The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAt a time of greater possibilities of mobility, border control has become paramount for many industrialized nations as they cope with the influx of mi

grants from around the world. The normative debate on immigration understands two contending values of security and freedom of movement to be in need The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

of balance in this political issue. However, the search for a morally sound balance between security and freedom of movement has remained detached fro

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

m the modern state's responses to cross-border mobility. In this paper, I turn to Foucault's lectures on governmentality to articulate a critical-anal

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementfreedom of movement, I argue that freedom of movement is integral for pursuing the goals of security. The history of immigration in Australia that cul

minated in the MV Tampa crisis of 2001 serves as example that demonstrates this point. At different junctures in Australia's immigration history, free The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

movement has been instrumental for facilitating and augmenting the pursuit of security.1The debate on immigration emerges as a response to popular fe

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ars of being culturally and economically submei^ed by foreigners who bring different cultural practices, beliefsystems and demands upon the welfare st

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementpromise the institutional, economic and cultural stability of a nation-state.' This situation sparked the debate in liberalism over the conflicting de

mands of security and freedom of movement on issues of immigration. The most promising case for freedom of movement has been made from a liberal egali The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

tarian perspective, where restrictions to mobility are only marshaled when there is a direct threat to security in terms of the numbers of migrants se

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

eking to re-locate. A range of thinkers have criticized this position as idealistic and removed from the realities of sovereign state power. In respon

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementes face in their attempt to embrace an open borders policy. This debate on open1Michael Dummen understands the fear of submergence to arise from a sce

nario in which high levels of immigration make the languages, cultural identity, economic welfare and patterns of association in a nationstate unsusta The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

inable. Thus. Dummett argues that discussions of justice on matters of immigration should acknowledge the right of indigenous populations to not be su

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

bmerged by an influx of people with different cultures. He does however underscore the importance of rejecting the use of this right to deny the legit

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementutledge, 2001), 20-21.2See Myron Weiner. "Security, Stability and International Migration." International Security 17. no. 3 (1992-1993): 91-126 for a

n elaboration of the security problems that results from international migration, including demands on the welfare state, threats to the ethnic compos The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ition of the state and the breakdown of public order. Importantly. Weiner is the one of the early proponents who argued for the need to shift from a p

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

urely economic analysis, which focused on global economic conditions as key determinants of population movement to a security.'stability framework tha

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementaper: how should we understand the relationship between freedom of movement and the demands of security on issues of immigration?The normative approac

h to immigration conceptualizes the relationship between freedom of movement and security as a balance, where we must circumscribe our right to free m The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ovement in our desire for security and limit our pursuit of security to affirm the value of free movement. Such an approach, while useful for adjudica

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ting the morally difficult issues at stake in immigration, creates a blind spot on the rationalities that animate and give coherence to the modern sta

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement state's responses to immigration, is made available in Foucault’s lectures on governmentality at the College de France entitled Security, Territory,

Population and The Birth of Biopolitics. I argue that Foucault offers US a critical-analytical approach to immigration where freedom of movement is un The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

derstood to be integral to the security apparatus. In other words, rather than being in conflict with security, free movement blings about an equilibr

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ium and growth in social relations that facilitates and augments the pursuit of security. This alter native relationship between free movement and sec

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementincreasingly authoritarian measures. I3exemplify this point by drawing on a contemporary example of border transgression from Australia to demonstrate

how the historical anxieties produced by free movement elicit a politics committed to security that ultimately culminated in authoritarian measures t The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

o defend national borders. In order to focus our attention on these authoritarian tendencies in immigration policy, it is necessary to set aside the n

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ormative task of balancing the conflicting values of free movement and security to develop the critical-analytical perspective that is attentive to th

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementconstruct the liberal debate on immigration to lay bare the conflict between freedom of movement and the juridico-legal conception of security in libe

ralism. Namely, freedom of movement and the juridico-legal understanding of security are understood to be competing values in need of a balance in the The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

normative approach to immigration. 2) In order to begin articulating an alternative relationship between these terms, I explicate the Foucauldian und

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

erstanding of free movement and governmental security to demonstrate how they differ and converge with liberal notions of juridico-legal security and

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementism to the critical-analytical approach offered by Foucault. 3) By4drawing on Foucault's lectures on governmentality at the College de France, I argue

that freedom of movement is integral to the deployment of governmental security. 1 do this by underscoring the elements of complementarity, interdepe The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

ndency and augmentation between governmental security and free movement. This alternative relationship between freedom of movement and governmental se

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

curity forms the basis for a critical-analytical approach to immigration, which proposes that freedom of movement establishes the conditions of equili

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementing to a contemporary example of border transgression from Australia, the MV Tampa incident of 2001. The historical context of immigration policies, w

hich culminated in the MV Tampa incident demonstrate how freedom of movement intensified security concerns in Australia to the point of pushing contem The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

porary immigration policies towards increasingly authoritarian measures.I. Security and Freedom of Movement: Demands for a Balance in the Normative De

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

bateA central thematic in liberal political theory is the clash between security and liberty. Social contract theorists such as Hobbes and Locke highl

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration: Foucault on Security and Freedom of MovementAnuja BoseUCLA Department of Political ScienceAbstract: A

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movementwer: an exchange of absolute liberty in the state of nature for security under the sovereign. This basic thematic has5continued to animate debates in

liberalism: How much individual liberty should be curtailed to procure security?3 A key assumption in these debates is that an appropriate balance mus The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

t be struck between the demands of security and liberty. In other words, the relationship between liberty and security is understood to be a matter of

The Critical-Analytical Approach to Immigration Foucault on Security and Freedom of Movement

more or less, and each situation requires a careful calibration between these competing considerations.4The debate on international migration over op

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