Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2 United States. Moreover, the rate of labor induction has more than doubled from 9.5 percent In 1990 to 22.3 percent In 2005, and currently accounts f

or approximately 24 percent of Infants born between 37 and 41 weeks gestation In the U.S.* The rate of induction of labor has also increased for prete Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

rm gestations. The Increased Incidence of induction of labor has been attributed to a number of factors, including the availability and widespread use

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

of cervical ripening agents, logistical issues, and an increase in medical and obstetric indications for delivery. Such variables may be particularly

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2he labor process have been studied. Nonpharmacologic approaches to cervical ripening and labor Induction have Included herbal compounds, homeopathy, c

astor oil. hot baths, enemas, sexual Intercourse. breast stimulation, acupuncture, and transcutaneous nerve stimulation. Mechanical methods have Inclu Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

ded cervical dilators (e.g.. laminaria, synthetic hygroscopic agents such as Lamlcel or Dilapan. single balloon catheters (e.g., Foley), dual balloon

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

catheters [e.g.. Atad Ripener Device), and surgical modalities (e.g.. membrane stripping and amniotomy). Of these, only mechanical methods have demons

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2ipping and amniotomy work to efface the cervix over longer periods of time (l.e., days and weeks for membrane stripping), or only in select population

groups (l.e.. amnlotomy In multiparous women). Pharmacologic methods, specifically prostaglandins, are used more often than other methods for cervica Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

l ripening and induction of labor due to their high rate of efficacy and ease of use.’ Multiple randomized studies and meta-analyses have evaluated th

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

ebenefits, risks, complications, and fetal outcomes of the synthetic prostaglandins (PGE| and PGEz) with or without concomitant oxytocin infusions, pr

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2ical ripening or labor induction, they should be weighed against the potential benefit to the mother and/or the fetus In a specific clinical situation

.A detailed discussion of each modality available for cervical ripening or Induction of labor Is beyond the scope of this chapter; however, a list of Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

cervical ripening modalities and recommendations on use or avoidance. based on current Cochrane Database Reviews on labor induction and cervical ripen

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

ing methods. Is presented in Table 12-1. A more detailed summary of specific methods of induction of labor can be found in Table 12-2.Attention Is als

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2ds, including the associated risks, benefits, and safety considerations. The Association of Womens Health. Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) has

published a comprehensive state of the science third edition monograph on cervical ripening and induction and augmentation of labor, and the American Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has published an updated Practice Bulletin on Induction of labor.2'6Although there are current publi

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

cations to advance evidence-based practice in induction and augmentation of labor, similar recommendations for its application to high-risk and critic

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2 respond to physiologic stress, the gestational age of the pregnancy, and the degree of risk discussed with the patient during the Informed consent pr

ocess. To(text continued on paíỊe 194)189190PART III I CLINICAL APPLICATIONTABLE 12-1Effectiveness of Methods for Cervical RipeningEffective methodsMe Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

chanical cervical• Osmotic dilatorsdilators•Laminaria •Lamlcel •Balloon devices •Foley catheter with 30- to 80-mL balloon volume •Double balloon devic

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

e (Atad Rlpener Device) •Extra-amniotic saline infusionAdministration of synthetic prostaglandinsPGEj. dinoprostone (Cervidil. Prepidil)Administration

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2our studies, 267 women •Role of relaxin Is unclear; more studies needed •No difference in Cesarean section rates compared to placebo, but more likely

to change cervix to ••favorable’'Sexual Intercourse•Only one study of 28 women •Impact remains uncertainIneffective methods’Amniotomy alone Corticoste Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

roidsCastor oil. bath and/or• Only one trial on castor oil. poor methodologyenema• More studies are neededHomeopathy•Only two trials, study quality lo

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

w •Insufficient evidence, more studies needed‘Some data exist to support use of the method, more data are needed from larger studies with appropriate

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2armacologlc approaches to cervical priming and labor induction. Clinical Obitetrics And tìynecoloịỊy. 43. 447-454.AlfirevK, z„ & Weeks. A. (2006). Ora

l misoprostol for induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 2. Art.No.: 10.1002T4651858.CDO()1338.pub2.Boulvai Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

n. M., Kelly. A. J.. & Irion, o. (2008). Intracervlcal prostaglandins tor induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 1. Art.

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2

No.: CDŨ06971. doi: 10.100214651858.CD006971.Boulvain. .M . Kelly. A. J., Lohse, c„ Stan, c. M . & Irion, o. (2001) Mechanical methods (or induction o

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

Ebook High-risk and critical care obstetrics: Part 2one for induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 4. Art.

CHAPTER 1;Induction of LaborWashington c. Hill and Carol J. HarveyInduction of labor has become one of the most common obstetric interventions In the

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