Global shift mapping the changing contours of the world economy
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Global shift mapping the changing contours of the world economy
SIXTH EDITIONGLDBALShittMapping the Changing Contours of the World EconomyPeter DickenSIXTH EDITIONGLOBAL SHIFTMAPPING THE CHANGING CONTOURS OF THE WO Global shift mapping the changing contours of the world economyORLD ECONOMYPETER DICKENTHE GUILFORD PRESS New York LondonFor Lesley and RogerCopyright © 2011 Peter DickenFirst published in the United States of America byThe Guilford PressA Division of Guilford Publications. Inc.72 Spring street. Now York. NY 10012vAvw.guilford.comAll rights reservedNo part of t Global shift mapping the changing contours of the world economyhis book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyinGlobal shift mapping the changing contours of the world economy
g, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaThis book is printed onSIXTH EDITIONGLDBALShittMapping the Changing Contours of the World EconomyPeter DickenSIXTH EDITIONGLOBAL SHIFTMAPPING THE CHANGING CONTOURS OF THE WO Global shift mapping the changing contours of the world economyng contours of the world economyby Peter Dicken. — 6th ed.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-1-60918-006-5 (pbk.: alk. paper)1. Industries — History — 20th century'. 2. International economic relations.3. International business enterprises. 4. Economic policy.5. Globalizati Global shift mapping the changing contours of the world economyon — Economic aspects. 6. Technological innovations — Economic aspects. I. Title.HD2321.D53 2011338.09’051-dc222010038275ContentsSIXTH EDITIONGLDBALShittMapping the Changing Contours of the World EconomyPeter DickenSIXTH EDITIONGLOBAL SHIFTMAPPING THE CHANGING CONTOURS OF THE WOSIXTH EDITIONGLDBALShittMapping the Changing Contours of the World EconomyPeter DickenSIXTH EDITIONGLOBAL SHIFTMAPPING THE CHANGING CONTOURS OF THE WOGọi ngay
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