Sprititualtity and business

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Nội dung chi tiết: Sprititualtity and business

Sprititualtity and business

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Sprititualtity and businessgm<ỄỊ SpringerEditorsSharda s. Nandram w w w. sh arda@ praa nsol .com +31(0)641403325Margot Esther

Borden. M.A.www.theintegralpcrspectivc.comm.bordcn@theinlcgralpcrspcctivc.com4 33 (0) 6 19 97 33 67, +1 602 74X-4293ISBN 978-3-642-02660-7C-ISBN 978-3 Sprititualtity and business

-642-02661 -4DOJ: 10.1007/978-3-642-02661 -4Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New YorkLibrary of Congress Control Number. 2009932130cc Springer-Ver

Sprititualtity and business

lag Berlin Heidelberg 2010This work is subject to copyright. All rights arc reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specific

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Sprititualtity and businessge in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is pennitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9.

1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from springer. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copy Sprititualtity and business

right Law.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specif

Sprititualtity and business

ic statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.Cover design: WMXDesign

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Sprititualtity and businessor the Seva and the Shakti.My sincere love goes to my family and to all those whom / have met during my spiritual journey; teachers, gurus, swamis, ac

ademics, students and business people, in India and Europe, who have in one way or another helped me transform my life.Sharda s. Nandram/ would like t Sprititualtity and business

o thank my beloved Guru Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji and his wise and loving successor Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji for their constant, patient and lovi

Sprititualtity and business

ng guidance over the years.I would also like to sincerely thank al! my other gurus who are in the form of family, friends, clients and business mentor

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Sprititualtity and businessassion of bringing together and sharing the thoughts wc ourselves have come across in our lives by meeting gurus, swamis, like-minded seekers, manager

s, teachers, entrepreneurs, academics, students, and by reading books and practicing spiritual techniques. We also have gained much spiritual inspirat Sprititualtity and business

ion from the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother to whom we arc grateful.The thoughts presented in this book already exist in the East and West.

Sprititualtity and business

Integrating them into the way we do business, can help US to regain trust and respect in business even in the current economic crisis.We aim to convi

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Sprititualtity and businessugh helping US to live in line with our karma in every context of life, in our roles as employees, entrepreneurs, managers, leaders, mothers, or fathe

rs, etc. These ideals, in order to be balanced, will be accompanied by rational ideals and desires and our aim for success in life. Success in busines Sprititualtity and business

s can only be achieved if the inner life of the managers, leaders, and employees is grounded, spiritual practice is a key for achieving this balance a

Sprititualtity and business

s it helps to come home to the authentic Self. We do a lot to make ourselves appear beautiful, but that focus is all too often only on the outside or

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Sprititualtity and businessga, meditation, singing, etc? Nourishing our inner life will make us feel responsible for what we do. how we do it. and how it fits our calling in lif

e.Our gratitude goes to //.//. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for w riting the foreword of this book. We feel very honored that he shared his words on spiritual Sprititualtity and business

ity with US.We arc grateful to all the authors: Deepa Awal. Margaret BenefieL Pau! de Blot. Mr. Balagangadhara, Luk Bouckaert. Monique de Wit. Henry v

Sprititualtity and business

an Straten. Mandar Apte. Kuku Singh, Ashish Pandey, Suzan Langenberg. Jutta Konig, Wim Keizer. Sorabh Gupta. Prahỉad Singh Shekhawat. Nanik Rupani. Ja

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

Spirituality and BusinessSharda s. Nandram • Margot Esther Borden EditorsSpirituality and BusinessExploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradig

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