Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspectiveement forthe degree of Doctor of PhilosophyJorg-Rene PaschkeMaster of BusinessSchool of Business Information Technology Business College RMIT Universi

ty39873IDECLARATIONI certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitte Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

d previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award: the content of Ulis thesis IS the result of work which has been carried ou

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

t since the official commencement date of the approved research program; any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party is acknowled

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspectivemy thinking, and provided outstanding support in the completion of this thesis, which deserves recognition. I have been most fortunate to be guided by

a supportive supervisor team A special word of thanks goes to my senior supervisor Associate Professor Alemayehu Molla, not only for sharing his know Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

ledge and expertise with me, but also for his guidance, tireless mentoring and for being a great source of motivation. It was a pnvllege and great ple

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

asure to be supervised and constantly challenged by such an outstanding academic and research supervisor In the final two years of my candidature. His

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspectiveto my second supervisor Professor Bill Martin, for his patience moral support, advice and financial support through the International Postgraduate Res

earch Scholarship (IPRS). which made this research possible, special thanks for his commitment and time in the final stages of this project. I also wa Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

nt to recognise and thank RMIT University, especially Professor Brian Corbitt, for the financial support for publishing papers, attending conferences

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

and providing other resources. Additional thanks go to Dr. John Byrne as my senior supervisor in the first two years of my PhD.Furthermore. I would li

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspectiveas well as Julia Farrell for editorial support To the 250 CIOs and CEOs go my thanks for taking the time and patience to complete the online questionn

aire. Further, thanks go to the fourteen academics on my panel of experts for providing feedback for my questionnaire in the instrument development pr Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

ocess. In addition I thank the two CIOs of my pilot study for their time and the opportunity to interview them. Their comments gave me added insights

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

and improved the research instrument.I must not forget all my research colleagues and my friends for helping me through this difficult journey. Their

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspectivend stefame Grewe.Finally. I would like to thank my parents Dr JOrg-Volker Paschke and Siegllnde Paschke as well as my sister Silvia Paschke for their

motivation, support and. foremost, for believing in me.IVTABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION......................................................IIACKNOWLEDG Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

EMENTS................................................IllTABLE OF CONTENT.................................................IVLIST OF FIGURES...........

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective

.......................................IXLIST OF TABLES...................................................XIABSTRACT..................................

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective...21.1.Research Environment.......................................31.2.Research Rationale.........................................51.3.Research Quest

ions andObjectives..........................81.4.Research Method and Assumptions............................81.5.Findings of this Study............... Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective


Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

Adaptive IT Capability and its Impact on the Competitiveness of Firms: A Dynamic Capability PerspectiveA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the require

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