Knowledge driven governance

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Nội dung chi tiết: Knowledge driven governance

Knowledge driven governance

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governanceERSITY PRESS0 SpringerLihua YangKnowledge-DrivenGovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collecti

ve Action•.r PEKING UNIVERSITY PRESSSpringerLihua YangSchool of GovernmentPeking UniversityBeijing. ChinaISBN 978-981 -13-2909-8 ISBN 978-981 -13-2910 Knowledge driven governance

-4 (eBook) https://doi.Org/l 0.1007/978-981 -13-2910-4Jointly published with Peking University Press. Beijing. ChinaThe print edition is not for sale

Knowledge driven governance

in China Mainland. Customers from China Mainland please order the print lMH)k from: Peking University Press.ISBN of the China Mainland edition: 978-7-

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governancepyright. All rights are reserved by the Publishers, whether the whole or pan of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, rep

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Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governancehe editors arc safe to assume that the advice and information in this book arc believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither th

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Knowledge driven governance

This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road. #21

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governanceementsI would like 10 thank Prof. G. Zhiyong Lan. He is a very brilliant, patient, and generous advisor, who has helped me far beyond the scope of thi

s research. He taught me how to conduct good research, logically structure my arguments, balance scholarly creativity and professionalism, and work to Knowledge driven governance

gether with others. I am deeply indebted to him.I would also like to thank Prof. Jianguo (Jingle) Wu for his scholarly input and support, which improv

Knowledge driven governance

ed the quality of this research greatly. His contagious enthusiasm for science, scientific debate, and leaching inspired me. Also. I must thank him fo

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governancees.Furthermore, I would like to thank Prof. Ronald Perry and Prof. R. F. “Rick” Shangraw, Jr. for serving as my committee. They generously gave their

time to review the draft of this research and provided constructive criticism and very helpful suggestions and comments. Also. I must thank them for t Knowledge driven governance

heir trust in me and giving me so much freedom to develop my own ideas and thoughts.1 would also like to thank Profs. John Hall. Barbara McCabe. Chris

Knowledge driven governance

Herbst, and Edgar Ramirez. As their research associate, 1 really learned more than 1 expected. Also, I would like to thank Profs. Thomas Catlaw, Eliz

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governanced a lot.Professors Elinor and Vincent Ostrom, as my mentors at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University (Bloomington

), taught me institutional analysis, introduced me to studies of collective action and common-pool resources, and helped me develop the original ideas Knowledge driven governance

for this research.Lin also reviewed one part of this research and gave me some very helpful suggestions and comments. The talks with Vincent shall be

Knowledge driven governance

my lifetime asset.I would also like to thank Prof. Roy J. Gardner in the Department of Economics and Prof. Eric Rasmusen in the Kelley School of Busi

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

Knowledge driven governancean J. Ringquist in the School of

Lihua YangKnowledge-Driven GovernanceThe Role of Experts and Scholars in Combating Desertification and Other Dilemmas of Collective ActionPEKING UNIVE

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