Blockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the world
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Blockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the world
UPDATED EDITIONWith Material on Cryptoassets, ICOs, Smart Contracts, and MoreBLOCKCHAINREVOLUTIONX X**XHow the Technology r J" I ( Behind BITCOIN andO Blockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the worldOther CRYPTOCURRENCIESX**Is Changing the WorldX XDON TAPSCOTT' Bestselling author of WIKINOMICS ' .and ALEX TAPSCOTT"This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world." —Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft CorporationALSO BYDon TapscottParadigm Shift: The New Promise of Info Blockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the worldrmation Technology (1993) Coauthor. Art CastonThe Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence (1995)Growing up Digital: ThBlockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the world
e Rise of the Net Generation (1997)Who Knows: Safeguarding Your Privacy in a Networked World (1997) Coauthor, Ann CavoukianDigital Capital: HarnessingUPDATED EDITIONWith Material on Cryptoassets, ICOs, Smart Contracts, and MoreBLOCKCHAINREVOLUTIONX X**XHow the Technology r J" I ( Behind BITCOIN andO Blockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the world (2003) Coauthor, David TicollWikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (2006) Coauthor, Anthony D. WilliamsGrown up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing the World (2008)Macrowikinomics: New Solutions for a Connected Planet (2010) Coauthor, Anthony D. WilliamsBLOCKCHAINREVOLUTIONH Blockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the worldOW THE TECHNOLOGY BEHIND BITCOIN AND OTHER CRYPTOCURRENCIES IS CHANGING THE WORLDDon Tapscott and Alex TapscottPortfolio / PenguinPortfolio Penguin AnBlockchain revolution how the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is changing the world
imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 375 Hudson StreetNew York. New York 10014©Copyright © 2016.2018 by Don Tapscon and Alex TapscottUPDATED EDITIONWith Material on Cryptoassets, ICOs, Smart Contracts, and MoreBLOCKCHAINREVOLUTIONX X**XHow the Technology r J" I ( Behind BITCOIN andOUPDATED EDITIONWith Material on Cryptoassets, ICOs, Smart Contracts, and MoreBLOCKCHAINREVOLUTIONX X**XHow the Technology r J" I ( Behind BITCOIN andOGọi ngay
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