Federal contracting made easy

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Nội dung chi tiết: Federal contracting made easy

Federal contracting made easy

FederalContracting£ Madea MScott A. StanberrywMANAGEMENTCONCEPTSFederal Contracting Made Easy3rd editionFederalContractingMade Easy3rd editionScott A.

Federal contracting made easy. Stanberry((( MANAGEMENTCONCEPTSíííMANAGEMENTCONCEPTS8230 Leesburg Pike, Suite 800Vienna, VA 22182(703) 790-9595Fax: (703) 790-1371www.managementconc

epts.comCopyright © 2009 by Management Concepts. Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any mea Federal contracting made easy

ns, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from

Federal contracting made easy

the publisher, except for brief quotations in review articles.Printed in the United States of AmericaLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Da

FederalContracting£ Madea MScott A. StanberrywMANAGEMENTCONCEPTSFederal Contracting Made Easy3rd editionFederalContractingMade Easy3rd editionScott A.

Federal contracting made easyrnment purchasing—Law and legislation—United States. I. Title.KF850.S73 2009

FederalContracting£ Madea MScott A. StanberrywMANAGEMENTCONCEPTSFederal Contracting Made Easy3rd editionFederalContractingMade Easy3rd editionScott A.

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