Project procurement a real world guide for procurement skills
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Project procurement a real world guide for procurement skills
PROJECTPROCUREMENTA Real World Guide to Procurement SkillsSIP'ZI. Aiav Rharơnvp I c Fno MIF PMPProject Procurement A Real-World Guide for Procurement Project procurement a real world guide for procurement skills SkillsAjay Bhargove, C.Eng, MIE, PMPLibrary OÍ Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNames: Bhargove, Ajay, author.1 ide: Project procurement : a real-world guide for procurement skills / Ajay Bhargove, C.Eng, MIE, PMP.Description: Newtown Square, Pennsylvania : Project Management Institute, Inc., Project procurement a real world guide for procurement skills [2018] I Includes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: IXCN 2017053649 (print) I LCCN 2017055622 (ebook) ISBN978162825'1693 (ePUB) I ISBProject procurement a real world guide for procurement skills
N 9781628251709 (kindle) I ISBN 9781628254716(Web PDF) I ISBN 9781628254686 (pbk. : alk. paper)Subjects: LCSII; Project management. I Purchasing. InduPROJECTPROCUREMENTA Real World Guide to Procurement SkillsSIP'ZI. Aiav Rharơnvp I c Fno MIF PMPProject Procurement A Real-World Guide for Procurement Project procurement a real world guide for procurement skillsov/2017053649ISBN: 978-1-62825-468-6Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc.11 Campus BoulevardNewtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 US/\Phone: +1610-356-1600Fax: +1 610-482-9971Email: Internet:©2018 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.Our co Project procurement a real world guide for procurement skillspyright content is protected by U.S. intellectual property law that is recognized by most countries. To republish or reproduce our content, you must oProject procurement a real world guide for procurement skills
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