The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account Language:A Plausible, Strong-AI AccountJerry R. 1 lobbsuse Information Sciences InstituteMarina del Key, CaliforniaAbstractA large part of the myster

y of the origin of language is the difficulty we experience in trying to imagine what the Intermediate stages along the way to language could have bee The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

n. An elegant, detailed, formal account of how discourse interpretation works in terms of a mode of inference called abduction, or inference to the be

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

st explanation, enables US to spell out with some precision a quite plausible sequence of such stages. In this chapter I outline plausible sequences f

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accountthese steps may have occurred.1 FrameworkIn this chapter I show in outline how human language as we know it could have evolved incrementally from ment

al capacities It Is reasonable to attribute to lower primates and other mammals. 1 do so within the framework of a formal computational theory of lang The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

uage understanding (Hobbs et al., 1993). In the first section I describe some of the key elements in the theory, especially as it relates to the evolu

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

tion of linguistic capabilities. In the next two sections I describe plausible incremental paths to two key aspects of language -meaning and syntax. I

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accountduction in principle of intelligent, or intentional, behavior to neurophysiology. Because of the extreme complexity of the human brain, more than the

sketchiest account Is not likely to be possible in the near future. Nevertheless, the central metaphor of cognitive science, “The brain is a computer" The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

, gives US hope. Prior to the computer metaphor, we had no idea of what could possibly be the bridgeXXXChapter for Action to Language via the Mirror N

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

euron System 2between beliefs and ion transport. Now we have an idea. In the long history of inquiry into the nature of mind, the computer metaphor gi

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accountons, and hence to physical processes. We could say that the computer metaphor is the first, best hope of materialism.The jump between neurophysiology

and intentional psychology is a huge one. We are more likely to succeed In linking the two if we can identify some intermediate levels. A view that is The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

popular these days identifies two intermediate levels -the symbolic and the connectionlst.Intentional LevelISymbolic LevelIConnectionist LevelINeurop

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

hysiological LevelThe intentional level is implemented in the symbolic level, which is implemented in the connectionist level, which is implemented In

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accounterge from the entities and processes of the level below.: The reasons for this strategy are clear. We can observe intelligent activity and we can obse

rve the firing of neurons, but there is no obvious way of linking these two together. So we decompose the problem Into three smaller problems. We can The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

formulate theories at the symbolic level that can, at least in a small way so far, explain some aspects of intelligent behavior; here we work from int

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

elligent activity down. We can formulate theories at the connectionist level in terms of elements that are a simplified model of what we know of the n

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accountst architecture. If each of these three efforts were to succeed, we would have the whole picture.1Vanations on this view dispense with the symbolic or

with the connectionlst level.2I take v/eak Al to be the effort to build smart machines, and strong Al to be the enterprise that seeks to understand h The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

uman cognition on analogy with smart machines.XXXChapter for Action to Language via the Mirror Neuron System 3In my view, this picture looks very prom

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

ising indeed. Mainstream Al and cognitive science have taken it to be their task to show how intentional phenomena can be implemented by symbolic proc

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accounttion!*: levels are representing predicate-argument relations in connectionist networks, implementing variable-binding or universal instantiation in co

nneclionisl networks, and defining lire right notion of “dc-fcasibility” or “nnnmonoronicity” in logic3 to reflect rhe “soft corners”, or lack of rigi The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

dity, that make connectionisr models so attractive. Progress is being made on dll these problems (e.g.. Slidslri and Ajjdikigade, 1993; Shastri, 1999)

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

.Although we do nor know how each of these levels is implemented in the level below, nor indeed whether it is, we know drat it could be, and that al l

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accounthould be represented in first-order logic and that reasoning is theorem-proving. On rhe face of it, this seems implausible as a model for people. It c

ertainly doesn't seem as if we are using logic when we are thinking, and if we are. why are so many of our thoughts and actions so illogical? In fact, The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

there are psychological experiments that purport to show that people do not use logic in thinking about a problem (e.g., Wason and Johnson-Laird, 197

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

2).I believe that the claim that logic is the language of thought comes to less than one might think, however, and that thus it is more controversial

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accountpresent. The first three of these features characterize propositional logic and die next two first-order logic. 1 will express them ill terms of "conc

epts”, but one can just as easily substitute propositions, neural elements, or a number of other terms.•Conjunction: 1 here is air additive effect (F The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

AQ) of tw o distinct concepts (P and Q) being activated al die same rime.•Modus Ponens: The activation of one concept (P) triggers the activation of a

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

nother concept (Ọ) because of rhe existence nt some structural relation between them (P D Ọ).•Recognition of Obvious Contradictions: It can he arbitra

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Accountnt Relations: Concepts can he related to other concepts in several different ways. We can distinguish between a dog biting a man (b/re(D,M)) and a man

hiring a dog (bire(M,D)).3See Section 1.2. The Origin and Evolution of Language A Plausible, Strong-AI Account

To appear in Action To Language via the Mirror Neuron System (Michael A. Arbib, Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2005.The Origin and Evolution of

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