An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnam
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An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnam
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FALCITY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESTRÀN THỊ HIÈNAN INVESTIGATION INTO ASSE An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamESSING SPEAKING OF STUDENTS LEARNING NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKIN A HIGH SCHOOL IN VIETN AM(Nghiên cứu việc đánh giá kỹ năng nói của học sinh đang học chương trình sách giáo khoa mới, tại một trường THPT ở Việt Nam)MajorCode: English Teaching Methodology: 8140231.01HANOI-2019VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITYUNI An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamVERSITY OF I ANGl AGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESFALC UTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIESTRÀN Tin IIIÉNAN INVESTIGATION INTO ASSESSING SPEAKING OF STUDENTS LEAn investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnam
ARNING NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKIN A HIGH SCHOOL IN VIETNAM(Nghiên cứu việc đánh giá kỹ năng nói của học sinh đang học chương trình sách giáo khoa mới, tạiVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FALCITY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESTRÀN THỊ HIÈNAN INVESTIGATION INTO ASSE An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamECLARATIONThe thesis entitled "An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new English textbook in a high school in Vietnam" has been submitted for the Master of English teaching methodology.I,the undersigned, hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. I have fully ac An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamknowledged and referenced the ideas and work of others, whether published or unpublished, in my thesis.My thesis does not contain work extracted fromAn investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnam
a thesis, dissertation or research paper previously presented for another degree or diploma at this or any other universitiesSigned .................DVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FALCITY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESTRÀN THỊ HIÈNAN INVESTIGATION INTO ASSE An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamNgoc Quynh supervised the entire study and, most importantly, read and discussed every aspect and section of this dissertation with assiduity. Iler recommendations also helped to shape the form and contents of the final version. I am equally indebted for the exceptional friendliness, kindness, and p An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamatience that she demonstrated during my study at ULIS-VNU and my research.My sincere thanks also go to the Dean - Dr. Huỳnh Anh l uân as well as the sAn investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnam
taff members at the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS), Vietnam National University (VNU). who VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FALCITY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESTRÀN THỊ HIÈNAN INVESTIGATION INTO ASSE An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamhers at the high school who helped me in my research, especially the teachers who accompanied me during a long time of my data collection time. The results I have achieved today partially belong to them. An investigation into assessing speaking of students learning new english textbook in a high school in vietnamVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FALCITY OF POST-GRADUATE STI DIESTRÀN THỊ HIÈNAN INVESTIGATION INTO ASSEGọi ngay
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