The blackwell guide to business ethics

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Nội dung chi tiết: The blackwell guide to business ethics

The blackwell guide to business ethics

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethics9780631221234Print publication date: 2001Subject Business and ManagementEthics » Applied EthicsDOI: 10.1111/b.9780631221234.2001.xBusiness Ethics■Note

s on ContributorsSubject Business and ManagementEthics » Applied EthicsDOI: 10.1 lll/b.9780631221234.2001.00001.xMan Beth Armstrong is a Certified Pub The blackwell guide to business ethics

lic Accountant and Professor of Accounting at Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo. California. She has written two books and numerous articl

The blackwell guide to business ethics

es on ethics in public accounting and she provides continuing education courses on ethics in accounting for California CPAs. Professor Armstrong serve

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethicsifornia Society of Certified Public Accountants.John R. Boatright is the Raymond c. Baumhart, S.J. Professor of Business Ethics in the Graduate School

of Business at Loyola University of Chicago. He has published widely in professional journals on topics of business ethics. His most recent books are The blackwell guide to business ethics

Ethics and the Conduct of Business and Ethics in Einance. lie currently serves as the Executive Director of the Society for Business Lillies and is p

The blackwell guide to business ethics

ast president of the society.Norman E. Bowie is the Elmer L. Andersen chair in Corporate Responsibility al the University of Minnesota. His most recen

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethics. Professor Bowie has been Dixons Professor of Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility al the London Business School and a fellow in Harvard's Ce

nter for Ethics and the Professions.1'homas L. Carson is Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University of Chicago, lie is the author of four books, the The blackwell guide to business ethics

most recent of which is Moral Relativism. He is currently working on a book entitled Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice.Joanne B. Ciulla is Pro

The blackwell guide to business ethics

fessor and Coston Family Chair in Leadership and Ethics at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, the University of Richmond. She publishes in the a

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethicseld a UNESCO Chair in Leadership Studies at the United Nations University’s leadership academy.Janies J. Clarke is Associate Professor of Finance at V

illanova University. He has written in the area of interest rate risk, investments, and bank strategic planning. Professor Clarke is also on (he facul The blackwell guide to business ethics

ty of the America's Community Bankers'National School of Banking and has served on the faculty' of the American Bankers Association's Stonier Graduate

The blackwell guide to business ethics

School of Banking.Carl Cranor is Professor of Philosophy at the University of California. Riverside. He has published numerous books and articles on

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethicsonsequences of the New Genetics. Professor Cranor has served on the State of California’s Proposition 65 Science Advisory Panel. California's Science

Advisory' Panel on Electric and Magnetic Fields, and the National Academy- of Sciences Panel to Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences.Richard T. DeGeorg The blackwell guide to business ethics

e is University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Business Administration and Director of the international Center for Ethics in Business al t

The blackwell guide to business ethics

he University' of Kansas. He is the author of over 160 articles and author or editor of 19 books. Professor DeGeorge is completing a book on ethical i

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethicsSociety of Business. Economics and Ethics.Joseph R. DesJardins is Professor of Philosophy at the College of St. Benedict. St. Joseph. Minnesota, lie h

as written numerous articles in business ethics andenvironmental ethics. His two most recent texts are Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics and Envi The blackwell guide to business ethics

ronmental Ethics. Professor DesJardins is the current editor of the Society for Business Ethics Newsletter.Thomas J. Donaldson is the Mark o. Winkelma

The blackwell guide to business ethics

n Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Director of the Wharton Ethics Program. He has written broadly in the area

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethics to Business Ethics. His book Ethics III International Business, was the winner of the 1998 SIM Academy of Management Best Book Award.Thomas w. Dunfee

is the Kolodny Professor of Social Responsibility and Director of the Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton S The blackwell guide to business ethics

chool of the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous articles on business ethics and business law as well as the author of several bo

The blackwell guide to business ethics

oks, the latest of which is Ties That Bind: .4 Social Contracts Approach to Business Ethics. He recently accepted the appointment of Vice-Dean of the

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethics author of numerous articles in business ethics with a special emphasis on the insurance industry. His most recent book is Education.Leadership and Bu

siness Ethics: A Symposium in Honor of Clarence Walton. He served for ten years as the Executive Director of the Society for Business Ethics.R. Edward The blackwell guide to business ethics

Freeman is the Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration and Director of the Olsson Center for Ethics at the Darden School. Universi

The blackwell guide to business ethics

ty of Virginia. Professor Freeman's books include Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Corporate Strategy and the Search for Ethics, and Envi

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

The blackwell guide to business ethicsries in Business Ethics (Oxford University Press). He has received many teaching awards and has been a consultant and speaker for companies around the

world.Kenneth E. Goodpaster is the David and Barbara Koch Chair in Business Ethics at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul. Minnesota. He has publi The blackwell guide to business ethics

shed widely on topics in business ethics in professional journals; his case book Policies and Persons: .4 Casebook in Business Ethics has recently bee

The blackwell guide to business ethics

n published in its third edition. He has also coproduced an Internet-based textbook and a fully online graduate course in business ethics.

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

OL A(KW| LI IThe BlackwellGuide toBusiness EthicsEdited by Norman E. BowieẾ flThe Blackwell Guide to Business EthicsEdited by: Norman E. BowieelSBN: 9

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