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Nội dung chi tiết: postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074


A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074ed by: Florida Historical SocietyStable URL: hnp:/ stable 29765167Accessed: 06/11/2014 06:02Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your

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A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074r.orgA Translation History of Fontanedaby Peter FerdinandoInưoductionThe captivity of Hernando de Escalante Fontancda1 by the Cal lisa Indians led io

the creation of a series of documents that vividly depict the indigenous peoples of southern Florida. These writings clearly have proto-ethnographic q postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

ualities. Students of Florida history and archaeology have frequently utilized this information to better understand native peoples who lived on the p


eninsula.2 In the case of Fontancda's writings, however, we must ask vital questions about translation. He wrote in sixteenth century Spanish, yet the

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074econd B.A. in History both from the University of Central Florida, along with an M.A. in Anthropology from Florida Atlantic University. He is currentl

y pursuing a Ph.D. in History at Florida International University. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Jan Walsh Hokenson and D postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

r. John E. Worth, without whom this article wotdd not have been possible. He would also like to thank his family, especially his wife Kelly, whose sup


port was instrumental in completing the work.1This pa|K-r follows established tradition and utilizes Fontancda as rhe surname abbreviation, instead of

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074rsity Press of Florida, 2003); Jerald T. Milanich, Honda Indians and the Invasion from Europe (Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 1995); Ryan J

. Wheeler, Treasure of the Calusa: The Johnson/WUhox Coliettion from Mound Key, Florida. Monographs in Florida Archaeology (Tallahassee: Rose Printing postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

. 2000); and Randolph J. Widmer. 'Hie Evolution of the Calusa: A Nonagrindiural Chiefdom on the Southwest Florida Coast ( Tuscaloosa: University of Al


abama Press. 1988); along with numerous others.[2101Translation History of Eon TAKEDA211English of the twenty-first century. This paper investigates t

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074ranslation into multiple English versions. This translation history is more than a mere recitation of the publication history of Fontaneda's documents

. It also delves into the similarities and differences between these texts, both interlingual!}' (i.e., from Spanish to English) and intralingually (i postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

.e., between the English versions) and assesses the potential influence of individual translators in enacting prevailing societal norms in translation


s, considerations of audience, anil the translator's position vis-à-vis the split between antiquarians and professional historians. The importance of

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074te the importance of Fontaneda to Florida historians and archaeologists, it is essential to delve into the theoretical and methodological background o

f another discipline for the necessary investigative tools to approach the present examination. Indeed, while linguistic translation has been importan postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

t since the mythical confusion of Babel, Translation Studies as a distinct research entity is still relatively young.3 4 Nonetheless, several importan


t theoretical and methodological insights from this discipline influence this paper, including translative nouns, the influence of the translators, an

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074l, with the former focused on the general overarching policy applied to translation and the latter emphasizing the actual choices made? during a speci

fic translation. Moreover, operational norms focus on the models followed for the acceptance of translations as legitimate. Toury also splits such nor postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

malizing into basic, secondary, and other3For example, Piorr Kuhiwczak and Karin Linau, introduction to /1 Companion to Translation Studies, cds. Piot


r Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau, Topics in translation (Clcvcdon: Multilingual Mauers LTD, 2007), 1-12.4Gideon Toury, “ I he Nature and Role of Norms in

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074roeck (Leuven: ACCO, 1978), 83-100.212Florida Historical Quarterlytolerated behaviors. These terms indicate the position of the translation activity v

is-à-vis the accepted translative norm. In this schema, a basic translative norm would be practically mandatory', a secondary norm would be a favored postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

activity, and the tolerated behavior is just that, merely permitted. Such nonns can significantly influence the translator’s decisions. Thus, utilizin


g these definitions, we can effectively track the influence of translative norms on the translations of Fonlancda.rhe work of Anthony PyTn is central

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074anslation history:1) translation history should explain why translations were produced in a particular social lime and place, 2) central object: shoul

d be the human translator, 3) if translation history' is to focus on translators, it must organize tile world around the social contexts where transla postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

tors live and work, and 4) whv anyone would want to do translation history in the first place.6Pym also named three discourses of translation history.


7 The first discount.*, archaeology, discusses the basic fads of translation. The second discourse, criticism, investigates reasons why the facts occu

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074t translation history7 is an important tool to analyze the same document through multiple translations; an idea clearly applicable to the multiple tra

nslations of Fontaneda.The methods for this translation history are deceptively simple; review Fontaneda and his documents, discuss the available adap postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp155074

tations of his work analyzing the transcribers and translators, compare interlingual and intralingual selections drawn from these multiple versions, a


nd finally, link these processes back to the theoretical work mentioned above. Discussion of Fontaneda5Lynne Long, “Chapter 4 History and Translation,

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

postgraduate-administrative-processes-brochures-for-the-faculty-web-june-2018.zp1550746; and Anthony Pym, Methods in Translation History (Manchester: St. Jerome, 1998).6Pym, Methods in Translation History, ix-xi.7Ihid, 54».

A Translation History of FontanedaAuthor(s): Peter FerdinandoSource: The Florida Historical Quarterly. Vol. 89. No. 2 (Fall 2010). pp. 210-251Publishe

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