An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements
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An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES*********************HOÀNG TH An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements Ị HƯONGAN INVESTIGATION INTO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN READINGSTRATEGIES AND READING ACHIEVEMENTS(Diều Ira về mối quan hệ giừa chiến lược đọc hiéu và kết quà đọc hiéu)M.A MINOR THESIS (Type I)Field: English Teaching MethodologyCode: 814(1231.01Hanoi - 2019V IETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSIT An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievementsY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STL DIES *********************HOÀNG THỊ HUONGAN INVESTIGATION INTO THE RELATIONSHAn investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements
IP BETWEEN READING STRATEGIES AND READING ACHIEVEMENTS(Diều tra về mối quan hệ giừa chiến lưực đọc hiêu và kết quà đọc hiêu)M.A MINOR THESIS (Type I)FVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES*********************HOÀNG TH An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievementsesis “An investigation into the Relationship between Reading Strategies and Reading Achievements” is the result of my own research and efforts. I also declare that the material in this paper has not been submitted for any other purpose before.Hanoi. 2019SignatureHoàng Thi Hưưng1ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements and foremost. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Prof. I loảng Vãn Vân for his great support, guidanAn investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements
ce and helpful comments. Without his precious guidance, this thesis could not have been completed.Besides, I would like to thank all the lecturers andVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES*********************HOÀNG TH An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievementsPedagogical University 2. They have been always willing to cooperate in every data collection procedure.Last but not least. I must express my very profound gratitude to my family and friends for providing me with support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and thr ough the proc An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievementsess of fulfilling this thesis.11ABSTRACTThe study was an attempt to find out the frequency of reading strategy use among students at Hanoi PedagogicalAn investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements
University II. It also tried to figure out whether there is possible relationship between reading strategies use and reading achievements. Seventy-twVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES*********************HOÀNG TH An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievementsStatistical Package for the Social Sciences) to determine the frequency of strategies employed by the learners and Pearson coefficient correlation was used to discover the association between reading strategy use and reading comprehension achievement. Independent sample t-test was also employed to f An investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievementsind out how the use of strategics varied according to readers' proficiency, rhe results revealed that learners can be categorized as medium strategy uAn investigation into the relationship between reading strategies and reading achievements
sers and the use of reading strategics had a strong positive correlation with reading comprehension achievements. Also, there are significant differenVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES*********************HOÀNG TH VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STI DIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES*********************HOÀNG THGọi ngay
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