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Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthmentCarol L. CwiakNorth Dakota State UniversityThis report seeks to open a dialogue and to shed light on where consensus exists in the field of emerge

ncy management as it relates to what the important issues and fundamental principles are. By examining the responses of thirty-six respondents across south-west-report-card-commonwealth

three groups within emergency management - academics, practitioners and consultants, we gain insight into the field both as it applies to the views of


the specific groups and as it applies to consensus across groups. This report is the result of the time, energy and contributions of a committed grou

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthment academics, practitioners, and consultants began where so many of these journeys begin, in a dialogue seeking insight. This particular journey beg

an when Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard, the Project Manager of FEMA’s Emergency Management Higher Education Project, actively sought out answers to what he th south-west-report-card-commonwealth

ought was a simple query regarding the fundamental principles of emergency management. Blanchard was disappointed to leant that there was no clear agr


eement or anything specifically delineated and universally accepted as the fundamental principles of emergency management. This research effort as wel

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthront), are the byproduct of Blanchard’s commitment to address the foundational matter of emergency management principles.In this study, participants w

ere asked to offer their thoughts on important issues and topics facing emergency management, their view of characteristics as they apply to “stereoty south-west-report-card-commonwealth

pical” and “new generation” emergency management professionals, demographic information and what they believed were the fundamental principles of emer


gency management. The data returned by the participants to the open-ended questions was expansive and is worthy of a deeper, multifaceted discussion t

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthtity of emet^ency management.It is apparent from reviewing the raw data that there are many issues that require the attention of those committed to pr

ofessionalizing the field and supporting the emerging discipline. The intent of including the raw narrative data (Appendix B) as an attachment is to s south-west-report-card-commonwealth

timulate and support a broader discussion across the emergency management community and to empower the dialogue of identity and purpose as it necessar


ily elevates to the law and policy making level. The raw narrative data gives valuable insight into how much consensus there actually is both within t

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealth two groups comments as well, but tremendously time-consuming for the participants. There was an expectation on the researcher’s part that dramatic di

fferences would be evident between the participant groups’ opinions, yet those dramatic differences did not surface in the data. It is unknown whether south-west-report-card-commonwealth

that is a function of the similarities in the demographics or perhaps an indicator of the emergence of a shared identity. What can be stated with cer


tainty is that the most powerful data for consensus across the field and the beginning of a much deeper dialogue sits within the over 70 pages of narr

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthames listed in the appendix. The participants are listed alphabetically without designation of group or participant number. The participant list is in

cluded to provide the reader with an appreciation of the type of professionals engaged in the dialogue and to acknowledge the participants’ commitment south-west-report-card-commonwealth

to contributing to the advancement, and indeed, the evolution of emergency management.Appendix c contains a themed consolidation of Phase I narrative


responses that was created by Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard in March 2007 to inform the Emergency Management Roundtable. The consolidation is included here

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthble group on the elucidation of principles. Appendix D contains the one page summary of the principles generated out of the Emergency Management Round

table in March 2007.METHODOLOGYThis study consisted of two phases. The first phase utilized the initial survey instrument and the second phase utilize south-west-report-card-commonwealth

d a Delphi method approach. Phase I was distributed to 60 specially selected potential participants across three groups of emergency management profes


sionals -academics (A), practitioners (P) and consultants (C). Of the 60 solicited, a number of the2issue J. Principles And Attitudes - Oh My!Examinin

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthential participants indicated that they did not have the lime to participate within the limeline of (he study. In total. 36 responded in Phase 1 (A-12

, P-13, C-ll). of those responding (0 Phase 1. 35 had their open-ended responses placed in a Phase 11 instalment that was redistributed to those who p south-west-report-card-commonwealth

articipated in Phase I lor review and comment (one survey was received back shortly alter the Phase II instrument went out).Each participant group rec


eived for review only the comments made by their own group (i.e.: academics only received academics Phase I comments lor review, practitioners only re

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthoncurrence or lack thereof [concur, somewhat concur, do not concur) and to proffer additional comments. All of the comments rec eived in Phases I and

II are included in Appendix B.It is important at this juncture (0 supply a context for participant response levels and the later disc ussion framework south-west-report-card-commonwealth

as it relates to the narrative responses. This study, although conceived of well over a year ago, was not actually put fully in motion until February


of 2007. Participant lists and the survey instillment were created early on and then sat idle while the researcher was involved in other projects. Ad

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthequired collaboration with others’ impacted schedules. Participants were not allowed a wealth of time to return Phase 11 responses based on the origin

al report deadline (which was subsequently extended, but did not accrue to participants' benefit). This caused a number of participants to indicate th south-west-report-card-commonwealth

at they could not complete Phase II in the time allotted due to other commitments. It is noted (hat (he researcher’s orher commitments condensed (he t


imeline and impacted response rate, of note, the majority of participants have agreed to interviews beyond the survey instrument and those interviews

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthgency management. It must be said that all of the participants have made a sincere and dedicated effort to contribute to this important dialogue and t

heir contributions despite any limitations within the study cannot be diminished.As to the discussion framework, the extension of the timeline resulte south-west-report-card-commonwealth

d in the researcher being involved in the Emergency Management Roundtable in March 2007 (prior to completing Phase 11 of (he study or tills final repo


rt), wherein emergency management principles were agreed upon and put to paper by the working group. A draft of these principles was made available in

Issues, Principles and Attitudes - Oh My!Examining Perceptions from Select Academics, PractitionersAnd Consultants on the Subject of Emergency Managem

south-west-report-card-commonwealthed in the discussion to capture the themes that emerged from the study participants. 1 his utilization of the principles from the working group as a f

ramework is arguably a chicken and egg discussion, as the Phase 1 responses were supplied to, and intended lo, inform the working group (among a numbe south-west-report-card-commonwealth

r of other items). Inasmuch, it is a less a function of supporting the research or the working group's product than a framewotk for what is. llicrc is


albeit a comfort of sorts to be derived in the consensus of themes that have cmeigcd from bodi distinct processes and it lends support to the notion

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