Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
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Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
OECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationslti-dimensional Review of MyanmarVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONSOECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVESThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations of OECD member countries or those of the United Nations.This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
ty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Please cite this pOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsshing.h«p.7/ Q7A <12 C4 220% 0 (|xinl) ISBN 9/8-92-61-2205/-/ (1‘Dl)Serine OECD Develop titer It PathwaysISSN 230» 734X (ixiiil)ISSN 2J08-/B58 (online)The statistical data lor Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility ol Hie relevant Israeli authoriti Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationses. The use ol such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status ut the Golan Weights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West BankMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover design by the OECD Development Centre based on images « Kstudija. Kozoriz Yuriy. Seita. RobeOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationstm.® OECD 2014Yau can copy. download or print O€CD content tut yout own uaa. and you can include excerpu from OECD publication*. database* and multimedia pioducta in youi own documenta, preaentatHiiui, blogfc. websUM and teaclung material*, provided that suitable acknowledgment of the source and ccp Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsynght owner is given All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to nghtsWxcd or? Requests for permission toMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall b» addteeaed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at injidbupyzujhtOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsnsional Country Review (MDCR), a new series that looks at economic development along the lines of inclusive growth, i.e. growth that is also equitable and sustainable and that improves the overall well-being of citizens. The series aims to identify key constraints to broad-based development, and to Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsformulate appropriate policy recommendations to address these constraints, including sectoral as well as cross-cutting issues.the Republic of the UnioMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
n of Myanmar is the first country to engage in such an M1X.R. The first phase a broad diagnostic assessment across a wide range of topics was completeOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsolicy recommendations. The two reports are closely linked with each other, and were undertaken during a phase of fast-paced changes in Myanmar, which has embarked on a new path of openness and development since 2011.The first phase diagnostic report evaluated the state of development in Myanmar acro Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsss a wide range of topics, including natural resources and enuironmenlalcondil/ons,humun andphysical capital accumulation, and various dimensions of iMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
nstitutions. It highlighted some favourable pre-conditions, such as endowments in natural resources and the country's important geostrategic location OECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsoyment for around (:()% of (he population. In order to generate productivity gains and higher incomes for the population, transformation towards a modem economy will be essential, the second chapter of the present report thus looks al the constraints and potential for modernisation of the agricultur Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationse, manufacturing and services sectors.the first report also devoted an important section to the accumulation of human capital.fmding that literacy ratMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
es and very basic education are moderately good but that issues in education in general, especially in secondary and vocational training, could becomeOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations of constraints (notably for the private sector) as well as formulating policy recommendations and priorities to improve educational outcomes.The first report also noted that "access to finance has been one of the most critical issues faced by private enterprises in Myanmarfor many years", giving ev Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsidence of many instances of financial constraints.The present report takes a broader perspective and analyses multiple sources of financing, includingMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
external inflows such as official development assistance and foreign direct investments, as well as domesticfinancingfrom government revenues. It alsOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMul Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationsntified the “lack of institutional and social capital" as the key constraint to Myanmar’s development. Given that institutions are inherently cross cutting and multi dimensional, no single chapter could adequately capture their relevance and importance. Instead, each of the three chapters of the pre Multi dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendationssent report devotes important sections to the analysis of institutional constraints, notably regarding agricultural and private sector constraints andMulti dimensional review of myanmar volume 2 in depth analysis and recommendations
the business environment, educational policies and institutions, as well as financial market regulations and supervision.MULTIDIMENSIONAL REVIEW or MOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMulOECD Development PathwaysI Multi-dimensional Review ÂỀ of MyanmarỴ ỴVOLUME 2. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS®;)OECDOECD Development PathwaysMulGọi ngay
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