, the associate editor, and the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtfill comments and

suggestions. Studies 1 and 2 were funded by grants from Cass Business School.3Previous research has found (hat children incrementally learn how to cop Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

e with advertising as they age. The current research investigates whether these developmental constraints in advertising knowledge at time of exposure

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

have enduring consequences. Results from four experimental sntdies show that childhood exposure to advertisements can lead to resilient biased produc

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandelationship between childhood advertising exposure and biased evaluations for products associated with childhood (but not adulthood) advertising. Stud

y 2 demonstrates stronger biases when participants arc exposed to childhood advertising cues relative to childhood consumption cues. Studies 3 and 4 s Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

how that even when ability and motivation to correct bias arc high, lingering positive affect toward childhood ad-related stimuli is a motivational de

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

terrent to correct biased product evaluations. Study 4 also shows that biased product evaluations can transfer to line extensions.4The past is never d

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandng as they age. However, little is known about how exposure to advertising in childhood affects people in adulthood. This is an issue of significant t

heoretical and practical importance because adults remain active in many of the product categories for which they were targeted as children, both for Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

their own consumption and for that of their children. Although recent research has examined the long-term effects of advertising to children on brand

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

recall (Ellis, Holmes, and Wright 2010). many questions in this potentially broad stream of research remain unanswered. For example, do the messages o

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelands for the rest of their lives? If so, how resilient are these resulting biased product evaluations? Are they limited to the product originally adverti

sed, or can childhood advertising exposure cause biased evaluations for new products introduced years or even decades later if the same advertising st Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

imuli are used? How are biased product evaluations resulting from affect toward advertising different from biased product evaluations resulting from f

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

ond memories of consumption? We take a first step toward answering such questions by linking age of initial advertising exposure to product evaluation

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland evaluations that persist into adulthood. Furthermore, we find that positive affect felt toward ad-related stimuli is the mechanism through which thes

e biases are formed. This research also demonstrates that positive affect toward ad-related stimuli leads to stronger biased product evaluations than Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

affect toward the product itself.5Finally, we show that biased product evaluations can transfer to line extensions, are resilient even when both abili

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

ty and motivation to correct bias are high, and have the potential to adversely affect consumer health and well-being.We present the results of four e

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandd that result from strongly positive affect toward ad-related stimuli. Study 2 demonstrates that biased product evaluations based on positive affect a

re more pronounced for childhood ad-related stimuli than for product consumption-related stimuli. Studies 3 and 4 show that these biased product evalu Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

ations are resilient and can be difficult to correct. Study 4 also shows that biased product evaluations can carry over to line extensions when the sa

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

me advertising stimuli are used to promote these extensions.We focus on advertising characters for less healthful foods (e.g., Tony the Tiger. Ronald

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandoften identify with them and develop strong affective attachments to them (Acuff and Reiher 1997; Connell 2013; Garretson and Burton 2005; Moore and L

utz 2000). Recent findings show that the presence of an advertising character can even cause children to judge a food as tastier (LaPierre. Vaala. and Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

Linebarger 2011; Roberto et al. 2010). Given that approximately half of all advertising directed to children in the United States promotes food and t

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

hat the vast majority of food advertising to children is for high-calorie foods with limited nutritional value, such as sodas, candy, presweetened bre

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandc health.6C ONCEPTUAL BACKGROUNDA large and growing literature spanning the fields of consumer research, communication, developmental psychology, publ

ic policy, and nutrition has consistently demonstrated that children do not understand advertisements in the same way as adults do. In this section, w Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

e review prior research on the effects of advertising to children, showing that it is likely to (1) generate positive affective reactions to ad-relate

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

d stimuli: (2) influence children more than adults, due to underdeveloped advertising knowledge: and (3) generate enduring effects, due to the early s

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Irelandevelopment of Advertising Knowledge and Social Cognitive SkillsTo understand how children process advertising information, it is important to examine

the nature of advertising to children. Fun and happiness are the most commonly employed appeals in advertising to children (Folta et al. 2006). thus d Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

irecting children toward aspects of advertising messages related to positive affect (Moore and Lutz 2000). Research has demonstrated that positive aff

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland

ect elicited by the evaluation target requires fewer processing resources (Shiv and Fedorikhin 1999), leads to judgments that are reached more rapidly

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

Peacemaking amongst Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland). and changes brand beliefs (Mackenzie. Lutz,and Belch 1986).

1How Childhood Advertising Exposure Can Create Biased Product Evaluations That Persist intoAdulthoodPAUL M. C ONNELLMERRIE BRUCKSJESPER H. NIELSEN2Pau

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