Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1

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Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1

•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1n Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhDCenter for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine Uniformed Services University of the I le.dlli Sciences Bethesda, Ml), USAWI

LEY Blackwellhttps://khothuvien.cori!This edition first published 2015 © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.Registered officeJohn Wiley & Sons. Ltd. The A Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1

trium. Southern Gate. Chichester. West Sussex. PO19 8SQ. UKlidiiarial Offices9600 Garsinglon Road, Oxford. 0X4 2DQ, UKThe Atrium. Southern Gate. Chich

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ester, West Sussex. POI9 8SQ. UK 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USAFor details of our glulxil editorial offices, for customer services and

•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1The right ol the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 198

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•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

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d upon as rec mnmemlirig or promoting.! specific method, diagnosis, or treatment by health science practitioners for any particular patient. The publi

•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

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•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1r information does mil mean dial the author or the publisher endorses llie informalion the organization or Wellsite may provide or recommendations it

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ll be liable tor any damages arising herefrom.Library of Congress Cataioging-in-Publication DataTYaumatic brain injury I Vos)Traumatic brain injury I

•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1tor. IL Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon, editor. III. Title.[DNLM: 1. Brain Injuries-diagnosis. 2. Brain Injuries-therapy. WL 354] RC387.5 617.4'8l044-dc23201402

8958A catalogue rec ord for this book is available from the British Library.Cover image: Drs. Carlos Marquez de la Plata and Ramon Diaz Arrastia Cover Ebook Traumatic brain injury: Part 1

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electronic books.Set in 9.5/1 ipt Meridien by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry. IndiaI 20)5

•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

•Ạ WILEY-BL ACK WELLTraumatic Brain InjuryEDITED BYPieter E. Vos, MD, PhDDeparlnienl of Neurologyslingeland HospitalDoeliniliein, the NetherlandsRamon

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