Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

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Nội dung chi tiết: Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainstric coefficient Ep. Selectivity arises from the balance of electrostatic forces and steric repulsion by excluded volume of ions and sidechains of the

channel protein in the highly concentrated and charged (~30 M) selectivity filter resembling an ionic liquid. Ions and structural side-chains are des Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

cribed as mobile charged hard spheres that assume positions of minimal free energy. Water is a dielectric continuum. Size selectivity (ratio of Na* oc

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

cupancy to K* occupancy) and charge selectivity (Na* to Ca2*) are computed in 10’5 M Ca2*. In general, small R reduces ion occupancy and favors Na* ov

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainse. Size selectivity depends on R and is independent of Epi charge selectivity depends on both R and Ep. Thus, small R and Ep make an efficient Na chan

nel that excludes K* and Ca2* while maximizing Na* occupancy. Selectivity properties depend on interactions that cannot be described by qualitative or Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

verbal models or by quantitative models with a fixed free energy landscape.Keywords: Monte Carlo, Simulations, DEKA, Na channel, Ca channel, electros

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

taticssteríc Na' SelectivityBoơa et alIntroductionThe selectivity of nerve membranes for Na* allows nerve cells (0 conduct action potentials and has b

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainss like Nd plays a crucial role in selectivity (in enzymes (3,4) and channels (5)) and thus the molecular and atomic-basis of Na selective binding (6,7

) is a biological problem of great importance. indeed, in a functional and historical sense channels—then called ‘conductances’—were defined by their Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

selectivity, transport, and binding properties before Mullins suggested that channels were pores in membranes (8,9) and Narahashi (10,11) suggested po

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

res were in channel proteins at different locations in die membrane (10-12). rhe atomic (‘tertiary’) structure of die channel protein is of great impo

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainsg from the structure of the protein itself. Unfortunately, the structures of Na and Ca channels are not known.It is natural (5) to imagine that select

ive binding arises from ‘chemical’ effects involving some type of specific localized chemical bond between a Na' ion and binding site of the channel p Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

rotein but it is difficult to convert this natural idea into a physical model that reproduces the binding of a channel as measured over a range of con

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

centrations of many ions. Computations of properties over a range of conditions are needed to compare models of selectivity widi experimental measurem

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains another.Predicting macroscopic channel function from properties of a chemical bond is difficult because the prediction involves quantum mechanics of

a solvated ion in an inhomogeneous system that couples atomic scales of the chemical bond to macroscopic scales of the electrochemical potential. The Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

macroscopic scale is unavoidable because the natural function of the Na channel is to change the transmembrane potential, a macroscopic quantity. The

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

natural function of Ca channels and many other channels is to change the concentration of ions, another macroscopic quantity. Discussions and models o

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains a model that reaches from atomic scales of femtoseconds and Angstroms to macroscopic scales of msec and micrometers while simulating chemical bonds a

nd number densities (‘concentrations’) of micromolar is a challenge that cannot be met with present technology, in our view. Nor is it clear how a mod Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

el with so much detail would yield insight. We choose to consider a simpler model. When simpler reduced models using only physical variables explain b

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

iological data and (unction with a (ew adjustable parameters, they are OÍ considerable help in understanding the system well enough, lor example, to b

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainsothesis that other more chemical effects were not selected by evolution Io perform that (unction.We choose to compute physical effects first because w

e think we (more or less) knowhow to do this, building on the large literature describing ionic solutions in general (13-22). In our reduced model, se Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

lective piopeitics arc outputs of the model that arise from the balance between electrostatic and steric forces in the confined space of a channel. Ou

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

r model includes the same electrostatic and steric specific (i.e., ‘selective’) properties that characterize the free energy1M&2022 1131:18 AMp.2Boơa

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainsement produced by the channel protein to make a reduced description of the structure of the channel.We show here how Na* selectivity can arise (at equ

ilibrium) using a reduced model in a pore that only detects the radius and charge of ions (24,25). This pore balances steric effects of ionic excluded Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

volume against electrostatic effects of ionic charge and uses polarization charges at the dielectric boundary (between protein and pore) to ‘amplify’

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

the electrostatic effects. Selectivity arises from the steric competition for space (26,27) between mobile ions like Na* and structural ions, amino a

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainsiquid (28,29) more than an electrolyte solution. The competition between space and charge gives the acronym CSC (charge/space competition) (24-27,30-4

8). CSC is closely related to models used to compute the free energy of binding of K* in the K channel (49-51).Reduced models of this type have dealt Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

quantitatively with many properties of several types of channels including the ryanodine receptor RyR and OmpF porin (24-27,30-50). In RyR such models

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

successfully predicted an anomalous mole fraction effect before it was measured (30,52,53). These models also explain RyR mutations that reduce the s

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainsls (49-51). Similar models produced a successful plan for the conversion of a nonselective bacterial channel OmpF porin into a decent Ca channel (43,5

5-57). In particular, Vrouneraets, er al, (57) verified one of the important features of the CSC mechanism by showing that decreasing pore volume incr Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

eases selectivity.Our approach is quantitative in that it reproduces the actual binding curves reported in physiological experiments over a range of c

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

oncentrations and in mixtures of ions (6,54.58-62); it is distinct from verbal models popular in structural biology (5,63-66) or simulations with larg

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainselectivity without presenting binding curves are hard to deal with. It is difficult to distinguish one model from another if they do not reproduce bin

ding curves measured in experiments.We use Monte Carlo MC simulations developed originally for bulk fluids (67,68) and then extended to include some o Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

f the inhomogeneities introduced by the channel protein. The simulations include (l)the energies of the electric field produced by the very large dens

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

ity of side chains (i.e., structural charges) of the channel protein, some 30 M in these proteins (see Methods: Channel Model); (2) the energies that

AbstractMonte Carlo simulations of equilibrium selectivity of Na channels with a DEKA locus are performed over a range of radius R and protein dielect

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chainse of ions, side chains, and the rest of the channel protein) that balance the electrostatic forces that crowd spherical ions to these densities. We in

voke only the forces and energies present in macroscopic electrolyte solutions and likely to be present in channels (24,25,36,37,40,48,69-82). These f Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

orces and energies are used to describe the distinctive properties of the channel environment. The narrow space of the channel is produced by the excl

Steric Selectivity in Na Channels Arising from Protein Polarization and Mobile Side Chains

uded volume of the protein and its side chains. The dielectric environment of the protein is included in the model. The electrostatic field is compute

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