Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

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Nội dung chi tiết: Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Collaship, including Dissertations & Theses2013Relentless Engagement with state Educational Policy Reform: Collaborating to Change the Writing Placement Co

nversationHeidi EstremDawn ShepherdLloyd DumanAntioch University - PhD Program in Leadership and Change, lduman@antioch.eduFollow this and additional Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

works at:“ Part of the Creative Writing Commons, and the Leadership Studies CommonsRecommended CitationEstrem, H„ S

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

hepherd, D.. & Duman, L. (2013). Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform: Collaborating to Change the Writing Placement Conversatio

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla & Alumni Scholarship, including Dissertations & Theses at AURA - Antioch University Repository and Archive. It has been accepted for inclusion in stu

dent Articles. Chapters, Presentations, Learning Objects by an authorized administrator of AURA • Antioch University Repository and Archive. For more Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

information, please contact hhalegantioch edu, wmcgrath@antioch edu.Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform: Collaborating to Chang

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

e the Writing Placement ConversationHeidi Esrrem, Dawn Shepherd, and Lloyd DumanAbstractThis article describes the educational reform eff orts surroun

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla state-level policies and it directly impacts the lived experience offirst-year college students. To document how we worked across institutions in our

state, we describe a series of events that occurred over several years and that fostered collaborative exchanges. Then, we explore the challenges and Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

opportunities afforded by our long-term engagement with policymakers. Ultimately, we propose strategies that writing program administrators might con

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

sider as they become engaged with state-level higher education policy.Writing Placement as Opportunity for EngagementWriting program administrators ex

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla within classrooms. Sustained cross-institutional partnerships, however, are rarer. But as oversight of public higher education becomes increasingly c

onsolidated and influenced by external organizations (e.g., Complete College America), joint efforts ar the state level to influence state educational Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

policy are not just important but increasingly critical if we are to provide input on decisions that affect ourselves and our students. Here, we desc

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

ribe how we have engaged with higher education policy decisions in Idaho and what we have learned along the way.J88Estrcin. Shepherd. & Duinan / Relen

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla Idaho state colleges and universities operate under a set of state-mandated writing placement practices that allow for little local flexibility. In 1

999, our State Board of Education (SBOE) established cut scores based on standardized tests that place students into (or exempt them from) first-year Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

writing courses at every college and university across the state, regardless of local context. While this approach offered consistency and efficiency,

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

composition scholars will recognize that it is an approach that meets few expectations for purposeful, sound writing assessment.In this article, we i

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Collae so many stakeholders are involved. Placement is one example of a site where many interests converge and refract, and it is that very complexity that

makes the detailed policy work interesting and provocative for all of us. We propose that state-level educational policy is at a “just right” level f Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

or many WPAs to engage with: it directly impacts work at state colleges and universities, yet it moves beyond local campuses. Placement was our starti

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

ng issue; it offered US a particular opportunity to work across institutions and to demonstrate, collectively, what Chris Gallagher describes as “writ

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Collaand we have included as appendices some of the genres we were called to write. While our context is not yours, we also know how critical it has been f

or us to understand how others, in other contexts beyond our state, conduct research to respond to placement policies (see Ruecker; Isaacs and Molloy) Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

or work creatively within current educational policy (see Brunk-Chavez and Fredricksen). Careful, informed scholarship by colleagues across the count

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

ry shaped our work together across institutional boundaries within our state context, and it is our hope, in turn, to illustrate how our engagement an

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Collarogram Administration article, Barbara Cambridge describes how educational research does or does not impact policy. She summarizes the results from Ne

lson, Leffler, and Hansens work indicating that “many other factors currently take precedence over research evidence, including political perspectives Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

, public sentiment, potential legal pitfalls, economic considerations, pressure from the media, and the welfare of indi89WPA38.1 (Fall 2014)viduals" (

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

qtd in Cambridge 136). Cambridge offers four suggestions for WPAs interested in, or in need of, engaging with policy makers on particular issues, and

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colladitions of their professional political lives” (139). Second, she notes,because policy making is fraught with volatile and insecure circumstances,’ kn

owing those conditions is important in attempting to work with a policy maker. Getting to know the person and the conditions for that persons work can Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

help refine a sense of that policy maker as audience for the information to be shared from research and/or practice. (141)By recommending that we und

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

erstand the needs of situations we address, Cambridge positions the work of WPAs as rhetorical. Although it should go without saying, approaching what

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla to our audiences. Although she does nor address it directly, Cambridge marks the artistic proof ethos as an important to WPAs’ work. The flipside of

acquainting ourselves with policy makers is that they also get to know US, which provides an opportunity for establishing credibility. In classical rh Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

etorical terms, ethos has three components: phronesis (practical wisdom), arete (virtue), and eitnoia (good will) (Aristotle 121). As Cambridge notes,

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

educational research may not hold sway in policy discussions. However, if policy makers know us better, then we may draw on other factors, such as ou

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Collaples of how WPAs and English department chairs strengthened credibility through demonstrating our good-faith commitment to relentless engagement in th

e writing placement conversation across the state.Placement as Politicized Assessment Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform- Colla

Antioch UniversityAURA - Antioch University Repository and Archivestudent Articles, Chapters, Presentations, Learning ObjectsStudent & Alumni Scholars

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