Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunities
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Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunities
Research InsightsBusiness Models for Renewable Energy Initiatives Emerging Research and OpportunitiesAdrian Tantau and Robert Staigerhttps://khothu vi Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunitiesien .comBusiness Models for Renewable Energy Initiatives:Emerging Research and OpportunitiesAdrian TantauBucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaRobert StaigerE3xpert, GermanyA volume III the Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage (ABSCA) Book SenesIGIGlobalssDISSEMINATOR K Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunitiesNOWLEDGEPublished in the United States of America byIGI GlobalBusiness Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global)701 E. Chocolate AvenueHershey PA.Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunities
USA 17033Tel: 717-533-8845Fax: 717-533-8661E-mail: cust @igi-global.comWeb site: http://www.igi-global.comCopyright ©2018 by IG1 Global. All rights reResearch InsightsBusiness Models for Renewable Energy Initiatives Emerging Research and OpportunitiesAdrian Tantau and Robert Staigerhttps://khothu vi Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunitiesying, without written permission from the publisher.Product or company names used in this set arc for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies docs not indicate a claim of ownership by IG1 Global of the trademark or registered trademark.Library of Congress Ca Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunitiestaloging-in-Publication DataNames: Tantau, Adrian Dumitru, author. I Staiger. Robert w„ author.Title: Business models for renewable energy initiativesBusiness models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunities
: emerging research and opportunities / by Adrian Tantau and Robert Staiger.Description: Hershey. PA : Business Science Reference. [2018]Identifiers:Research InsightsBusiness Models for Renewable Energy Initiatives Emerging Research and OpportunitiesAdrian Tantau and Robert Staigerhttps://khothu vi Business models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunitiese energy sources—Europe. I Energy development—Environmental aspects—Europe.Classification: LCC HD95O2.E852 T36 20181 DDC 333.79/40684-dc23 LC record available at book is published in the IGI Global bBusiness models for renewable energy initiatives emerging research and opportunities
m the British Library.All work contributed to this book is new. prcviously-unpublishcd material.Research InsightsBusiness Models for Renewable Energy Initiatives Emerging Research and OpportunitiesAdrian Tantau and Robert Staigerhttps://khothu viResearch InsightsBusiness Models for Renewable Energy Initiatives Emerging Research and OpportunitiesAdrian Tantau and Robert Staigerhttps://khothu viGọi ngay
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