Smart economy in smart cities
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Smart economy in smart cities
Advances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiesStuttgart, Bologna, Cape Town, Nairobi, Dakar, Lagos, New Delhi, Varanasi, Vijayawada, Kozhikode, Hong KongSpringerAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlementsSeries EditorBharat DahiyaChulalongkorn University, Bangkok, ThailandMore information about this series at httpi/Avww.springer.conVseries 13196 Smart economy in smart citiesEditorT. M. Vinod KumarSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, Stuttgart, Bologna, Cape Town, Nairobi, DSmart economy in smart cities
akar, Lagos, New Delhi, Varanasi, Vijayawada, Kozhikode, Hong KongSpringerEditorT. M. Vinod KumarSchool of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi (SPA-DAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiess Control Number: 2016948791© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasti Smart economy in smart citiesng, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation computer sofSmart economy in smart cities
tware, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, seAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiesctive laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warran Smart economy in smart citiesty, express or implied. with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.Printed on acid-free papeSmart economy in smart cities
rTills Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address isAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiesn cities comes at an opportune time when significant global agendas are being agreed. This includes notably the Africa Agenda 2063 in 2014, the Sustainable Development Goals, the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) in 2015 and the United Nations Third Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Deve Smart economy in smart citieslopment (Habitat III) this year. To take frill advantage of the epochal agreements, there is an urgent need to strengthen the capacities of African coSmart economy in smart cities
untries and cities to engage with the preparatory processes in order to ensure their views are taken into account. For example. the preparation of theAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiess to prioritize their needs in the global, national and local development agenda. Close engagement with the development of a global agenda such as the Habitat III process that will be endorsed by member states of the United Nations is critical because it happens every 20 years. Preparation and knowl Smart economy in smart citiesedge are therefore key to developing the framework to promote smart, sustainable, inclusive and prosperous human settlements.The study of the four AfrSmart economy in smart cities
ican cities draws on a robust set of concepts that include planning, housing, infrastructure development, economic development, environmental sustainaAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart cities and learn from the accumulated know ledge on various conditions that make cities smart, green, ecological, livable and healthy: and the progressive emergence of the ICT infrastructures and their correlates such as social media and in general data revolution. With the development of ICT infrastructu Smart economy in smart citiesres and their correlates, w ork places are becoming progressively spatially mobile. Walkability and public space provision have also increasingly becoSmart economy in smart cities
me a central part of planning of the city' of the twenty-first century. Furthermore, with the emergence of ICT infrastructures, the dichotomy betw eenAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiestages traditionally associated with urban setting such as diffusion of ideas, innovation, economies of scale and agglomeration of economies can now be achieved in sparse but connected settlements. This is indicative of the pervasiveness of the ICT revolution in the region and in a sense signals the Smart economy in smart citiesdeepening of the era of digital urbanization in Africa. Given the increasing penetration of digital technologies, all tilings being equal Africa's urbSmart economy in smart cities
anization may well be accelerated and achieved well before the predicted year of 2035. Clearly, digital urbanization will help to address various urbaAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart citiesg: (b) insufficient provision of basic sendees; and (c) inefficient urban policies.We recognize that ICT alone cannot make a city'smart; it is the way it is integrated in the cityfabric that will determine the city' smartness. With an extensive use of ICT to access sen ices, there will be few cars t Smart economy in smart citieshan before on the road making streets friendlier and healthy for walking and cycling. Streets can be planned and designed as public spaces to serve coSmart economy in smart cities
mmunities for social interactions as well as mobility'. Hence, they can promote infrastructure development, enhance environmental sustainability, suppAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, S Smart economy in smart cities, promote the creation of low-carbon cities, reduce land degradation and promote biodiversity.Recently, African Ministers of Housing and Urban Development, convening in Abuja, Nigeria, inFebruary 2016. adopted the Abuja Declaration which spelt out Africa ’ The Declaration contains six fundamental p Smart economy in smart citiesrinciples underlying the AfriAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, SAdvances in 21st Century Human SettlemenT.M. Vinod Kumar EditorSmart Economy in Smart CitiesInternational Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St. Louis, SGọi ngay
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