Business analysis for practitioners a practice guide
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Business analysis for practitioners a practice guide
Project Management Ijulihitc GLOBAISTANDARD' BUSINESS'ANALYSISFOR PRACTITIONERSApPLRACT I CT G u I dBBUSINESS ANALYSIS FOR "«ps:«khomuvlen.c<>mPRACTIT Business analysis for practitioners a practice guideTIONERS: A PRACTICE GUIDELibrary of Congress Catafognig-in-Pubbcation DataBusiness analysis for practitioners : a practice guide pages cmInchides bibliographical references.ISBN 978-1-62825-069-5 (pbk. : alk paper) - ISBN 1-62825-069-0 (pbk : alk. paper) 1 Project management. 2. Business planning. 3 Business analysis for practitioners a practice guide. Management I Project Management Institute.HD69.P75B8745 2015658.4'013--dc23ISBN: 978-1-62825-069-5Published by:Project Management Institute. Inc.14Business analysis for practitioners a practice guide
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