Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

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Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2artery, and left subclavian artery (Flow chart 7.1).The extracranial carotid arteries: The right common carotid artery usually arises from the bifurca

tion of the brachiocephalic artery. The left common carotid artery' arises from the aortic arch distal to the origin of brachiocephalic artery. Both t Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

he right and left common carotid arteries bifurcate into the external and internal carotid arteries on either side at C4- C5 level.Branches of the ext

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

ernal carotid artery Superior thyroidal artery, ascending pharyngeal artery, lingual artery, occipital artery; facial artery, posterior auricular arte

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2al artery', accessory’ meningeal artery' and anterior deep temporal artery.Hie superior thyroid artery supplies the thyroid and larynx. The ascending

phaiyngeal artery supplies the nasopharynx and tympanic cavity. The lingual artery supplies the tongue, floor of the mouth and submandibular gland. Ti Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

le occipital artery supplies the scalp and upper cervical musculature.Facial artery' branches supply the palate, pharynx, orbit, face and important an

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

astomosis with other external carotid artery branches.Ute superficial temporal artery and posterior auricular arteries supply the scalp, buccal region

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2rsing the foramen spinosum, the middle meningeal artery' may supply a branch, through the petrous bone, to the facial nerve.Internal carotid artery: H

ie intracranial portions are petrous and cavernous portions.Petrous portion of internal carotid artery: Hie 1CA while passing through the carotid cana Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

l, gives of the Vidian artery' which anastomoses with the basilar artery of posterior circulation.Cavernous portion of internal carotid artery': It gi

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

ves off the following branches— Meningohypophyseal trunk, Inferolateral trunk, ophthalmic artery, posterior communicating artery, anterior choroidal a

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2marcation between the intracavernous and subarachnoid segments of the 1CA.Hie posterior communicating artery (PCOM) connects the 1CA with vertebrobasi

lar circulationAtlas on X-ray and Angiographic AnatomyFlow chart 7.1: Cerebral circulation•Anterior branches •Superior thyroid artery •Lingual artery Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

•Facial artery•Posterior branches •Occipital artery •Posterior auricular artery •Superficial temporal artery•Deep branch •Ascending pharyngeal arteryF

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

low chart 7.2: Internal carotid artery branchesInternal carotid artery branchesICarotid bulbPetrous segmentCavernous segmentTerminal branchesand cervi

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2erebral arteryhas no branches1. Vidian artery (artery3. Small capsular branches to pituitarynormallyof pterygoid canal) 2 Caroticotympanic artery 3. A

nomalous persistent stapedial artery in some cases4. Superior hypophyseal trunk 5 Ophthalmic artery 6.Posterior communicating artery 7.Anterior choroi Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

dal artery(Pl segment of ipsilateral posterior cerebral artery). Hie posterior communicating artery supplies the thalamus, hypothalamus and optic chia

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

sm.Hie anterior choroidal artery originates from ICA, it supplies the choroid plexus of lateral ventricle and anastomoses with lateral posterior choro

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2nternal capsule, thalamus, basal ganglia (Flowchart 7.2).Circle of Willis: It is an important collateral system at the base of the brain surrounding t

he optic chiasm and pituitary stalk. It comprises of—the basilar artery bifurcation (basilar tip), Pl segments of posterior cerebral artery proximalAn Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

giogramsIBsegments, paired distal ICA's, paired posterior communicating arteries (PCOM), paired proximal Al segments of ACA’s and the anterior communi

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

cating artery (ACOM). Tit is vascular ring is complete only in about 25 percent of cases (Fig. 7.1). Perforating vessels arising from the circle of Wi

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2or nerve nucleus. The recurrent artery of Heubner originates from the Al segment to supply the anterior limb of internal capsule, portion of the globu

s pallidus and head of the caudate nucleus.The anterior cerebral artery-. The most proximal segment is the Al segment, its origin at rhe terminal ICA Ebook Atlas on X-ray and angiographic anatomy: Part 2

to the anterior communicating artery (ACOM). A2 segment is the portion distalFig. 7.1s Circle of Willis

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

CHAPTERAngiogramsCEREBRAL CIRCULATIONNormal Intracranial Arterial SystemBranches of the aortic arch: Brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid a

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