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Nội dung chi tiết: Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity


Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityity' for relativistic calculationsMariela SzirkoNeurobiology Research Center. Ministry of Health, Argentine Republic, and Laboratory of Elactronaurobi

cicgical Rasaarch. Nauropsychiatnc Hospital *Dr Josa Tiburcio Borda"Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Ava Amancio Alccrta 1602. Buanos Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

Airas 1283. Argentina E-mail: Mszirko [-at-] Sion.comAbstractThe kinematic consequences of special relativity can be expressed in three-dimensional l


anguage. Remarkably, this does not mean that, for making special relativity operational, positing a three-dimensional ontology Is as good as positing

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityinematic or geometric perspective but in Its modern scientific context - i.e. as regards (1) causation, (2) localized observers that physics finds in

nature and are not mere short forms for reference frames, and (3) the semiosis they develop and use to make reference to distant present objects - thi Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

s essay pursues two alms. First, to put on view that the block universe outlook, regarding the macroscopic-scale universe as a tlmelessly existing fou


r-dimensional world each of whose diverse items is composed of temporal parts, despite its being ontologically incorrect is indeed the only one that i

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativitye macrouniverse necessitate to portray time as a dimension, and moreover as an uncollapsed one; j.e., as a compass wherein mobility, In the vein of th

e translocative motion that may occur on every spatial dimension, ought to be at least conceivable. Second, to probe arguments defending that special Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

relativity alone can resolve the debate on whether the extramental macroworld is three-dimensional or fourdimensional. In particular, since relativity


's condition of possibility, namely the imposition on relativistic observers of describing at once past, present, and future states along the length o

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityhe main argument probed in this paper Is the one claiming that "if the world were three-dimensional, the kinematic consequences of special relativity

and more importantly the experiments confirming them would be impossible." This is acknowledged as exact but it is remarked that, such imposition bein Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

g a Kantian condition of possibility, it cannot reveal anything about what Kant called noumenon, l.e. extramentality.181Electroneurobiologĩa vol. 13 (


3). pp 181-237. 2005The present essay originated as scholia to Ref. 2 (Petkov, see Acknowledgements'), whose structure it thus closely follows.1 Intro

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity exists, is the standard view on reality. Some research in history of Ideas [2;3, pp. 567-823, 963-4] concluded that presentism is generally disowned

only in some human groups where inner coercition is specially important and thus appreciated, such as very stratified social organizations instanced i Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

n rigorist settings as much diverse as certain pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, the shoguns' Japan, and academic societies devoted to logic, mathe


matics, or theoretical physics. Those rigorisms go along with a societal need of looking for exemptions to waiting [e.g., for getting commands done, o

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityenied and imaginably substituted by relations among subjective, mental contents; these contents, when generalized, are often understood as Platonic Id

eas, connected not by way of efficient causality but by their inner buildups or idiosyncratic, essential 'virtues'. In the thus built reality, no 'pre Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

sent' state of affairs is privileged with the exclusive possession of powers to metamorphose itself into other states of affairs. Rather, it is claime


d, every situated observer's experience crawls upward along its worldline collecting sensory information, but Incorrectly interprets this Information

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity.2.Observation matters. Yet, which scientific observation would lend any support to rigorisms? Where on earth one could witness past and future affair

s? A failure of simultaneity might be of use so long as, in becoming simultaneous, the entities leaving themselves to be known as arriving from other Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

times retain a label revealing their formative epoch. Special relativity foresees that If a not-polntlike but extended entity is described by some eye


witness placed on an inertial frame of reference In relativistic motion, each distinguishable segment of the lengthy entity, consecutively positioned

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityose 'presents' did already occur (stay past) and others not yet occurred (remain future) in an inner or proper-time perspective taken by an observer l

ocated at rest in the very entity's middle segment; such a segment in the instant of the description is locatable, after some calculations on the sign Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

als' speed, the nearest to the relativistic eyewitness. This darting eyewitness. In turn, must remotely describe this mid segment of the extended enti


ty (often visualized as a train of wagons, or as a rod pointing to the motion's direction) as it was in the past time which lags behind the outer eyew

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityments, which harbor events described as past and future in the Inner, local, rest, or proper-time perspective taken from the middle segment, should al

so be described by the outer eyewitness as in the present scenario. In this way they are simultaneous for the outer, remote, relativistic eyewitness a Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

nd sequential for the inner, local, resting observer.182Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity?Whence splitting the subuniverse and shiftin


g the halves past another at relativistic speeds should suffice to grace with one's presence both bygone cosmogenesis and remotely impending cosmoclas

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativitycoming from the segments of the lengthy entity. The point is discussed below, though anyone seeking an exception to waiting might find explanatlve the

outline In footnote1; key to give good reason for such sequences' simultaneizing is that, most remarkably, it only occurs inasmuch as the not-polntll Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

ke, extended entity shares In the direction of the frames' motion. The entity, though often pictured tilted at a certain angle, ougth to spread Itself


over a small piece of Its path.But the issue at stake is far more Interesting than estimating Doppler effects on the Pythagorean theorem for a space

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityones, In general relativity), such a null travel be seen to span some distances at speed c. The said neglect of the mentioned calculations depends on

paying no heed to the very building of the developmentally-acquired hermeneutical ability to make sense of the physical semiosis involved in perceivin Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

g distant events. On certain historical reasons, introducing intellectual development1 This simultaneizing optical illusion comas from Pythagorean-the


orem constraints on tha distribution of light-speed signals that undargo Doppler distortion after thair having baan sequentially emitted at diffarant

Szirko: Why is Time Frame-dependent m Relativity?Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Minkowski's spacetime as a Kantian 'condition of possibili

Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativityitness, some past event at the entity's raar has baan already signalized, some time before, by a photon emitted there. This photon has been traveling

some distance while the outer eyewitness fled ahead of it in the same direction with a speed not very different from that of the photon. This redshift Szirko_Why_is_Time_Frame-dependent_in_Relativity

ed first photon thus arrives to the relativistic eyewitness a bit after the meeting instant; namely, at the same instant that another, differently red


shifted photon from the lengthy entity also arrives to the eyewitness, the second photon having been emitted from the entity's middle segment some tim

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