The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890ianoSenior Honors Thesis Written under the direction of Professor John Sharpless University of Wisconsin - Madison40269AbstractA national organized ef

fort arose during the nineteenth century to put practical fanners in charge of agricultural colleges instead of professors and scientists. However, wh The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ile this movement failed in some states and produced only superficial results in others, the same movement in Wisconsin produced landmark programs tha

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

t improved the efficacy of agricultural education and the economic condition of Wisconsin fanners. To determine why these programs arose from efforts

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890ociety and the Wisconsin State Grange in their endeavors to reform agricultural education. These groups resented the influence of university administr

ators but, unlike groups in other states, appreciated the work of professors and scientists. Wisconsin agriculturists benefited from their trust in sc The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ientific specialists and experts who existed outside the class-conscious definitions of an agricultural community.2The Farmer and the Scientist:The St

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ruggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848 -1890"This silly notion... that physical Idtxjr upon

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890til more of the educated men of our country dispel it by tire elevation of the agricultural classes to equal influence and power with other callings,

and this c an only be done by educ ated men devoting their lives to agric ulture.”-O'. Held. Secretary of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society’, 1 The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

8761IntroductionFor many agriculturists, the creation of agricultural colleges in the nineteenth century heralded a new instrument of social uplift. N

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

umerous agricultural organizations believed that science and education could free the fanner from the burden of poverty and social stigma. These organ

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890ping fields. When colleges failed to make any significant impact on farming communities, agricultural organizations attempted to take charge of educat

ion themselves instead of relying on professors and specialists. With this self-reliant approach, many groups tried to wrest control OÍ the agricultur The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

al colleges from the professors that managed diem. Some organizations wanted to redirect the college curriculum toward a more practic al, business-ori

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ented educ ation instead of the professors’ sc ienlific cuniculum. Other oiganizations wanted fanners themselves to conduct experiments instead of pro

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890consin State Agricultural Society 1876-1877, 36.3Wisconsin, however, differed substantially from the national narrative. Although state agricultural o

rganizations also tried to gain control of the agricultural department, they were willing to include professors and specialists in their vision of a s The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

elf-reliant education. Unlike historians Roger L. Geiger and Alan I. Marcus’ characterizations of the national movement. Wisconsin did not experience

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

antagonism between agriculturists and science professors during the former’s attempt to gain control of the university’s agricultural department. Wisc

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890ts from the rest of the nation. Because of this cooperation between farmer and scientific specialist, the reform efforts of Wisconsin's agricultural o

rganizations produced measures that disseminated the useful findings of science professors more successfully than the existing college ever could. Thi The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

s result paid off for the state’s agriculture as a whole. The University of Wisconsin's agricultural department successfully instructed farmers of the

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

state in improved methods of dairy production, transforming Wisconsin into a relatively prosperous daily state. Such a transformation might never hav

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890ial and economic uplift.The Creation of Agricultural Colleges in the United StatesMany reformers idealistically envisioned science and continuing educ

ation as the saviors of the farming class. By the early nineteenth century; a few scientists, educators, and naturalists attempted to apply the study The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

of the natural sciences to vocational education. These early agricultural schools, backed by private funding, usually combined the instruction of theo

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

retical or applied sciences with work on farms intended for experiments or practical instruction. A4school of this type first appeared in Maine in 182

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890egan to support these scientists and endorsed a greater degree of education for rhe farmer. These groups believed that education could invigorate the

agricultural community. Two impulses prompted societies to call for agricultural education and ask the support of scientists: one to preserve an ideal The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ized vision of agricultural life, and the other to modernize it and bring it into the industrial age? Those who wanted to modernize farming had notice

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

d a rising number of industrial jobs - engineering in particular - that required technical training and new knowledge. Therefore, they reasoned, fanne

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890believe that they needed a greater pool of knowledge and better, more diversified crops to compensate for economic difficulties. Those traditionalist

agricultural reformers who wanted to protect agriculture from industrialization believed that a more intellectually involved style of farming would ri The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

d rural life of monotony, increase farmers’ social standing, and entice farmers’ sons to stay on the farm, away from rapidly growing cities.* 3 4The m

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ovement for agricultural knowledge had little to do with the opinions of the poor and disadvantaged farmers. These farmers lacked the education, resou

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890tory' of Agricultural Education in the United States, 1785 - 1925 (Washington. D.C.: U.S. Dept, of Agriculture. 1929). 35-45.3Herbert M. Klỉebard. The

Struggle for (he American Curriculum. 1893-1958 (New York: Routledge. 1995). 123.4Alan 1. Marcus, Agricultural Science and the Quest for Legitimacy ( The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1985), 25; Earle D. Ross, Democracy^ College: The Land-Grant Movement in the Formative State (Ames: towa State Coll

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ege Press, 1942), 14-175https://khothuvien.cori!landowning “gentleman” farmers with a relatively high level of formal education? Robert H. Wiebe provi

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890ealthy agriculturists began “awakening both to their distinctiveness and to their ties with similar people in the same occupation.”5 6 * This realizat

ion led to a proud identification with their class, an eagerness to join others like themselves in organizations, and a determination to secure the we The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ll-being of their class as a whole.As a result of growing class-consciousness and westward expansion of the United States throughout the nineteenth ce

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

ntuty, agricultural societies and publications with visions of uplifting the farming community multiplied. The number of active agricultural societies

The Farmer and the ScientistThe Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890by Jack Garigli

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890vely affluent and represented a minority of the farming population as a whole. Still, they made strong attempts to popularize continuing education, cl

aiming to act in the interest of the entire agricultural community. Slate and local agricultural societies published advice for crop improvement throu The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

gh their bulletins and other publications. They held meetings and fairs, allowing attendees to share their farming successes with each other. Societie

The Farmer and the Scientist The Struggle to Define Agricultural Education and Experimentation at the University of Wisconsin, 1848-1890

s and journals also collaborated with professors and scientists in their quest to enlighten the masses. Societies invited guest lecturers to present s

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