The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysisgy Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms:A Meta-AnalysisAlan c. K. CheungJohns Hopkins UniversityRobert E. SlavinJohns Hop

kins University and University of YorkUpdated April 20121The Best Evidence Encyclopedia is a free web site created by the Johns Hopkins University Sch The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

ool of Education 5 Center for Data-Driven Reformin Education (CDDRE) under funding from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Educat

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

ion.AbstractThe purpose of this review is to learn from rigorous evaluations of alternative technology applications how features of using technology p

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysiss to focus on studies that met high methodological standards. A total of 84 qualifying studies based on over 60,000 K-12 participants were included in

the final analysis. Consistent with previous reviews of similar focus, the findings suggest that educational technology applications generally produc The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

ed a positive, though small, effect (ES=+0.16) in comparison to traditional methods. There were differential impacts of various types of educational t

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

echnology applications. In particular, the types of supplementary computer-assisted instruction programs that have dominated the classroom use of educ

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis higher the methodological quality of the studies, the lower the effect size. In contrast, innovative technology applications and integrated literacy

interventions with the support of extensive professional development showed more promising evidence. Although many more rigorous, especially randomize The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

d, studies of newer applications are needed, what unifies the methods found in this review to have great promise is the use of technologies in close c

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

onnection with teachers’ efforts.Keywords: Educational technology applications, reading achievement, K-12, meta-analysis2The Bea Evidence Encyclopedia

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysism the institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.IntroductionThe classroom use of educational technology such as computers, interac

tive whiteboards, multimedia, and the internet, has been growing at a phenomenal rate in the last two decades. According to a rec ent survey conducted The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

by the U.S. Department OÍ Education (SF.TDA, 2010) on the use of educational technology in U.S. public schools, almost all public schools had one or

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

more instructional computers with internet access, and the ratio of students to instructional computers with internet access was 3.1 to 1. In addition

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysiss surveyed also indicated their schools provided various educational technology devices for insuuction: LCD (liquid crystal display) and DLP (digital

light proc essing) projec tors (97%), digital c ameras (93%), and interac tive whileboards (73%). The U.S. Department of Education provides generous g The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

rants Io slate education agencies to support the use of educational technology in K-12 classrooms. For example, in fiscal year 2009. the Department ma

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

de a $900 million investment in educational technology in elementary and secondary sc hools (SETDA, 2010).The debate around the effectiveness of educa

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis983) and Kozma (1994). Clark (1983) first argued that educational technology-had no impact on student learning under any condition and that “media are

mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

our nutrition.” He continued to argue that the impact of technology on student learning was mainly due to novelty effects or instructional strategies

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

, but not technology itself. Kozma (1994) responded IO Clark’s argument by saying the analogy of “delivery truck" creates an “unnecessary schism betwe

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysisark-Kozma debate of the 1980’s has been overtaken by the extraordinary developments in technology applications in education in recent years. It may be

theoretically interesting to ask whether the impact of technology itself can be separated from the impact of particular applications, but as a practi The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

cal matter, machine and method are intertwined. As is the case for many educational interventions with many components, currently available technology

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

applications can be seen as packages of diverse elements and evaluated as such. If a particular combination ol hardware, software, print materials, pr

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysisns of enhancing student outcomes. Components of effective multi-clement treatments can be varied to find out which elements conuibutc to effectiveness

and to advance theory, but it is also OÍ value for prac tice and policy to know the overall impac t for students even if the theoretic al mechanisms The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

are not yet fully understood. Technology is here to stay, and pragmatically, the question is how to make the best use of the many technologies now ava

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

ilable.3ĩhe Bea Evidence Encyclopedia is a free web life created by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education s Center foe Data-Driven Reformin

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-AnalysissResearch on the effectiveness of various forms of educational technology applications for improving learning outcomes has been abundant since the 198

0s. Several major meta-analyses of the impact of educational technology on reading have also been conducted in the past two decades (Becker, 1992; Blo The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

k, Oostdam, Otter, & Overman, 2002; Fletcher-Finn & Gravatt, 1995; c. L. c. Kulik & J. A. Kulik, 1991; J. A. Kulik, 2003; Ouyang, 1993; Soe, Koki, & C

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

hang, 2000). Overall, all came to a similar conclusion, that educational technology generally produced small to moderate effects on reading outcomes w

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysisverall effect size of +0.19 in support of educational technology for K-3 students. Their conclusion was consistent with the findings of earlier review

s by Becker (1992), and Fletcher-Finn & Gravatt (1995), Ouyang (1993). Of particular relevance to our review are the two meta-analyses by Kulik & Kuli The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

k (1991) and Soe, Koki, & Chang (2000), which had a focus on K-12 classrooms. Both reviews found a positive but modest effect of educational technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

y-on reading performance (ES=-0.25 and +0.13, respectively) for K-12 students.Probably the most often-cited review in educational technology was condu

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysisogy was capable of producing positive but small effects on student achievement (ES=+0.30).2Educational technology could produce substantial savings in

instruction lime (ES=+0.70).3Educational technology fostered positive attitudes toward technology (ES=+0.34).4In general, educational technology coul The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K-12 Classrooms A Meta-Analysis

d be used to help learners become belter readers, calculators, writers, and problem solvers.Insert Table 1 here

Best EvidenceEncyclopedia (BEE)AVnpowerrii*! Educator* icttA Ectdencvon proven Pnanim**w beeievi de nee. orgThe Effectiveness of Educational Technolog

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