When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

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When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programes University of MichiganPrepared for Political Theory Workshop ƯCSD, April 1, 2013Abstract: This essay draws OH empirical work by scholars of policy

feedback to address a normative challenge that arises from what I have, in another context, called the "constituency paradox." The paradox, in brief, When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

is that democratic representatives must posit as their starting-point constituencies and interests that come about only by means of the representation

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

process. Insofar as acts of representation must defer to an origin to which they cannot literally lay claim, I full origin can afford no standard aga

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programigation into what I call the "constituent effects" of public policy: they observe empirically how policy design and implementation affects the formati

on of individual and group subjectivities. I also find hl it the beginnings of an answer Io the paradox, as scholars such as Jacob Hacker, Joe Soss, R When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

ichard Fording, and Sanford Schram have begun to analyze both the discursive antecedents of those constituent effects and the way that they provoke or

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

suppress conflict. Their analyses give rise Io some preliminary working standards whereby Io differentiate between "democratic" and "undemocratic" co

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programception of "interest" or rationalist utopian notion of the "public good. ”I. IntroductionThis essay is part of a larger book project on democratic rep

resentation. It builds on a concept that I call the “constituency paradox". 1 use this phrase to1capture a feature of democratic representation, namel When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

y that very often constituencies and their interests do not drive public policy making. Instead, they take shape in response to initiatives that elite

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

s propose and pursue. I call this a paradox because of our normative expectations about democratic representation: we expect democratic representative

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programe to conceive political representation on a linear model. The representative performs a double action—constituting and speaking or acting for—that dis

locates the represented in time (it is no longer prior to the act of representation) and requires that representation be conceived as a reflexive or i When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

terative process, not a unidirectional one.This paradox poses the following problem for normative theory: if democratic representation has these const

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

ituent effects, then how can we evaluate it? Our most ready measures—responsiveness to constituent demands and congruence with constituent preferences

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program in the first place.Is there any way, working within the terms of the "constituency paradox," to make normative judgments about acts of representation

? As I have demonstrated in an elsewhere, many scholars, when faced with this paradox, refuse its terms. They insist that there must be a relatively i When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

ndependent standard2of public interest against which to hold representatives accountable. Deliberative democrats have tended to appeal to some notion

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

of "enlightened interest," which is what citizens would believe their interests to be under ideal conditions of full, undistorted information and adeq

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programntation Io call forth interests (rather than merely reflect them) and, thereby, to bring constituencies into being so long as this entrepreneurship or

recruitment is "educative" and not merely partisan or self-serving (Mansbridge 2003, 519). On this approach, the paradox dissolves. Democratic repres When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

entation mobilizes only that which was already there but has yet to recognize itself and/or to see itself clearly.There are two arguments against the

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

appeal to "enlightened interests." First, as 1 have noted elsewhere, even its proponents acknowledge that "interest" is itself politically contested a

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programnd Mouffe (1985), Urbinati (2006), Carsten (2006) and others that persuasion is both an inevitable and desirable feature of democratic discourse. By p

ersuasion, I mean speech that is targeted toward the prior beliefs and identifications of a particular audience, and designed to move that audience to When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

assert a preference (or interest) they might not otherwise have held. 1 understand representatives, whether formal and elected or informal, to3engage

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

in persuasion first and foremost to gain political advantage. From their perspective, public education—if it occurs at all—is a secondary effect. Two

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programn persuasion or strategic argumentation and rational argumentation or the giving of "good reasons" (i.e. "perlocutionary" and "illocutionary speech").

1 The challenge is to differentiate between democratic and undemocratic exercises of persuasion, recognizing that education may but cannot always be r When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

elied on to tell them apart. Second, although the mobilizing effects of representative politics challenge foundationalist and quasi-foundationalist de

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

mocratic norms, they are central to democratic politics. Following Hannah Arendt’s notion of "natality," I maintain that democratic politics quintesse

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program rule it out of the discursive space of democratic representation as evidence of manipulation or of representation gone the "other way around" as Pitk

in (1967,140) once put it.In this chapter, I aim to derive a mode of normative evaluation for democratic representation that does not turn primarily o When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

n either empirical measures of constituent preference or on such posited counterfactuals as enlightened interest. My aim is to investigate whether the

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

re are normative1 See Hohman (1988) for an insightful, immanent critique of Habermas's reliance on this distinction.4standards of evaluation immanent

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programa tradition of empirical investigation into what I term the "constituent effects" of democratic representation: feedback scholars observe empirically

how policy design and implementation affects how individual and group actors mobilize in relation to one another and in relation to dominant social in When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

stitutions. Thus, they call attention to the productive or generative power of policy, not just in constituting groups but also in affecting the terms

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

of conflict and distribution of power across the field of politics. I ask here whether their work can also be normatively instructive. And 1 answer,

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programtitutions and beliefs about groups and to assess those against a Schattschnedier-inspired standard: how do the constituent effects of representation r

emake the political/social field? What sorts of conflict do they work to provoke and what sorts of conflict do they work to suppress?II. The concept o When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

f "constituent" effects5https://khothuvien.cori!By "constituent effects," 1 mean the various ways that the enactment of public policy—the framing of a

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

policy debate, policy design, and its administration— configures the field of political conflict so as to affect the formation of individual and grou

When is Representation Democratic? Analyzing the “Constituent Effects" ofPublic PolicyBy Lisa DischDepartments of Political Science and Women's Studie

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Programtities and interests that affects some contemporary normative political theory and political science. By "commonsense," Brubaker means

the tendency to "take discrete, bounded groups as basic constituents of social life, chief protagonists of social conflicts, and fundamental units of When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

social analysis."2 Brubaker uses this term to identify two things.•First, the tendency to regard political group identities and interests as given by

When Schools Stay Open Late The National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

economic or other social interests that are fixed prior to politics•And, second, the tendency to imagine that groups emerge relatively spontaneously w

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