The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

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The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exenst the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise ExemptionWilliam p MarshallUniveriity of North Carolina School oj Law, wpm^ỉfonuil.unaeduFollow this

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UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exeall*Should religious claimants receive an exemption from neutral laws under the free exercise clause of the first amendment? The Author argues that gr

anting a free exercise exemption from neutral laws creates a number of serious problems, including constitutional and definitional ones. He focuses on The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

the arguments that have been advanced in support of the free exercise analysis and the weakness of those arguments. Employment Division, Department o

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

f Human Resources V. Smith, which was decided as this Article was going to press, supports many of the contentions made in this Article and is briefly

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exen surrounding free exercise addresses only incidental and inadvertent regulation of religious conduct. For this reason, the issue in a free exercise c

hallenge typically is• Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law; B.A., University of Pennsylvania (1972); J.D., University of Chicago The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

(1975). I wish to express appreciation to Erwin Chemerinsky, Mark Tushnet, Michael McConnell, Richard Myers, Melvyn Durch-slag, Jonathan Entin, Kevin

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

McMunigal, and Robert Strassfeld for their comments on an earlier draft of this Article. Research assistance was provided by Tracey Burton.These remar

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exel on April 13, 1989. I am deeply indebted to Georgetown for making this Article possible.357358CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW[VOLnot whether a law is

constitutional; the law under attack is usually constitutionally unassailable outside of its incidental effect on religious practice. Rather, the iss The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

ue is whether certain individuals should be exempted from otherwise valid, neutral laws of general applicability solely because of their religious con

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

viction. The jurisprudence of free exercise, in short, is the jurisprudence of the constitutionally compelled exemption.1There are a number of tension

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exet make free exercise jurisprudence a particularly difficult subject for coherent analysis. First, because special exemptions of any kind raise concern

s of undue favoritism, they are normally suspect as violating fundamental constitutional principles of equal treatment.2 Thus, as the Court noted just The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

last week, the conclusion that the Constitution may require the creation of an exemption directly contradicts the constitutional norm.3Second, the di

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

fficulties inherent in exemptions are exacerbated when an exemption favors religion. Beyond general equality notions, the advancement of religion trig

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exeutionally compelled exemptions leads to a first amendment jurisprudence that simultaneously calls for special deference to religion1.Stone, Constituti

onally Compelled Exemption and the Free Exercise Clause, 27 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 985, 985 (1986). As Dean Stone indicates, the constitutionally compelle The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

d exemption is not unique to free exercise. Occasionally, exemptions have been made under the speech and assembly clauses. See Brown V. Socialist Work

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

ers ‘74 Campaign Comm., 459 U.S. 87, 98 (1982) (the first amendment prohibits a state from compelling disclosure by a minor political party of its cam

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exea ex rel. Patterson, 357 U.S. 449, 466 (1958) (compelled disclosure of the NAACP’s membership lists will probably constitute a restraint on its member

s’ freedom of association).2.See, e.g., Note, Religious Exemptions Under the Free Exercise Clause: A Model of Competing Authorities, 90 Yale L.J. 350, The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

356 (1980) (“Exemption doctrine has . . . been unable to provide a principled answer to objections that religion-based exemptions contradict the rule

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

of law, violate general notions of equal treatment, and violate the establishment clause.” (citations omitted)).3.Employment Div., Dep’t of Human Res

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exews ... is a constitutional anomaly”); see also Stone & Marshall, Brown V. Socialist Workers: Inequality as a Command of the First Amendment, 1983 Sup.

Ct. Rev. 583, 584 (noting that constitutionally compelled exemptions are exceptional in constitutional law.).1989-90]CASE AGAINST FREE EXERCISE EXEMP The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exe

TIONunder the free exercise clause and a prohibition of special deference under the establishment clause.4

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

UNCSCHOOL OF LAWUniversity of North Carolina School of LawCarolina Law Scholarship RepositoryFaculty PublicationsFaculty Scholarship1989The Case Again

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