Reset business and society inthe NEw social landscape
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Reset business and society inthe NEw social landscape
JAMES RUBIN andBARIE CARMICHAELI_____I-!_ •. _ _ IJAMES RUBIN and BARIE CARMICHAEL4=^ Columbia RiJAinp.qq Srboolhttps://khothuvien.cori!Columbia Unive Reset business and society inthe NEw social landscapeersity Press Publishers Since Ỉ893New York Chichester, West Sussexcup.columbia.eduCopyright © 2018 Columbia Universin' Press All rights reservedLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicarion Data Names: Rubin. James R., 1968- author. I Carmichael. Barie. author. Title: Reser: business and society in Reset business and society inthe NEw social landscapethe new social landscape / James Rubin and Baric Carmichael.Description: New York : Columbia University' Press. [2017)1 Includes index.Identifiers: LCReset business and society inthe NEw social landscape
CN 2017031578 (print) I LCCN 2017051062 (ebook) I ISBN 97802315459071 ISBN 9780231178242 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Organizational change. I IndustrJAMES RUBIN andBARIE CARMICHAELI_____I-!_ •. _ _ IJAMES RUBIN and BARIE CARMICHAEL4=^ Columbia RiJAinp.qq Srboolhttps://khothuvien.cori!Columbia Unive Reset business and society inthe NEw social landscape/20I7031578Columbia University Press books arc printed on permanent and durable acid-free paper.Printed in the United States of AmericaCover design: Noah ArlowCONTENTSForeword viiEditor's Note xviiINTRODUCTION 11THE BUSINESS TRUST-EXPECTATIONS GAP 132CLOSING THE GAP IN THE NEW SOCIALLANDSCAPE 353INH Reset business and society inthe NEw social landscapeERENT NEGATIVES: MANAGING RISKAND REPUTATION 694.CORPORATE CHARACTER 1075THE NEW CORPORATE BRANDING 1316REPUTATION LOST AND FOUND 1617RESETTING THE SWReset business and society inthe NEw social landscape
EET SPOT 193Notes 213Index 235JAMES RUBIN andBARIE CARMICHAELI_____I-!_ •. _ _ IJAMES RUBIN and BARIE CARMICHAEL4=^ Columbia RiJAinp.qq Srboolhttps://khothuvien.cori!Columbia UniveJAMES RUBIN andBARIE CARMICHAELI_____I-!_ •. _ _ IJAMES RUBIN and BARIE CARMICHAEL4=^ Columbia RiJAinp.qq Srboolhttps://khothuvien.cori!Columbia UniveGọi ngay
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