Business history around the world
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Business history around the world
Business History around the WorldEdited byFRANCO AMATORIBocconi ĩh ỉ it 'ersit) ’GEOFFREY JONESHarvard Business Schoolgsj CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSCAM Business history around the worldMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESSCambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São PauloCambridge University Pressrhe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, United KingdomPublished in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York w w w .cambrid gc. o rgInformation on th Business history around the worldis title:© Cambridge University Press 2003This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisiBusiness history around the world
on oi relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction ol any part may lake place without the written permission ol Cambridge University PresBusiness History around the WorldEdited byFRANCO AMATORIBocconi ĩh ỉ it 'ersit) ’GEOFFREY JONESHarvard Business Schoolgsj CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSCAM Business history around the worldhardbackISBN-IO 0-521-82107-X hardbackCambridge University Press has no responsibility lor the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and docs not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Business history around the worldContentsAcknowledgmentspage xiList of Contributorsxiii1. Introduction1 Franco Amatori and Geoffrey JonesPART 1. GENERAL ISSUES, OPEN QUESTIONS, CONTROBusiness history around the world
VERSIES2Identity and the Boundaries of Business History: An Essayon Consensus and Creativity11Louis Gala mhos3Understanding Innovative Enterprise: TowBusiness History around the WorldEdited byFRANCO AMATORIBocconi ĩh ỉ it 'ersit) ’GEOFFREY JONESHarvard Business Schoolgsj CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSCAM Business history around the world Industrial History62Jonathan ZeitlinBusiness History around the WorldEdited byFRANCO AMATORIBocconi ĩh ỉ it 'ersit) ’GEOFFREY JONESHarvard Business Schoolgsj CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSCAMGọi ngay
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